Tabletop Warhammer?

New Tau update for Vassal is coming :)

I downloaded vassel the other day and promptly got confused. How good is it for teaching someone the rules? I have a mate whos interested in 40k but wants to try a game to see if he likes it and this seems like a good idea once I get it working.
...not too bad I think. You need to read the rules first though definitely. We've all come back into the game just fine using Vassal so it's clearly possible.
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Yeah im gonna give him my big rulebook to read through first. Then the next time we have one of our lan gatherings I was gonna try a game then. Failing that itll be after ive got my daemons bought/painted and he can use my CSM and ill use the daemons.
Yeah there's no closer really. It has very few cons and a lot of pros.

price (free)
can experiment with multiple armies without multiple moolah
geographical location not a limitation
quicker than a real battle
built in functions make some things quicker

Doesn't have the 'feel' of a real battle
Some things have to be agreed between the players (Line of Sight for example) due to the limitations of 2D.
My latest ebay purchase has arrived

Doom Rider will do nicely as my chaos lord on a bike.

EDIT: Had to balance him against another biker as he came with no base. I need to replace the bases on those other ebay bought bikers anyway as they are the old small cavalry bases.
My latest ebay purchase has arrived

Doom Rider will do nicely as my chaos lord on a bike.

EDIT: Had to balance him against another biker as he came with no base. I need to replace the bases on those other ebay bought bikers anyway as they are the old small cavalry bases.

Nice score! Any particular reason for wanting to swap out the old bases?

My Reaper Dark Heaven Legends mini arrived today. I got Tuomas the Seeker and it's a pretty cool little miniature indeed. The base is solid metal and attached directly to the model, which I don't particularly like, although it is textured. There's a lot of cloth to paint but I'm not sure what kind of colours to use yet. Looking forward to it, though as it's something a bit different again. :)
Nice score! Any particular reason for wanting to swap out the old bases?

My Reaper Dark Heaven Legends mini arrived today. I got Tuomas the Seeker and it's a pretty cool little miniature indeed. The base is solid metal and attached directly to the model, which I don't particularly like, although it is textured. There's a lot of cloth to paint but I'm not sure what kind of colours to use yet. Looking forward to it, though as it's something a bit different again. :)

Yeah he was about a tenner. Would have been more to buy a finecast one if he still existed so that was a plus.

Ill be swapping out the bases because at the moment I can run 5+Doom Rider but if I want to up the squad the new bikes will have the new bike bases I would imagine and then they wont match and it will irritate me no end. So since Doom Rider needs a base anyway I might aswell get enough for everyone. Adding more bikes will mean swapping the forgefiends for oblits or something so im going to give the fiends another go next week and run the bikes as is and see if I think they need more.
Small weekend update.


Click for the larger image. I sprayed the Dark Angels with the base colour and then peeled away the masking on the left kneepads. This did not go well at all, so I ended up having to touch up and spray over the bone with green, which had a negative nevative effect on the kneepad area but nothing massive. Hopefully you can see where I did the zenithal highlighting with the primer prior to spraying the basecoat on (I definitely need to take better photos), it's most noticeable on the right arm and shoulderpad, but there's some on the face and head, tips of the feet and right kneepad. I'm really not happy with the results I got this time round, so I think a slightly heavier dusting with the grey and then maybe some white on the extreme areas might be a better way to go in future. Shoulderpad icons, chest eagles and eyes are done with their base colours but I still need to do the grenades, leather and tubing between armour.

The other part of my update is the Necromunda stuff that this Marine is standing on. As the only Specialist Games stuff that I wanted left available was the Escher gang, I bought the gang and two blisters; not going to get to them in the next couple of months, but at least I have them before they disappear. Well, other than the Plasma Gun Heavy that I need to track down without spending a fortune on... :o
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