Tabletop Warhammer?

Got a pack of 4 coaster sized bits of Cork from Hobby craft (£2.50), and the multi pack of bases from GW (£6) and some liquid greenstuff.

Just tore up the cork sheets into the shapes/sizes I wanted, for the L shaped walls I pinned them together using sowing pins then glued them then went over the join with liquid greenstuff (useful stuff for this sort of thing) and super glued the bits of cork onto the bases. Once the glue died i used the liquid greenstuff to secure the bits of cord better and to cover some small gaps and give a little texture in places. Stuck the gravel on, undercoated black and painted.
Thanks for sharing that, I am in the process in starting to make a board so I will make a log on how it’s going - I haven’t started yet but the boards are cut. Not sure on the size I have but I have gone with 9’s the only size I had at the time and its only for casual games with friends.

Going for a city theme so it’s more about the movement and cover and more tactical in deployment. So my friend has to make some movement positioning and not just sit there and fire (plus my bases are city like) I will have a road that’s set up on the board but other bits will be detached and it’s going to be ruins/craters and industrial bits that are on separate bases.

I also have some Terminators and squad of 8 more bikes on the bay that I am currently winning but they still have 6days left so fingers crossed I don’t lose out on them

Here is a start of my kann still got some details to do
drum just seen that on my PC rather than phone - that is pretty awesome! Loving the paint chips in the "mouth" area :)
Thanks guyss, i am wanting to make them look more battleworn/rusty. is there any good wearthing paints or sumit like that i can use lol .
Mad to think 40K and Warhammer are still going!

I went for job interviews @ GWHQ back in '97/'98 and had huge armies for each... All boxed up in my parents attic (or shed!) and none of it's been touched for 15+ years...

15,000 points of High Elves
12,000 points of Eldar
8,000 points of Space Marines
6,000 points of Orks

Many older models (old then!) and several limited edition of the first Dark Eldar that were never released...

When I stopped playing the Necrons and Dark Eldar had just been released...

Have most of the White Dwarf issues from 50-60 to about 300 I think?

I've been meaning to dig some of it out and sell it, is there much of a market in second hand (older) figures? Most of them unpainted? (was a modder first, gamer second and painter last lol)
Tried to make the engine metal appear more metallic, did a bit of dry brushing with black and white paint, and then did some white highlighting on the silver pieces. Improvement or not?


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