I'm happy to get my hands on the Khorne half - at least I'll get some practice painting flesh!
edit: and I won't need to buy any more models until at least 2019!
A bit of a shame, but hopefully one of the suggested cleaning techniques works. I've tried Isopropyl Alcohol and Dettol, but never heard of biostrip.Well @Pookie Bear got the better deal on them models, the Khorne ones are all unbuilt or at worst badly stuck. I've got the stormcast ones and one is broken beyond repair, a few damaged that I'm trying to do running repairs on but worst of all they've all been stuck but then based although the person has used Dulux paints and a roller. It's horrific and a load of detail has been lost. Trying the Dettol technique to strip the paint, testing it on the broken one at the moment.
Bit annoying but hopefully I can strip them or its £20 wasted.
Thanks for that. Interesting technique.I always avoided skin. After watching this guy, I was quite happy with skin techniques. I put up some photos a few pages ago of my Khorne.
Well @Pookie Bear got the better deal on them models, the Khorne ones are all unbuilt or at worst badly stuck. I've got the stormcast ones and one is broken beyond repair, a few damaged that I'm trying to do running repairs on but worst of all they've all been stuck but then based although the person has used Dulux paints and a roller. It's horrific and a load of detail has been lost. Trying the Dettol technique to strip the paint, testing it on the broken one at the moment.
Bit annoying but hopefully I can strip them or its £20 wasted.
Everyone has their own way of stripping. I use Dettol, £3 for a bottle. Doesn't seem to harm the models, but it does make them smell for a long time, even after undercoating. Anything that was resistant to Dettol (small bits of paint stuck in details) I use some Isopropanol. I wouldn't soak them in it, as suggested above. I just spray and clean with tooth brush.
I bought the Thunder and Blood set for very cheap. Quite a bit was damaged and a couple models painted with what seemed like Hammerite but only two of the Khorne had lost any detail (Dettol/Isopropanol would not shift all the paint). I bought some Eternal hammers of Ebay to replace some broken ones. The Khorne horn blower had lost his horn so crafted my own out of some Fymo.
I spent a lot of time bringing them back up to a decent standard, although I decided I had far too many models to paint and was not getting anything done, so I sold them... for a lot more than what I bought them for.
I think I get the most fun repairing and rebuilding broken models!
Stripped and based;
Happy with the turnaround, I didn't actually manage to get all the blue off despite the neck end of 48 hours in Dettol. Not sure it was a failure of Dettol, the person who had them must have used blinking household paint, the models had no detail until they were stripped back. Pretty happy with the results all in all though and at least they are salvagable, a PITA to do so but I'm happy it isn't money wasted!
PS. I know they it's a different model that is based to finished, was just an example
So I visited the parents and they had kept my old Warhammer models. Damn I didn't realise how many I had.
I've got about 30 Dark Angels, 10 man squad, 5 assault squad, 5, terminators, azreal, asmodai, techmarine, razorback tank and Dreadnaught, few other randoms.
Tyranids, probably around 40 or so, maybe more, carnifex, 2 hive tyrants, lictor, Tyranid warriors, then a load of genestealers and hormagants, some thing with a big brain, some things that look like cannons.
Then Imperial guard...well. Basilisk, Hellhound tank, lemon Russ, some walker thing, heavy weapons squads, and what I estimate to be at least 60 troops.
The majority of the above are metal, and most of it is early 90's, I think some of the imperial guard are a bit later.
Plus a ton of 2nd gen books, including one Ork book which is selling on eBay for £55-£60.
It's like Christmas come early. I'm gonna write to Dettol and see if I can bulk order direct from the factory!
These Orks I'm stripping. Underneath a coat of horrid green, one was actually very well painted... checkered shoulder pads n' all. Shame it all had to come off. I guess the seller probably sprayed them all to make them look semi-started.