Tabletop Warhammer?

Ah ty, I have used vassal very briefly and i also used a java applet to play bloodbowl (before the pc game) Im a bit busy this week, but ill see how my new schedule turns out. If i do join ill probably play nids'. Ive just ordered some new eldar, but the book i know is nids. I see in the thread that spamming frowned upon, ill try not to do that, but the book is on the limited side.

It depends on the list really, as long as the game is fun for everyone it doesn't matter. Really it's only stuff like 3 riptide lists I'm trying to avoid, some armies it's perfectly natural to have multiples of the same unit.

So im putting together a 750pt list for my Salamanders as my mate who just started Tau would like to get going once hes assembled a few more models so far my list is this based on what I have

Captain, Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield, Artificer Armour

Dreadnought 2X Twin Linked Auto Cannon

2x Tactical Squads with Melta/Multi Melta

Now this leaves me with 115 points spare which makes me wonder between

Whirlwind - I dont see these getting a lot of love but I think for 85points an AP4 pie plate that doesnt need line of sight could do wonders against Tau infantry

Thunderfire - Everyone seems to love these so wouldnt mind trying one out. Also the Techmarine can repair the Dread that will probably be nearby

Vindicator - Will help take out crisis suits but is obviously much shorter ranged.

Whats anyones opinions? Anything else I should consider for 115pts?

Ok, here are some thoughts:

  • At 750pts that Captain is immensely expensive, where is he going with that TH and SS? Honestly the Captain and Chapter Master are not very good HQ choices, a Librarian would be much more effective, especially at that point level.
  • Rifleman Dreads were good in 5th but are not quite so good in 6th, I think it would be quickly taken down unless you have enough targets for anti tank weaponry.
  • The tactical squads need some kind of delivery mechanism. I'd either choose drop pods or Razorback/Rhinos (could combat squad one, leaving the heavy weapon stationary and sending forwards 5 and the meltagun (could even give the sarge a combi weapon) and stick them in a razorback.)
  • Thunderfire Cannons are excellent, tough to kill and they give you a good kill zone (plus ignore cover if you want)
  • Vindicators can be good, I wouldn't rate Whirlwinds though (just think that there are better options for what they do.)
  • The other option is to take a small Sternguard squad in a drop pod, gives you a backfield anti tank threat.
It depends on the list really, as long as the game is fun for everyone it doesn't matter. Really it's only stuff like 3 riptide lists I'm trying to avoid, some armies it's perfectly natural to have multiples of the same unit.

Ok, here are some thoughts:

  • At 750pts that Captain is immensely expensive, where is he going with that TH and SS? Honestly the Captain and Chapter Master are not very good HQ choices, a Librarian would be much more effective, especially at that point level.
  • Rifleman Dreads were good in 5th but are not quite so good in 6th, I think it would be quickly taken down unless you have enough targets for anti tank weaponry.
  • The tactical squads need some kind of delivery mechanism. I'd either choose drop pods or Razorback/Rhinos (could combat squad one, leaving the heavy weapon stationary and sending forwards 5 and the meltagun (could even give the sarge a combi weapon) and stick them in a razorback.)
  • Thunderfire Cannons are excellent, tough to kill and they give you a good kill zone (plus ignore cover if you want)
  • Vindicators can be good, I wouldn't rate Whirlwinds though (just think that there are better options for what they do.)
  • The other option is to take a small Sternguard squad in a drop pod, gives you a backfield anti tank threat.

The captain is but at the moment im limited to using what I have and I really love the model. Although he could potentially be replaced. Infact I probably will grab one of tge librarian models and use that.

Dreadnought is a forgeworld one I won on ebay that comes like that so whilst I will eventually get around to picking up some different arms for time time being he will be like that.

Rhinos are an option and its one im considering depending how I work everything else out.

Yeah I can see it coming down to thunderfire or vindicator.

Im not totally sure what hes gonna want to use. His full 1500pt list hes working on has Farsight+6 crisis suits that scare the crap outa me but at least I wont have to face that many crisis suits at this level.
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Yes I would be very interested, especially in the step by step :)

Aye- won't be an issue with posting a link.

Love that cathedral by the way

Righto and cheers! There is also a quick guide on how I did that marble / polished stone flooring also.

Rebis' terrain project log

I do really need to get around to changing my name on here!

It depends on the list really, as long as the game is fun for everyone it doesn't matter. Really it's only stuff like 3 riptide lists I'm trying to avoid, some armies it's perfectly natural to have multiples of the same unit.[/LIST]

Of course aye, I would probably rock 2 tervigons over 1000 points. If that is a problem I can drop it. The interesting thing you've done with no flyers is my go-to HQ is now out, meaning i could experiment with armoured tyrant or swarmy:D.
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You're suggesting I think that far ahead? :p I don't know really, some kind of marble effect maybe.

I might do another curved one, although it was a PITA.
If anyone fancies a 500 or 1000pt game I can do Thursday evening and maybe Friday.

I've changed tactics on painting my orks. Trying out just series a series of green washes for the skin. Pictures will be provided for some critique
Why don't you use something like greenstuff and score the shapes in with something blunt like the nib of a biro?

Yeah I have tried that before, I did it with Asurmen (although sculpey instead of green stuff) It's another solution but it also has problems, it's hard to get a smooth flat surface and it's tricky to get the furrows looking even:

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