Ok, written a mission for our three player game, let me know what you think! (we can easily do 4 players if anyone else wants to join, in fact that would make it easier!)
Massacre at Epsilon Seven
fluff to follow.
The game is played on a standard 6"x4" board. There are three deployment zones, top left corner, top right corner and bottom middle (as shown by the built in template in Vassal) when rolling for initiative all three players roll a D6. The highest chooses deployment zone first, the remaining players roll off and the highest chooses deployment zone second.
At this point, warlord traits and psychic powers are rolled as normal. If rolling on the Warlord tables in the 40k rulebook the player rolls a D6 then can chose between the three powers that have that number.
The players then deploy in the order they choose deployment zones. The player on the bottom middle deployment zone has that edge as their home edge. The first player to deploy in a corner deployment may chose either edge touching their zone as their home edge. The final player deploying in the other corner zone does the same but may not take an edge already chosen. All fall back moves will be towards the player's home table edge.
First Turn
Turns proceed in the order of deployment, there is no seizing the initiative.
Game Length
This mission uses the Variable Game Length rules.
Victory Conditions
Primary Objective - The Relic
As per the rules in The Relic mission with the following amendments:
If a unit holds the Relic for an entire turn (so you pick it up on your turn and still have it at the beginning of your next turn) then the unit may choose one of the following special rules to apply until the beginning of their next turn:
Monster Hunter
Tank Hunter
Counter Attack
Feel No Pain (6+)
Furious Charge
These are NOT cumulative. If the unit already has one or more of these rules a new rule must be chosen.
Secondary Objective - Purge The Alien
As per the rules in the Purge The Alien mission with the following amendments:
Players can get a maximum of five points from this objective.
Players can only get Purge the Alien victory points by killing their target. Player A gets points from Player B, B from C and C from A.
Bonus Objectives
Slay the Warlord - As per rulebook, the player who gets the killing blow gets a victory point. Please note you can slay either Warlord, not just the player you are targeting for Purge the Alien.
MVP - The player that holds the relic for the most complete number of turns (end of their turn to beginning of their next turn) gets a point. If it is a draw then each player gets a point.
Mission Special Rules
Night Fighting, Reserves
Battle Ready
On their first turn, each player must roll a D6 for each unit. on a 4+ the unit can act as normal. If the roll is failed then the unit is still deploying and may not act for that turn. Any unit that fails gets +1 to their cover save for the first turn (if not in cover then they have a 6+ cover save). They may still go to ground if under fire and will act as normal if assaulted (including firing Overwatch). They will also take pinning and morale tests as normal if required. From the second turn onwards all units act as normal.
Assaults can only ever occur between two players, if a combat is in progress between two players then the third players is forbidden from declaring a charge against either unit. Only assaults involving the player whose player turn it is are fought.
Shooting into combat
If the combat involves no units from the players army then that player may choose to shoot into the melee. This is resolved as a standard shooting attack with the following change. Roll for hits, for each hit you must then roll a D6, on a 1-3 it hits Player A's unit, 4-6 it hits Players B's unit. Once it has been determined who is hit, roll to wound each side as normal. Players may have to take moral checks as per the standard shooting rules. Should either player fail they fall back as normal from combat, however no sweeping advance or consolidation may be made.
Normal rules are followed for infiltrating, scout moves and deep striking. Upon arriving from outflank roll a D8:
1-2 Unit arrives from left of home edge
3-4 Unit arrives from right of home edge
5-6 Unit arrives from opposite of home edge
7-8 Player may choose edge.
Editor notes:
In order to avoid two players ganging up on one before they get a turn there will be a decent amount of LOS blocking terrain in each deployment zone