Tabletop Warhammer?

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I think I'm the same mate, my painting is amatuer at best at the moment! Still, I'm only on to my 4th model; plenty of time to progress! :D

Got my mitts on a few space marines that weren't wanted anymore. Some of them have the pointed snout on the helmet and others have the grill mouth like in post 507.

What's the difference ? Also, what chapter should I paint them ? I am thinking Ultra Marines.

Got my mitts on a few space marines that weren't wanted anymore. Some of them have the pointed snout on the helmet and others have the grill mouth like in post 507.

What's the difference ? Also, what chapter should I paint them ? I am thinking Ultra Marines.

It's just from different types of armour. The pointed helmets, normally referred to as "beakies", are from MkVI armour, the grill-mouthed ones are from later versions. So, basically, not much. :p
I had a quite expansive Chaos army.

2 Bloodthirsters
10 Terminators
16 Berserkers
Juggernaut of Khorne
Various Marine Squads
Jet Pack Berserkers (forget what they were called)

Worked out i had over £400.00 worth which my Dad began to throw away all because i left (i swear to god) 3 items of clothing on the floor from the night before...

Eventually found them in his greenhouse, got em out and dusted em off. Gave them to my best mates little brother when i was 16ish.

What got me started was mates Dad who had a small collection. We used to play the old space marine board game with some units from my chaos army. Had a mate that played by the "proper" rules where a bloodthirster could be killed with a water pistol, so nicked some of his units and when he'd gone me and my mate shot them with his air rifle hehe... good times...
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Just working on my Warrior Priest. So far only skin and skirt is done. Gone for a different approach on the skin.

Very pleased, just unsure what direction to take the armor. Bright gold or bright silver...


Those models are looking great :)

I'm slowly managing to make some headway with my secondary Tau team, it's taken 3 months to get to the point where the (30) drones are nearly done as I'm lucky to manage 20-30 minutes every other day painting at the moment.

I went to Campaign in MK this afternoon which was definitely a mistake, every year I go, every year I seem to spend a lot on it.
This year I got a load of Tyranids from the Bring and Buy for £120 (unpainted but assembled with all the spares still on the sprues).

Apparently it's about 2000 points worth
24x Hormagaunts
24x Genestealers
10x Gargoyles
16x Termagant
3x Warriors
3x Ripper Swarms
Hive Tyrant (metal, boo hiss)

I'm thinking for most of them I should be able to airbrush the basic colours before washing and highlighting, which should be fairly fast.
I'm not one to ask about colour schemes really, as I usually can't decide until I've actually picked up the brush and started ;) (and will usually go for an easy colour scheme to do).

Do you want a "vanilla" chapter (basic rules, so called "codex" type), or one of the more interesting ones such as Dark Angels (almost vampire marines:p), Space Wolves, Black Templars etc? (my suggestion would be Space Wolves, for obvious reason:p)
This thread has made me realise a couple things..

#1 I need to sacrifice a day of my vacation time to break my painting abstenance. I stopped painting around 20 years ago, but last year found a couple of my old models and decided to go on a shopping trip for some stuff. It's sat in a cupboard since :(

#2 This talk of space marines, necrons, and tau makes me want to reinstall my Dawn of War games and expansions again.

Precious few of my models survived the passage of time, and around 95% of them are missing (I still have them, just **** knows where). Here's one that didn't do too badly, the varnish coat has messed with the fur highlight pigment somewhat, and it has a couple of chips in the paintwork. Still brings a smile out though and could have faired much worse for the knocking around it's taken:


Regarding painting reds that was mentioned - total bitch to do back in the day I remember, the red/orange/yellow pigments were very lucid and simply would not cover anything. I'm hoping the foundation paints will help cure that, at least for the base coats (did not exist back then). When it came to building up highlights I'd sometimes do things like a very light white drybrush over the red base, then go over the top of that with progressive highlight coats using red/orange/yellow mixes to keep the hue rich. Hated doing it though, despite Blood Angels being one of my favourite chapter suits, and never fully satisfied with the outcome.
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The foundation paints are a god send if you need to paint areas yellow/red/any bright colour but need a black undercoat for the majority of the model. They do tend to dry out quickly in the pot though.

I hate doing red in large areas like space marine armor. Its the reason I've never done a blood angel army, I know I'd never be happy with the paint job.
The foundation paints are a god send if you need to paint areas yellow/red/any bright colour but need a black undercoat for the majority of the model. They do tend to dry out quickly in the pot though.

I hate doing red in large areas like space marine armor. Its the reason I've never done a blood angel army, I know I'd never be happy with the paint job.

White primer is your best friend!
yeah I know, but I've never been great at large areas of red even over a white undercoat. I have tried a few times, when I've had a spare marine here & there. only just getting back into the hobby again, may give it another go when I've got my current project done
Re large areas of red etc, it may not be much help but it seems an airbrush helps a lot (younger brother has played with our Harder & Steenbeck* on test tanks**), the down side is it's still a faff if you're just doing a couple of marines, and you need to do a number of thin coats., but for large numbers of models (or larger models) you can base coat fast, even with tricky paints.

Otherwise the foundation paints help a lot, I keep mine in an airtight container in the vain hope it'll slow their drying out down :) (Morrisons sell a clip lock one that is ideal for GW and Vallejo paints).

*The GW "official" airbrush is a rebadged cheapy single action syphon one, that requires a lot more air than a gravity feed, and the air cans are eye wateringly expensive (a few cans will pay for a cheap chinese brush compressor).

**He's got a marine and eldar one that have been repainted loads of times, I'm surprised they've still got any detail left on them the number of times they've been painted and cleaned up.
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