We rolled Purge The Alien with a Vanguard Strike deployment (deploying on the diagonal, up to 12” away from the centre line) No1newts won the roll and chose to go first, taking the top left deployment zone. You can see how we deployed below (well the image was actually taken just after the Crisis suits had moved on turn 1 and some markerlights had been shot).
We rolled for Warlord Traits, The Avatar got Split Fire (very useful on a solo model, thanks Phil Kelly) The Cadre Fireblade rolled Through Unity, Devastation (One use, friendly units within 12” re-roll to hit rolls of 1) I then rolled Psychic powers for my Spiritseer getting Conceal/Reveal (shrouded for unit within 12” or remove stealth and shrouded from enemy within 18”) and Protect/Jinx (+1 armour save to unit or -1 save to enemy within 18”) Needless to say getting the second power was quite useful
I tried to seize the initiative but failed.
Turn 1:
The Crisis Suits advanced towards the silo, the skimmers moved ever so slightly to get jink. The rest of the Tau gunline stood still and prepared to fire... The pathfinders aimed their high tech torches at a Wraithlord each. The Hammerhead and Devilfish both fired off two seeker missiles using the markerlights to find their target, wounding each Wraithlord. The two sniper squads, Hammerhead and Crisis Team all shot at the bottom Wraithlord but it survived on one wound. The Crisis Team then jumped back a pitiful distance to minimise retaliation.
The Spiritseer succesfully cast both powers (so the Wraithguard now had a 2+ or 5+ cover save) Everything but the Rangers advanced, the Wraithknight and Wriahtlord moving behind the forest to the left, Avatar and Wraithguard moved up towards the silo and the second wraithlord approached the Tau fire line from the right. The Wraithlord shot at the Tau skimmers, one managed to shake the Hammerhead crew but the other failed to hit. The Rangers shot at the Crisis Team but to no avail. The Wraithknight opened fire with his Suncannon and Scatter Laser at the Crisis Team, killing one suit and all three shield drones. The survivors failed their morale test and fled towards the table edge!
(this image was taken slightly in Tau turn 2, hence the magically appeared reserves and vanishing Crisis Team!)
Current Score:
Shamikebab – 0
No1newts – 0
Turn 2:
The Crisis team failed to regroup and fled off the table, first blood to the Eldar! There was good news though, a second Devilfish turned up and the passengers disembarked on the right flank. The rest of the gunline held their ground while the skimmers again shifted fractionally. The markerlights targeted the bottom Wraithlord (with only one wound left) and the quickly advancing Wraithguard. The newly arrived Devilfish launched it's seeker missiles at the wounded Wraithlord, finishing off the ancient walker. The sniper squads wounded the Avatar, the Hammerhead could only fire snap shots (as it was shaken) and unsurprisingly missed. The remaining devilfish and the fire warriors shot at the Wraithguard but the fire bounced off the ghost constructs.
Once again the Spiritseer cast both powers on the Wraithguard. The Rangers opened fire at one of the sniper teams (I had realised at this point that wounding on a 4+ was not very nice against my MC's!) killing the leader and two drones. The remaining drone fled the table. The Wraithguard shot at the Devilfish, wrecking the transport. The Wraithknight then opened fire on the Firewarrior squad lead by the Cadre Fireblade...when the smoke cleared two lonely firewarriors were running for the hills!
Current Score:
Shamikebab – 6 (Purge the Alien (Cadre Fireblade, Crisis Team, Sniper Drones, Devilfish), First Blood, Slay the Warlord)
No1newts – 1 (Purge the Alien(Wraithlord))
Turn 3:
(forgot a picture, whoops. Tau don't move anyway )
The last Fire Warrior squad arrived (high fiving the two who survived the bloodbath last turn on the way off the table). The pathfinders targeted the Avatar and the Wraithguard. The snipers, Hammerhead and Fire Warriors all shot at the Avatar, killing it! The remaining Devilfish and Fire Warrior squad aimed at the Wraithguard but again the Spiritseer's powers protected them, only one warrior falling.
