Tabletop Warhammer?

By card.

Strangely though after typing that reply it turned up anyway. I have no idea why UPS told me they lost it as they just delivered it!

Really starting to hate them now. They delivered a package for Christmas in december and told me I wasn't in when I was. The driver didn't even come down the street.
New toys unpacked and ready to start building.

Need to either find more Grav for the Devastators or get some more marines to make the alternative models...

YES LAD. I did this too, purchased £500+ of models and I'm only through half way (although I have a lot going on so spare time is minimal).
Going blood Angels but half of it is a vanilla formation using ultramarine tactics. I'll be buying non ba stuff too and using normal marine rules as allies but painting them red.
kinda getting back into this after being away from the hobby for a couple of years.

Building a 30k World Eaters army ......little WIP shots


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nid's are relatively easy to do in bulk, get ye olde airbrush out, spray all over with the main colour, then do the other colours.

About 2-3 minutes per model for the primary colour.
I just bought the Salamanders Terminator from the overkill box for my Sally Army, really really like the model. Infact I think all the marines in that box are great sculpts!

Looking forward to seeing yours painted Socaddict!
You may be waiting some time!

I have primed the marine black and given them a drybrush of dark blue then heavy black wash, starting to highlight now on the Iron Hands, but how long it takes me to finish them I have no idea...
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