Tabletop Warhammer?

such an addictive game, got 5 armies now :<

A couple of pictures of my tau!

gotta get my behind in gear an sell these :/

Then stealth suit coming out of/going into stealth looks truly awesome!
And what exactly is BFG?

Edit: Just saw the rulebook, Battle fleet gothic :P
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Battle Fleet Gothic, its like epic 40k in space!

never actually played it though

and cheers, I like my little stealth suit too, heres a better front shot

Went & got me some new stuff today


Warsphinx looks awesome. Need to read the rules etc before I can build it though, need to decide on which options to use for it.

& my god the rule book is huge. When I looked at the website & saw it was £45 I thought they were having a laugh, but now I actually have the book, it seems very well bound & is worth the money.
That stealth suit looks epic, awesome job. Reminds me of a predator :P. Haven't done anything with models for a few years now but I still think the books are brilliant. The Gaunt's Ghosts series is a cracker.
Raziel did you pay 45 quid for the book?, Is it actually worth it as in the content as i am not sure whether tog et that or the A5 version for about half the price, would be nice to get the hardback version i suppose. And is that tomb kings book hardback too?
yeah I paid £45 for in it a GW store, you can get it cheaper online though, but I decided to get it instore as I was getting the tomb kings book (which yes is hard back too) & didn't want to wait.

Having read through some of it now, yes it is worth the money imo. Pop along to a GW store & have a leaf through their display copy & then order it from wayland or one of the other online stores if you like it. I bought the little version of the 40k rules & its just not the same as having the big sized book

tomb kings book is great too, loads of fluff
The A5 book is a must if you go to a club etc its just so much easier to carry about and flick through. It also doesnt hae any of the hobby info in it either.

I own both and the hardback sits on the shelf all the time
yeah if I end up gaming outside my house I'll probably pick up an a5 book. as it is I'm in the process of setting up a gaming area at home & thats where me & my friends will be gaming for the forseeable future
Have a look at the starter box if you are thinking of a skaven army, some of the models included are very nice.

Other than that, I'm no help. I've missed an entire edition of warhammer since I last played. I'm still reading the core rules, haven't even started on the tomb kings rules yet
Just a bit of an update,
I have made a project to create the cheapest possible fantasy ogre kingdoms army by using second hand sources, so far i have spent 49 Pounds and have got, The army book, A tyrant, A butcher, 18 Bulls, 4 Leadbelchers, all second hand but i am stripping them and repainting them, the army is about 1100 points which is not bad for a tad under 50 quid.

As for starting a new army i would go straight for the battalion from a 3rd party supplier as GW just hiked the prices and they are now about 60 pounds a piece.
Is there a decent 2nd hand market for this? Doing a pre-move clear out & I found my Imperial Guard & Eldar 40k figures, pretty much all metal (lead) from the mid 90s.
If you've got the time do some research on the characters etc (checking ebay auctions is often fairly fast), as some of them can go for silly money if they've not been making that model or character for a while (IIRC there are some characters that have been in the rule books for a while but either don't have a specific model available any more, or the new model isn't liked as much as the older one).
just got an email off maelstrom games with a discount code in :D Payday tomorrow & birthday on monday, think I may have to invest in some more of the new tomb kings models
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