Tabletop Warhammer?

I keep looking at those primarch sculpts and so tempting! becuase they are awesome but £55! argh damn you forgeworld!

Started my cultists today at tabetop standard, should have a pic for you all to judge tomorrow :P just need to finish the base.
Those primarchs are awesome just wish they would release more!

Played my second game with my skaven tonight. 2000 points against dark elves, got beaten badly but was great fun. Had a right meat grinder in the centre, sadly he had IF mindrazor on his corsairs in horde against my horde of 40 stormvermin.

He killed 17 to my 11. good fun though, great to play the game again properly :)
20 is enough, I have to ask why you have 80?

I got 20 with dark vengeance + won 60 on ebay. I am building 2 armies for me and my son. Everything is getting painted in Primer, black for chaos and gray the Dark Angels. Don't know when I will have time to paint them, but just want to start playing so the painting will have to wait.
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