My Archon has a 2+ invul save, 4+ armour save, blaster pistol, huskblade, djin blade, soul trap and webway portal.
drop the huskblade djin blade soul trap and webway portal, thats like 100 points! having so many eggs in 1 toughness 3 easy to instant kill target is gonna cost you that and you cant use two special weapons in one turn, so no extra 2 husk blade attacks
Going with a heamoculi and a unit of Wracks (5)
with the points you save off archon, add a few more wracks with liquifiers they are AWESOME
More Kabalist than Wyches, as I want them fluff based.
thats cool, have a least 1 unit of wyches to tarpit a dread or termy unit in combat for a few turns, 100 points vs 250 for a termy unit, who cares if you lost after 3 turns, you just wasted 150 of his points! p.s haywire grenades are worth their weight in gold, i took a monolith out with them!
I already own the Scourges, 1 unit of Kabal's, Mandrakes, Archon and some new stuff in the post (Talos, Heamonculi and Wracks).
I just cant see the mandrakes being useful :< I know they are the coolest looking things ever with awesome fluff, but next to wyches brides or even a beast master unit they just dont do it for me :<
Having looked and read the army book twice, whilst on the toilet might I add, I have come up with the following IDEA!
Archon (As above)
cut his cost agoniser shadowfield and PGL for assault grenades
Heamonculi (To have Wracks as Troops)
Mandrakes (5)
change them to incubi if you can, im sure your opponent will let you count as!
Grotesques (3)
very awesome unit against orc mobs, just keep a haemie in there or they blow up lol
Possibly Trueborn with Blasters and Splinter cannons. Or Harlequins?
Harlies are no good, for the same cost of a quin with a kiss you get an incubi with str 4 power weapons and 3+ armour save!
Troops would be bulked out with 3 or 4 Kabal units and 1 or 2 5 man Wrack units. Mainly all armed with Splinter cannons as upgrades and Raiders?
never used a gunboat, my raiders just tend to get my unit into CC then pick off the odd tank
Fast Attack would be my Scourges and some Reavers. Like the look and stats of Hellions, but unsure if they would 'work' or 'fit in'.
Hellions would only work with Baron as extra HQ, giving them + 1 cover save reroll to hit and run distance you hit and run and ALL dangerous terrain test is a no brainer! but dont think they can take a CC orientated unit out on their own, the 5+ save hurts them
Heavy would be 1 Talos and 2 Ravager if I can afford, points wise.
thats cool, make it a shooty talos with a little CC, twin linked Hawyire launcher will hellp vs monoliths and land raiders at least guaranteeing a stun!
The talos would be held in reserve until I deploy the portal.
only use portals in 2's cos its easy for a unit to surround your portal which means the talos wont be able to deploy
What would you change above? I am aiming for a nice 2K army with options of making it 1500 or what ever, without losing too much 'umph'.
The background is the Archon leads his Kabal on a raiding trip to a nearby planet. After striking, as he is making his escape, the Heamonculi contacts him with an offer, he is a member of the Prophets of Flesh and wants away from Urien Rakarth. So, the Heamonculi and my Archon ally, with a small force, they make for the Archon's home planet, not too far from Commoragh.
archon leads his kabal on a raiding trip with his personal retinue of his most trusted incubi (thats right they only tried to kill him twice), After making his escape a fledgeling hamie thats trying to impress rakarth decides he wants some new test subjects for his growing grotesque slaves.
would be even flufflier if the haemie didnt mind using the archons trops as fodder to test his new war construct! damn those sneaky haemies!
And that is my basic fluff.
I dont really want anything 'wyche' based, as it would brake my background.
so, what else do you suggest or would you change?