Tabletop Warhammer?

Final score:

Shamikebab's Eldar 7
LordHughes CSM 0
Aceytrixx' SM 0

John didn't have anything that could hurt vehicles, Grant picked on John instead of me, and I just killed everyone.

Highlight was the 5 Wraithguard with D-scythes killing 15 Berzerkers and Kharn in one shooting phase, the 4 survivors then charged them and died to overwatch :D

Fun scenario but the armies were very unbalanced. Would be great to try it again with say 3 Ork armies or something.
Shami and his OP shiz.

I really should have moved my rhino's out, the units where ****ed either way so never really would have been a good time to move just should have taken more chances.

Shami next time I play you and bring chaos termies, award yourself 1 victory point.
Next time we play tell me what army you want me to play, part of the problem is not knowing what my units do (hence the d-scythe massacre).

And for the love of god people stop clumping your squads, you're all guilty of it! Models need to be within 2" for coherency. Too close and you're very vulnerable to blast and template weapons.
We have someone who does that at our Wednesday club nights. Bunches his firewarrior units so they are nearly base to base.

Seen them roasted by flamers far too often but he never learns.
That Wraithknight just looks daft. No exactly an imposing Monsterous Creature. Well done for getting it to hold place though!

On my Tau side, reinforcements have arrived.

He's modelled it right in the middle of a smash attack I guess :p

Those are certainly some reinforcements! How many points is your army now?

A new shot has leaked of the new Chaos Lawnmower!

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Think my Tau are around 3k-3.5k now with those. Depends on wargear. Working on some deals for more bits though.

Thankfully I didn't buy those boxes. They are payment for painting a Forgeworld Stormeagle. :)
My first attempt at painting in about 10 years:eek:

Got this Land Raider off the bay for £7.65p with some over chaos. Here is a pic of what it looked like before the stripping begin. It was hard work to get all the paint off it + the lad had put green stuff on the top front and back, which was not easy to shift. And after getting the first lot of paint off, I found out this land raider was on the ultramarines side first time it was painted lol.


And after I few hours of painting. Still needs a lot more work but its nice to get back into painting again. :cool:

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That's quite a makeover!

I haven't touched 40K in aaages, reading this thread keeps making me want to get back into it right up until I see the prices again...

*Goes to dig out the old Codex Ultramarines*
That's quite a makeover!

I haven't touched 40K in aaages, reading this thread keeps making me want to get back into it right up until I see the prices again...

*Goes to dig out the old Codex Ultramarines*

Thats very true about the prices, I have been lucky and got some great deals off the bay. And I have got a good size chaos army. + and a medium size dark angels army in the garage. I am going to post a few pics of what I have so far. I still don't know how to play, but I asked the local GW shop if I can come down for some lessons. :)
To be honest I always thought the building and painting were the most fun part of it, that and the lore. I used to spend ages poring over the books just for the history. I think I've still got all of my old Marines, Tau, Eldar and Orks kicking about though.

Just had a look at the GW site: £15.50 for a Marine combat squad! Whaat! I remember when they used to be a fiver and came in white boxes with the red lift-off front! Granted they were the tea-tray Marines but still!

/grumpy old man.
That is a vast improvement! The first picture loaded and I was desperately trying to think of something complimentary to say about it until I read the text :p
That's quite a makeover!

I haven't touched 40K in aaages, reading this thread keeps making me want to get back into it right up until I see the prices again...

*Goes to dig out the old Codex Ultramarines*

Ebay is your friend! I've found loads of bargains on there. Much much cheaper than buying them from GW.
Indeed. Just gotta dodge the recasts and you're set. :)

I'm about to start building my Wraith units and I still can't decide which of the four weapon options to go for. :(
Preorders are up, who wants a terrain set for almost a grand?

The Necron thing is gorgeous but £95 is crazy money, makes a Wraithknight look cheap.

Joel you can't go wrong with either of the guns. D-Scythes just murder everything in particular.

Haven't found a way to try the Blades yet but the Axe and Shield would be my preferred option.
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