Tabletop Warhammer?

Awesome, cheers! Lots on here.

Edit: Erm, I can do Fridays-Sundays over the next few months, no guarantees on midweek games though! And I haven't played since 2nd Ed, so "rusty" would be appropriate :D
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Man I can't believe I forgot this thread utterly. I just checked the last i posted in here was like two years ago! Since then I have a built a table and a whole bunch of terrain, nearly 1500 points of nids' and the missus has about the same in flesh tearers.

I thought i'd chuck a few piccys up of some of the stuff ive done. Most of the photos I have are terrain as the missus runs and etsy store and originally wanted me to put a few things up to fill it out (sold a couple of things too! :p)

Excuse the changing lighting and harsh shadows, I live in a really sunny place and I take the pics on the roof.



Here is a wrecked bastion, made out of polystyrene. I used a needle and a candle to draw cracks, bullet holes and damage into it, careful with the fingers if u do! I put my needle in a cork so you can hold it more like a pen.


This is a cathedral that I made with my Father-in-law (who is a bit of an artist, unlike myself) Its mostly card, plaster and lots and lots of dry brushing. The floor is polystyrene done as described above, but with a longer piece of metal. The statue was made from either papier mache or clay (i dont remember) It was then painted up in a copper verdigris style.


Here is a burnt forest, the trees were made with copper wire (lots!) twisted together and then sculpted with papier mache. I kind of like the random terrain rules in 6th, thought not everyone does, and this is great for the forests.


This is the last thing i did. It is like a toy digger jcb thing from a shop. I cut it at an obtuse angle and layered into a base. I then primed it, gave it a salt mask with a rusty undercoat. Then put a few coats of green over the top. After that I varnish it and gave it a wash in oil paints, then pigment powders.


Here is a close up of one of the missus' tac marines. I did a few custom bases for her. Also we're loving the airbrush for quick highlights.

Anyway, Ive got some new eldar on the way. I dont get to play as much where i live as its out of the way a bit, but hopefully ill get a chance to play a few more games when I can get to the nearest club.

Sorrry for the wall of text, but its been a while and im a bit enthusiastic hah! Ill put up some more close ups of my minis in the next one. Also if vincent and werewolf for reigniting my love for the hobby. :D
What do we think of this as a tiled base for my Wraithblades?

Took ******* ages and now I have fingers covered in superglue :p Might do the rest as straight edged, curves are a pain.
Compass cutter may help a little. It looks really good and I think straight edges would not suit it as much.

With all the interruptions I've had this weekend, on top of not being able to work for long due to a problem with my arm, I only managed to build the Farseer, Spiritseer and five Dire Avengers. :(
Productive weekend. Assembled 10 Pathfinders and a Broadside from my bag of goodies. Loved the pathfinder kit as so customisable. I have even magnetised 3 of them to allow choice of special weapons or carbines.

Ordered up another box of Pathfinders and a Forgeworld Commander R'Alai too so should get them this week.

Might get a first coat of white on tonight with the airbrush so I can get them all ready to use in games. Hate using grey plastic!
That would be the one :) I do think I need a couple of squads of XV9's to support him though. Thankfully might be some more commission work coming up so I can avoid having to pay out any cash!

Gotta love his assault lascannon lol
I could do with a couple of games for the upcoming season 2. If no one has taken orks, can I take them? If they've already been taken I'll just take whatever is left :p
Of course you can Gooner, we can have people doing the same race as well. Seven confirmed so far, would be great if we could get one more for 4v4 :)

I'm fine with any evening.
Cool. I roughly know what my 2k army will be but need to test a 500 and 1000pt army too. I should be available one evening later this week providing BT sort my internet out.
You should check out Vassal! [/stuckrecord][/shamelessplug]

Nice terrain, that statue is excellent!

Ah ty, I have used vassal very briefly and i also used a java applet to play bloodbowl (before the pc game) Im a bit busy this week, but ill see how my new schedule turns out. If i do join ill probably play nids'. Ive just ordered some new eldar, but the book i know is nids. I see in the thread that spamming frowned upon, ill try not to do that, but the book is on the limited side.

Nice runic flooring, very eldar. I did a cobble stone floor for the missus' libbie. Ill put a close up on when i get the chance.

wow mattor, that is all awesome!

Ty mate! I do more terrain than minis tbh, I really like building stuff. I have a project log on ammo bunker, I dunno if vincent posts in this thread much, but he recommended it. Its a bit on the quiet side, but the people are really friendly. I dunno if i am allowed to link it tbh. Ill put some more pics up if people are interested. I have a step by step of my table also.
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cant see any issue with linking to it, thought then only rule on those grounds was linking to OCUK competitors.
btw shami, just updated something in the dropbox, it said it updated properly my end, hopefully it has :s
Ty mate! I do more terrain than minis tbh, I really like building stuff. I have a project log on ammo bunker, I dunno if vincent posts in this thread much, but he recommended it. Its a bit on the quiet side, but the people are really friendly. I dunno if i am allowed to link it tbh. Ill put some more pics up if people are interested. I have a step by step of my table also.

Yes I would be very interested, especially in the step by step :)
So im putting together a 750pt list for my Salamanders as my mate who just started Tau would like to get going once hes assembled a few more models so far my list is this based on what I have

Captain, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Artificer Armour

Dreadnought 2X Twin Linked Auto Cannon

2x Tactical Squads with Melta/Multi Melta

Now this leaves me with 115 points spare which makes me wonder between

Whirlwind - I dont see these getting a lot of love but I think for 85points an AP4 pie plate that doesnt need line of sight could do wonders against Tau infantry

Thunderfire - Everyone seems to love these so wouldnt mind trying one out. Also the Techmarine can repair the Dread that will probably be nearby

Vindicator - Will help take out crisis suits but is obviously much shorter ranged. Cheaper to buy since its not direct like the other two.

Whats anyones opinions? Anything else I should consider for 115pts? 2nd Dread?
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