Tabletop Warhammer?

After grabbing some daemonettes and seekers on eBay I'm quite tempted to temporarily stop working on my Slaanesh force to break up the pink painting. I still have the daemons to do along with my bikers but as I have a 1500pt force I can use I can afford to take time off them. Might see how the eldar models turn out otherwise I'm possibly thinking about either Imperial Fists, Ultramarines or White Consuls.
I don't know, the ones I tend to see in wine bottles are always really narrow and not tapered very much. I bought these ones so that I had something that would be less likely to fall over, although if I was buying again I would probably go for some with a slightly larger diameter. I got these ones from Just Cork, if I remember rightly.
Well, looks like the next few months are going to be pretty expensive for me. :o

I'm guessing if the announcement is coming on Saturday, we can expect the release to be towards the end of June?
New heresy models. Incase people havent seen them. Highlights for me are noise marines which will replace my GW ones and the emperors children terminators. Love that pattern of armour so I will pick them up aswell. Erebus is awesone aswell. Love the word bearers and he almost makes me want to start word bearers...

As a side note does anyone here have betryal? Still not picked it up but im really thinking about it
Yeah as soon as the email comes through im going to pre order them and pull the arms off my existing ones and re purpose them. Hopefully if I get a game on thursday I can see better use for my terminators so I can justify upgrading them. I really like the look of the helmets for them which seeing as I use grey knight helmets for my terminators it doesnt look too dissimilar
New heresy models. Incase people havent seen them. Highlights for me are noise marines which will replace my GW ones and the emperors children terminators. Love that pattern of armour so I will pick them up aswell. Erebus is awesone aswell. Love the word bearers and he almost makes me want to start word bearers...

WANT! I still haven't painted by Angron yet though. :(

As a side note does anyone here have betryal? Still not picked it up but im really thinking about it

Yeah, it's a big *******. Lots of interesting maps and background.
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