Tabletop Warhammer?

I would love to have large space like that to do my painting. At the moment I'm having to paint on my computer desk :(

Im turning my 2nd spare room into a dedicated 40k room with a workbench and table. Going to be a lot easier just to leave models and paints set out as I work on them instead of having to pack everything up.

Picked up the digital rulebook last night as part of my shift away from the paper books. Really like it just need to wait for the new ipad mini 2 to come out since my 1st gen ipad is really showing its age.
I would love to have large space like that to do my painting. At the moment I'm having to paint on my computer desk :(

Electrics won't go in until next year though :( but then I guess it all depends how warm it is in there as well, If it is baking in the sun it will be no good and if it is Freezing during the winter equally it will be no good :(
Argh, people who send metal minis just bunged in a tub together frustrate me. Gonna have to strip, pin and reassemble, then re-prime them. :/

On the plus side, these Temple Flameguard look like they will be lots of fun to paint. Just waiting on the Warjacks and Warcaster now and then I'll be making a start.
Just an FYI, Guy in my clan (BIGCLAN) is selling all the following and only wants £200 for it all... let me know if anyone wants it and I can let him know

1st Edition (Roguetrader) SpaceMarine LandRaider (getting Rare now i believe)
1st Edition (Roguetrader) SpaceMarine Dreadnought (Another Rare)
1st Edition (Roguetrader) SpaceMarine Predator
SpaceMarine Dreadnought
SpaceMarine Whirlwind
SpaceMarine Razorback
SpaceMarine Vindicator
2x 1st Edition Tyranid Carnifex
2x Leman Russ Battle tanks
Half a company of SpaceMarines (including various Special Characters/Commanders)
Small Genestealer Army
Small Tyranid Army (Including Command Characters)
Warhammer 40k Dark Millenium Expansion
SpaceCrusade + Mission Dreadnought (Boardgame)
Advanced SpaceCrusade (Boardgame)
Epic SpaceMarine
Warhammer 40k (2nd Edition)
Codex BloodAngels and Tyranids (1st Editions)
Epic Titan Legions (Includes Emperor/Imperator Titan (cant remember name))
Epic Eldar Army (including 2 standard Titans)
Necromunda Game + Expansion

He wants all this gone ASAP or it is going to the tip so let me know if anyone wants it, I can also pass offers over to him for things.
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I fancy starting up painting again, but my paints are a little dry after a 2 year break...
Took a look on GW's website and they call their paints all kind of funky things now, layers, shades, edges. My stuff is simply called by it's colour "Bronzed Flesh" :rolleyes:

Can anyone recommend a good minature painting forum, I'm a bit rusty and could use some guides.

As a bonus, here's the last model I painted :p

Warseer and DakkaDakka have plenty of painting information on them. :)

GW provide a conversion chart to match up old colours with new (it's only approximate; some colours look mostly the same, whilst others have a noticeable difference). The Layer paints are intended to be the same as the old range. Base are Foundation, Dry are intended for drybrushing (they're more like a sort of paste...don't know why they did this), Texture are for basing, Shades are washes and Edge are...well. The concept is reasonable, as they're mostly pastel colours for extreme highlighting and the one I have (Dorn Yellow) is kinda nice, however you can achieve the same effect by simply mixing white or bone in with your previous highlight and there's no real way to justify the extra money they charge for them.
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Well I may be having a 1v1 750pt torny tonight with my friends, with a few drinks and a new board that I have made. First time making it so not sure what they are going to think of it but it beats playing on a dining room table

CSM - Me!
Forgot to ask, since my paints are a little on the solid side at the moment, what would you recommend to thin the paints?

Asked on another forum, other then tap water, they mention Acrylic Medium (no idea) and 1 guy suggested Windscreen Washer Fluid. :eek:

Just looking into Windscreen Washer Fluid, looks like it's just glass cleaner and water, might give that a try.
All right. Just under 12 hours to go and still at £150. Argh. :o

Edit: To add something constructive to the thread, I had my first experience of Privateer Press plastic miniatures today. They're nicely detailed pieces, but the material is a bit harder than the plastic GW use, it seems, so removing the mould lines is not proving easy. :(
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Stole a Nid Lictor off the bay for a tenner, looks like it's a metal one, still in it's packaging. Never painted a Nid before so ill probably need new paints, but can anyone recommend a colour scheme? Or shall I go with the whole white/bone skin with dark purple/black armour?
Looking very good ^ ^.

Anywhere you think it could have loading bay yellow/black stripes? - as it look like it could do with a little something to make it pop out (if you know what I mean), perhaps some more white on the lights/red dots or even some stripes along the hull if it could work.
elmarko, very good and sensible suggestions, I may look at that a bit later. I've spent so much time on this model (I'm a massively slow painter) that I'm it itching to do something else. Think ill have a play with the sentinel and revisit the Valk inbetween :)
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