The colours are similar between the paint makers, there are some charts knocking about comparing GW colour to the relvent Valejjo colour or P3.
I believe Coat d'Arms who made the orginal paint colours for GW are still around as well so that might help as well.
Something else to build and paint
Supply drop landed early this morning
Make sure you paint 'dat dakka red!
How difficult is it to convert a space marine (poorly painted space marine) into a dark angel army?
Or would I be better off buying new units from scratch?
Buy some dettol, a toothbrush and some tooth picks. get those things clean in no time and ready for re-painting.
Biostrip tends to be better in our experience, you paint it on leave it for a while (if you put them on a plate and cover it with cling it can be left over night) and use a toothbrush and running tap to clean it off. It's a commercial non toxic paint stripper and pretty cheap (we bought a small tub to begin with, then a gallon for about £30 which is also used for diy)
The only problem is that it's not as readily available as dettol
Cheap interdental brushes and poundshop electric bushes (or your old Braun) are good for easy detail and general scrubbing of the model.
How did you find the Blasta Jet?
I have a Flyer without Weapons- Dakka Jet- is there enough spare weapons to build both?