Man I can't believe I forgot this thread utterly. I just checked the last i posted in here was like two years ago! Since then I have a built a table and a whole bunch of terrain, nearly 1500 points of nids' and the missus has about the same in flesh tearers.
I thought i'd chuck a few piccys up of some of the stuff ive done. Most of the photos I have are terrain as the missus runs and etsy store and originally wanted me to put a few things up to fill it out (sold a couple of things too!
Excuse the changing lighting and harsh shadows, I live in a really sunny place and I take the pics on the roof.
Here is a wrecked bastion, made out of polystyrene. I used a needle and a candle to draw cracks, bullet holes and damage into it, careful with the fingers if u do! I put my needle in a cork so you can hold it more like a pen.
This is a cathedral that I made with my Father-in-law (who is a bit of an artist, unlike myself) Its mostly card, plaster and lots and lots of dry brushing. The floor is polystyrene done as described above, but with a longer piece of metal. The statue was made from either papier mache or clay (i dont remember) It was then painted up in a copper verdigris style.
Here is a burnt forest, the trees were made with copper wire (lots!) twisted together and then sculpted with papier mache. I kind of like the random terrain rules in 6th, thought not everyone does, and this is great for the forests.
This is the last thing i did. It is like a toy digger jcb thing from a shop. I cut it at an obtuse angle and layered into a base. I then primed it, gave it a salt mask with a rusty undercoat. Then put a few coats of green over the top. After that I varnish it and gave it a wash in oil paints, then pigment powders.
Here is a close up of one of the missus' tac marines. I did a few custom bases for her. Also we're loving the airbrush for quick highlights.
Anyway, Ive got some new eldar on the way. I dont get to play as much where i live as its out of the way a bit, but hopefully ill get a chance to play a few more games when I can get to the nearest club.
Sorrry for the wall of text, but its been a while and im a bit enthusiastic hah! Ill put up some more close ups of my minis in the next one. Also if vincent and werewolf for reigniting my love for the hobby.