The Spiritseer again cast both powers! The Wraithlord advanced towards the Fire Warriors in the trees and aimed both flamers, reducing 4 of the Tau to ashes. The remainder stood their ground though (their hot, scorched ground). The Wraithguard easily wrecked the last devilfish. The Wraithknight and Rangers shot at the second Sniper Drones but only managed to kill the spotter (which is enough to reduced them to BS2 from BS5)
At this point it was getting late (we had some problems getting started) so Newts conceded and we agreed a rematch next week. The Tau were quickly running out of things that could hurt the high toughness monsters (the Wraithknight hadn't even been scratched yet...)
Final Score:
Shamikebab – 8 (Purge the Alien (Cadre Fireblade, Crisis Team, Sniper Drones, Devilfishx2, Fire Warriors), First Blood, Slay The Warlord)
No1newts – 3 (Purge the Alien(Wraithlord, Avatar), Slay The Warlord)
Eldar Aftermath:
I took a silly list, a really silly list. I wanted to try the Wraithknight and some Wraithguard so I thought what the hell let's make a silly high toughness list. I didn't know what Newts was bringing so Dark Eldar in particular would have tabled this list. The Wriahtknight is expensive as hell but it did destroy about 400pts worth of models. The Sun Cannon is devastating against squads, especially with the twin-linked from the Scatter Laser., it's still too expensive and has too many hard counters for me to take regularly (poison weaponry, snipers, instant death, force weapons) The Avatar was...not really used well, I didn't have much option but to walk him at the line! He did take a lot of firepower that might have killed others though. The Wraithguard were great but again super expensive and really needs a Serpent to carry them (even more points...)
Tau Aftermath (obviously this is my view):
I think it was a good list, Tau is a very versatile codex so you never quite know what you're going to see. Newts used his Pathfinders well, marking out targets for the Seeker Missiles (very effective!) and buffing the BS of his various units. He was unlucky with the Crisis Suits, in his situation I probably would have deep striked them but both are valid tactics. The skimmers needed Disruption Pods, at the very least the Hammerhead did (in the end I just ignored the Hammerhead as he didn't take sub munitions and I didn't have vehicles. One high strength shot was less of a priority to me than other targets)
Eldar Codex – Thoughts so far
I love it, I've used most of the units now and I'm starting to get some favourites, still want to try some I haven't used yet (a few HS choices and maybe some Shining Spears) but the codex let's the Eldar player really pick an army to fit any tactic, there's no one stand-out 'way to use this codex' list. 6th edition has been pretty good so far!
That Primaris Power for Spiritseers in the Iyanden supplement is interesting. Battle Focus on Wraith units would be cool, given their relative lack of pace compared to the rest of the army. Well, other than Dark Reapers...
The Warlord Traits are somewhat underwhelming, at first glance, but I do like the idea of being able to take multiple Spiritseers as a single HQ choice.
Yeah having read the Iyanden codex (or at least flicked through it) it's not worth the price they're asking. The rules are pretty minimal. Direct only as well so it's actually more expensive than the codex! Once again we have a sound concept from GW that's been ruined by minimal content and a stupid price point. They couldn't even be bothered to stick a couple of new characters in!
Also Matt Ward.
Matt .
They have a wealth of good Xenos writers (Vettock who did Tau and Kelly who did Eldar) and they get Ward to write it?!? I wonder how many times Iyanden ally with Necrons.
bugmans glow, cadian fleshtone, kislev flesh, ushabti bone and then I hit it with a really light leviathan purple wash (from the old GW wash line) and then re highlight with thinned down ushabti bone. I think.
So, pretty much as the new Eldar went live, I placed an order for one of the older-style Dire Avengers boxes at Gifts for Geeks. I didn't know whether or not I'd actually get it, given the timing, and it's been a while since the order was placed. Today in the mail I got two of the new five-man boxes. Quite happy with that.
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