Did someone remove the Eldar file from the dropbox?
I knew someone would say this
I found a better quality version so it's uploading now. Sorry!
I've restored the old one as this may take a while to upload.
Did someone remove the Eldar file from the dropbox?
I've heard not great things really. I'll wait until I read it and hopefully it appears on other sites.
Stunning miniature, but £55?
12% of your total order value, regardless of what you order. The only downside of shopping with Forge World. Well, that and it can become an addiction.
Yeah its a pain but we get round that by A) Only being an hours drive from GW HQ and B) out mate has company car and fuel card
first of my cultists in the new colours
around 2 hours painting for the one model, not a bad time frame. now just 8 to go.
20 is enough, I have to ask why you have 80?