Tabletop Warhammer?

Looking for a bit of advice here guys:

My lad has just bought a Dark Vengeance set and we are mid-way through painting them. We are total noobs at this and although he did have a black reach set a year or so ago we just made the rules up as we went along. This time however we aim to do it properly!

I have been assigned Chaos (which I like tbh) and my lad has the Dark Angels. I know we can play with the kit 'as is' without adding extras but his grandparents have added to this kit by buying him a few land speeders and a squad of terminators.

We've not tallied up the points of each army yet although I would wage he has many more points than me lol!

So my question is: What should I add to my Chaos army?

I have Hellbrute, 20 cultists, 5 chosen and 12 marines. Is a Daemon prince worthwhile? I'm also considering converting some old space marines that are looking a little tired.

Help me out please. I don't want to be an 'epic failure' of a father:o!

I promise to put up some pics of the models once complete.:cool:

This was me and a mate a few months ago, we learned the rules slowly and started with pitting 1 squad against another.

My chaos friend is a fan of oblitarators, if i was chaos i would spam the hell out of these as they rock and are pretty tough to kill.

I went the belial/terminator route lol
yeah warptalons are kinda pricy, think a unit of 10 with marks came to something like 350 points :O

Its all about raptors, they can be so khornate :D
maybe ... maybe not ... maybe blood for the blood god, maybe I will be cuddling up to papa nurgle or overloading the senses with slaneesh who knows or I could be hanging with tzeench doing what ever the **** you do with +1 to invulnerable saves ... who knows.
Thanks for the advice guys. Looks like I'll be getting a Helldrake or some obliterators then, maybe a sorcerer too lol as they look like fun. I'll probably stay undivided at present rather than leaning to one God until we have got to grips with the rules as this seems to add more complexity.

I've got to be careful to even out the armies though so what would normally cost you once, it costs me double being that I also pay for his army building lol!

I have got both Codex so no worries there. Will keep you posted on how the painting/battles go.

Thanks again.
Thanks for the advice guys. Looks like I'll be getting a Helldrake or some obliterators then, maybe a sorcerer too lol as they look like fun. I'll probably stay undivided at present rather than leaning to one God until we have got to grips with the rules as this seems to add more complexity.

I've got to be careful to even out the armies though so what would normally cost you once, it costs me double being that I also pay for his army building lol!

I have got both Codex so no worries there. Will keep you posted on how the painting/battles go.

Thanks again.

Heldrakes are awesome, as are Oblits.

My army is mostly divided, however I always take the mark of nurgle on my marines as gives them T5 so much more survivable :)
I loved the idea of Warp talons and I love the models.... It is a real shame they suck so bad. Deep striking fast attack unit that is a normal CSM in terms of toughness and wounds but cannot attack on the turn they deep strike... I guess they do have a 5+ invuln save as they are Daemons but that is hardly a saving grace for them
Same love the idea, just don't love the cost. Just not worth it, they needed to have 2 wounds or something to make them viable at the cost (at least!)but oh well.
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