Tabletop Warhammer?

Don't and never have owned an airbrush lol.

Have never used nor owned one, but I will get one in the future :p.

I have always been in two minds about airbrushing, firstly I always thought it removed some of the enjoyment of painting models - as you're creating more of a production line and it becomes less about the painting.

However, I absolutely love the effects you can get via airbrushing and the ability to mass base cover models is excellent.
I see GW have announced their 70th forgettable space marine board game of the year. This seems to be the current GW money maker, £100 board games with forgettable rulesets, all involving Space Marines. This doesn't give me hope for the potential Blood Bowl and Necromunda relaunches :(
I see GW have announced their 70th forgettable space marine board game of the year. This seems to be the current GW money maker, £100 board games with forgettable rulesets, all involving Space Marines. This doesn't give me hope for the potential Blood Bowl and Necromunda relaunches :(

Why do you not have hope for Bloodbowl? The miniatures look amazing, even if the rules are rubbish, new minis, new pitches etc can not be a bad thing.
Because GW at the moment are just mass releasing copy paste boardgames in a short period of time with no depth (I've never even heard anyone talk about how the Horus Heresy one plays) Can't help but think Blood Bowl might just be another 1 month throwaway game.
I dont think so, there is a massive Bloodbowl following, leagues and the rules have been developed on by other people.

Calth plays ok, however most are using Calth as gateway into full 30K army fun :)
Blood Bowl and Necromunda are the only reasons I'm thinking of returning to the fold. As long as the rules haven't been dicked around with too much then they should do well.
Finally made a start on Betrayal At Calth box set. I haven't painted anything for about 10 years so this should be interesting

Start with the tactical marines I think.. :P
Finally made a start on Betrayal At Calth box set. I haven't painted anything for about 10 years so this should be interesting

Start with the tactical marines I think.. :P

Which chapter are you going for?

@Valrak40k - Those are some nice looking IF, plans for more models?
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Which chapter are you going for?

@Valrak40k - Those are some nice looking IF, plans for more models?

I'm going to follow the set so Ultramarines and Word Bearers. I will end up rebuilding my Chaos army at some point and will use the Word Bearers for a basis for that, but mainly to get practice painting again.
I'm going to follow the set so Ultramarines and Word Bearers. I will end up rebuilding my Chaos army at some point and will use the Word Bearers for a basis for that, but mainly to get practice painting again.

Ah fair enough, sounds like a good plan.

Have you already got Chaos stuff then, or just future plans at the moment?
Ah fair enough, sounds like a good plan.

Have you already got Chaos stuff then, or just future plans at the moment?

I used to have a fairly large Chaos army back in the day, sold about half of it and the other half got nicked so be starting again. Excuse to start collecting again I suppose, but doubt ill do more than 2000 or 2500 points.

After all, got Skaven to do for WFB :D
I used to have a fairly large Chaos army back in the day, sold about half of it and the other half got nicked so be starting again. Excuse to start collecting again I suppose, but doubt ill do more than 2000 or 2500 points.

After all, got Skaven to do for WFB :D

Stolen? Sorry to hear that, I would be pretty heartbroken to have models stolen, especially with the time and effort that goes into them.

Always a good excuse to start collecting though, that's a good number of points to aim for as you can include a nice variety of models within that amount of points without going mad.

I got a bit carried away and at one point had unbuilt/unpainted stuff for Marines, IG, Eldar, Tyranids and Orks. I've sold the Nids and the IG and Eldar stuff will be going too in the very near future. It's easy to get carried away especially if you are like me where you prefer collecting to playing.

Be careful about throwing the WFB name around, Games Workshop police will be after you for not calling it Age of Sigmar :D:p
Stolen? Sorry to hear that, I would be pretty heartbroken to have models stolen, especially with the time and effort that goes into them.

Always a good excuse to start collecting though, that's a good number of points to aim for as you can include a nice variety of models within that amount of points without going mad.

I got a bit carried away and at one point had unbuilt/unpainted stuff for Marines, IG, Eldar, Tyranids and Orks. I've sold the Nids and the IG and Eldar stuff will be going too in the very near future. It's easy to get carried away especially if you are like me where you prefer collecting to playing.

Yeah I stopped playing completely after it happened, not the first time either. But it was long time
ago now so over it !

Be careful about throwing the WFB name around, Games Workshop police will be after you for not calling it Age of Sigmar :D:

Don't swear lol. No chance I'll ever play that, Snap has more rule depth! 8th Edition all the way :)
Doing a little contest with some friends from around the world. Theme is Mean and Green. Didn't want to buy anything special so had a rake through my box of shame and found the old Dark Eldar Archon model. Always liked this mini and torture is mean right? :D

Early days, been working some cold greens into the armour plates and purples on the inside of the robes

The purple was actually a bit of an experiment for me, I painted it black and white first and then glazed over it with thinned down Naggaroth Night for several layers.
I've still got the original Warhammer: The Mass Combat Fantasy RPG from 1983, is it worth anything?
I apologise for the potato quality, but... the new sprays are very good


Will update as I go..

Doing the heads and pauldrons separate
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