Tabletop Warhammer?

Could someone send me an invite to the dropbox? Need to do some reading on plans I have and considering building some theory lists to try out on vassel rather than waiting for Wednesday games.
No Name (750pts)
750pt Grey Knights 6th Edition (2010) Roster (Primary Detachment)
Grey Knights 6th Edition (2010) (Primary Detachment) Selections:
HQ (165pts)

Librarian (165pts)

And They Shall Know No Fear, Independent Character, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis

Frag, Krak and Psyk-out Grenades, Hammerhand, Mastery Level 2 (Psyker (Mastery Level 2)), Nemesis Force Sword, Psybolt Ammunition (5pts), Smite (5pts), Storm Bolter, Warp Rift (5pts)

Troops (585pts)

Grey Knight Strike Squad (145pts)

And They Shall Know No Fear, Brotherhood of Psykers, Combat Squads, Deep Strike, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis

Hammerhand, Psybolt Ammunition (20pts), 4x Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Halberd (100pts), Warp Quake
Justicar (25pts)

Nemesis Force Halberd (5pts), Storm Bolter
Grey Knight Strike Squad (195pts)

And They Shall Know No Fear, Brotherhood of Psykers, Combat Squads, Deep Strike, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis

Hammerhand, Psybolt Ammunition (20pts), 4x Storm Bolter and Nemesis Force Halberd (100pts), Warp Quake
Justicar (25pts)

Nemesis Force Halberd (5pts), Storm Bolter
Razorback (50pts)

Psychic Pilot, The Aegis

Fortitude, Psybolt Ammunition (5pts), Smoke Launchers, Twin Linked Heavy Bolters
Grey Knight Terminator Squad (245pts)

And They Shall Know No Fear, Brotherhood of Psykers, Combat Squads, Preferred Enemy (Daemons), The Aegis

Hammerhand, 3x Nemesis Force Sword, Psybolt Ammunition (20pts), Psycannon (25pts), 3x Storm Bolter, 4x Terminators (160pts)
Terminator Justicar (40pts)

Nemesis Force Sword, Storm Bolter

Profile Summary:

Name Unit Type WS BS S T W I A LD Save Pg Reference
Grey Knight Infantry 4 4 4 4 1 4 1 8 3+ 28
Justicar Infantry (Character) 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 3+ 28
Librarian Infantry (IC) 5 4 4 4 2 4 2 10 2+ 24
Terminator Infantry 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ 27
Terminator Justicar Infantry (Character) 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 9 2+ 27
Name BS Front Side Rear Type Transport Capacity Fire Points Access Points Pg HP Reference
Razorback 4 11 11 10 Tank 6 (No Terminators) 0 2 (Sides), 1 (Rear) 33 3
Name Description Pg Reference
Psychic: Fortitude 33
Psychic: Hammerhand 25
Psychic: Warp Quake 28
Name Range Strength AP Type Pg Reference
Heavy bolter 36" 5 4 Heavy 3 56
Psycannon 24" 7 4 Assault 2 or Heavy 4*, Rending 58
Psychic: Smite 12" 4 2 Assault 4 25
Psychic: Warp Rift Template * - Assault 1 25
Storm bolter 24" 4 5 Assault 2 59

Selection Rule Summary:
What do you consider to be really pricey? Cheapest I've seen it is Gifts for Geeks, but it's currently out of stock. Both SnM Stuff and Models For Sale have it in stock at what I'd say is a decent enough price, and also here on eBay with free shipping.

So we kind of abandoned the game on turn 2.

I'm going to write a bit of a post mortem. Hopefully Newts doesn't mind, we talked about it after the game. I'm in a writing mood and fancy writing some tactics :p
Has everyone seen Deadzone on Kickstarter?

Written by an ex-editor of White Dwarf and looks like a spiritual successor to Necromunda! Like most cult Kickstarter campaigns, it blew through the basic goal in hours.
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