So made my first pilgrimage to WHW on Saturday, what an absolutely awesome place.
The exhibition hall is amazing. Words can't really do it justice. Being able to see the amount and quality of painted miniatures is absolutely amazing and the displays that they have created for different armies are truly brilliant. The Chaos vs Ultramarines is utterly incredible, other favourites were the Nurgle Fantasy display (the scenary is brilliant), the Tyranid/Space Wolves board is a classic but good and I also really liked the Tau/Ad Mech display. I have to say I was slightly disappointed at the lack of Ork representation, could definitely do more there.
Went and had a look and watched some of the matches going on in the gaming hall, there was a huge apocalypse game on one of the tables with some very nicely painted armies on it, there was another table that had 3 Warlord Titans amongst other things facing off which was quite impressive too. Was quite cool to see so many people playing the game.
One thing that I kept finding was the sense of scale that you don't really get until you see models in the flesh. As in I knew the Warlord was big but had no real idea of the size of it until seeing it in person. There were quite a few times I found where actually seeing models in the flesh gave me a real sense of there size, scale and levels of detail.
Finally picked up a Leviathan Dread with Grav Flux and Storm Cannon, a Contemptor with twin Kheres, a Sicaran, a Deimos pattern Infernus predator and finally a Spartan. Overall quite a successful trip
will definitely be going back in the future.