Tabletop Warhammer?

Any tips for painting the outlines on guys? Easiest way I've found is actually painting the sections in the outline colour and then painting the main colour upto it, but once I wash the outline is faded. Trouble is, once I paint my Base,layer and wash. When I mess up the outline, I can't exactly touch it up as it's been washed. So I need to layer it up and wash again.

Now I know the techniques, using the side of the brush ect. It's just annoying when I do mess up and have to start from square one, losing detail every new coat. I've got a feeling practice will be the answer you guys give haha.
Will show you guys where im at with the Chaos Warriors. These are the first models i've ever painted, so i know they are rough. But now i've got the colours worked out, i'll fly through the others.



All pointers welcomed!
£37.50 from Dark Sphere. Tau one is good value too. £33.75 for 3 crisis suits, or £37.50 for 3 crisis suits, 10 fire warriors and a hoverboard ethereal :D.
Finally bought myself a Supremacy Suit at the Warhammer World birthday event over the weekend. So far its taken 2 days of work to build and wash to get it near ready for paint. Such a great kit.

Terrible picture taken late at night before I build the right arm.

Miniwargaming, Winters SEO, Striking Scorpion 82 are my favourites.

Miniwargaming show the whole game such as dice rolls movement etc, they tend to have the longer batreps. Batrep quality is generally pretty good.

Winters SEO is a new one for me but I really like his Batreps, he doesn't show dice rolls or movments generally but talks about what he is doing and why, gives nice insight into the game he is playing, plus his mechanicum army is really nice.

SS82 is probably one of the most popular Bat-Reppers on Youtube, overall they are really nice batreps, shows some dice rolling, gives some fluff to each batrep but one of the best bits is the terrain and armies. The terrain is really nice and his armies are beautiful (I think he plays around 7-8 now)

Another channel I watch some batreps on is Table Top tactics, however the guy who runs the channel, in my opinion, plays the game as a power gamer with cheesy lists. I'm not complaining, I get that people like that sort of thing and I still watch now and again, however overall it's not for me. That's just my opinion though :)
Personally think Miniwargaming is excellent, paid up vault member. Consistent content, helpful videos, Matt's battle reports are excellent.

Generally a little hit and miss with other players.
Finally decided on a colour scheme for my Tau, first went with Orange instead of the blue but **** painting orange. discovered that after the first 2 models.


A WIP plague lord i started painting for fun

Has anyone ever had luck selling up large armies before? I have a fully painted 9k Tau army that I either want to shift in 1 go or part out to reduce in size. If I sell up I'll only be starting again with Tau but want to change scheme and don;t want to repaint!

They are all painted well so don't want to go for the usual 50% or 70% RRP you see online but I don't think there are many people out there who will drop retail or >retail on a painted army.

No idea what to do with it but as most of it sits in cabinets I need to do something.
GeeDub fan sites members markets if you qualify, ebay/gumtree "pro painted" if you want a premium or may be etsy could be an option though last time I looked at ebay the prices were low and much less stuff selling than 10 or so years ago.

Great paint work by the way this last page or so, I often nick the images and send them to mates or my lads, I haven't played fb for 7 years, we're always talking of getting a campaign or even a one off but never do it.

You lot are tempting me to try 40k though seems fast enough to be feasible for us oldies to get a game in.
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That is the problem I have. I currently already charge to paint for people so the thought of selling a large army at below retail just doesnt sit right. I understand that most people would probably paint over it anyway but I just can't seem to think where would be best to put it.

I may try the Facebook sites and the usual forums but I think its going to be limited. Might have to just cut my losses and thin it out and sell the bits I don't want.

For reference retail on everything when I last counted was £2500 but I have added stuff since. I don't imagine many people spend that in 1 go on this stuff.

Will have to have a think.
quick question about 40K. DO you have to stick to the colour scheme of the chapter as laid out in the codex ? e.g Imperial Fist chapter really interests me, but I really don't want a yellow coloured army :( (mainly because yellow is damn hard to get right on small models) could I give them a different colour scheme say like black with yellow/grey highloghts but still officially use their doctrines and codex in a competitive game ?
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