Tabletop Warhammer?

Have any of you played total warhammer? You would love the lore and character detail.....It's also a very good game.
Missus took me back to Warhammer as a belated birthday present, picked up a terrorgheist. I'm going to paint it as a soul dragon to fit with my nighthaunt army and also add a converted Guardian of Souls as a rider to top it off.
Unpacked my dragon to build it and they've miss packed it so I've got the same spruce replicated with the other one missing :(
Don't see that happening very often! From what I've read, if you contact GW they are very good at getting that sort of mistake sorted!
no1newts, that's annoying, was it a FW or GW kit?

Either way if you give GW a ring they may be able to send you the correct sprue* otherwise you may have to go to a GW store :(

I've been playing around with some tau, dug out my Riptide and finalised sub assembly, although I'm going to have to wait from new magnets so I can try to magnetise the big gun on it (it looks like I need a 4mm magnet, I've got 1,2,3,5,6,8 and 10 in stock).
I also had a look through my "part assembled" and stored boxes and found I've got a couple of Crisis suits I'd forgotten about (in addition to the 6 or 8 i've got part painted), 20 FW's that i'd completely forgotten about, about 9 Stealth Suits, and a Broadside to assemble and paint.

I spent some time assembling the new FW/Breacher team kit (as breachers), and was impressed by how good it was compared to the old FW kits from before they did the dual kit, so many options and parts, especially as it had the lower half of 2x Sheild, Gun and Markerlight drones as well as the Guardian drone and turret drone :)
I've got loads of gun drones so the fact it only has the two tops isn't going to be an issue, as I have no intention of making more standard gun drones for a long time but do want more of the specialist ones :)

*One of my friends got the big Titanicus set and one part was missing from the token and measure sprue, GW sent him the complete rules box as that had the sprue in it (this is a guy who somehow got a free sub to White Dwarf for years).
Spoke to them and they were spot on, drop them an email with my details and they receipt and they'll post me the missing bits. So I'll have half a spare undead dragon :p
Newts did you buy the individual kit? Just that if you buy the Crypt Flayers Start Collecting pack, you get the terrorgeist plus a load of other models for only £50!

Any good? Amazing how when you get it in front of a camera everything looks a little messy. Maybe my eyesight is going!

I am nearly done with my Grey Knights though, 2000 point army.

Painted - So far I have:

Brother Captain Stern
Librarian (above)
Strike Squad (5 man, incinerator)
Strike Squad (5 man, incinerator)
Termintor Squad (5 man, incinerator)
Interceptor Squad (10 man, incinerator, psycannon)

Left to paint:
3 dreadnaughts
1 paladin ancient with banner
3 paladin terminators (they are in the mail from ebay)

Then I need to base them all though.

Apparently they are very terrible in game in this 8th ed, oh well.

After that I think I will move on to Tyranids, got a ton of them all from the early 90's, quite a few metal. Shame the old Carnifex doesn't appear anymore, most (I think all) of the others I have would still be all legal, the Zoanthrope I have looks completely different to the current version though!
Any good? Amazing how when you get it in front of a camera everything looks a little messy. Maybe my eyesight is going!
I am nearly done with my Grey Knights though, 2000 point army.
Apparently they are very terrible in game in this 8th ed, oh well.
One day I'll go back and finish my Ultramarines, but I just prefer Age of Sigmar. I guess I'm just more of an in-your-face combat kinda player!

I find the same, looks near perfect by the naked eye then you picture it and you cringe :D
I have given up taking close-ups or looking through my magnifying-lamp - I always end up disappointed.

BUDFORCE, on a table, and in your cabinet, I bet your Grey Knight looks awesome - what more can you want?
Got my replacement dragon, they shipped me a brand new one within a day of them acknowledging my message which was great customer service to be fair.

Got it all built and sprayed and converted a knight of the shrouds into a mage to go on top. Rather looking forward to getting started on painting tonight :)
So I blame you lot, after reading through this thread on and off for a while now, I found myself at marionville models (local model shop with 20% off Warhammer stuff) and ended up buying the Dark Imperium set. Ive now started building the ultramarines and said goodbye to the wife and kids for at least the next 2 weeks. It was almost painful buying the base, washes and layers that I remember from long ago and the hours of frustration and challenge that I experienced. But god damn it, youve all given me the bug again...
So I blame you lot, after reading through this thread on and off for a while now, I found myself at marionville models (local model shop with 20% off Warhammer stuff) and ended up buying the Dark Imperium set. Ive now started building the ultramarines and said goodbye to the wife and kids for at least the next 2 weeks. It was almost painful buying the base, washes and layers that I remember from long ago and the hours of frustration and challenge that I experienced. But god damn it, youve all given me the bug again...

This thread lured me back in after about 20 years away :p
Yeah pretty much same here, I am nearly 35 years old, used to play it when I was between about 10 and 14 years old.

Fortunately my parents kept all of my old miniatures and on a visit a few weekends ago I picked them up, I have a ton of them all from the early 90's which I will repaint and make up armies with.

I am nearly done with my Grey Knights now which I have a 2000 point
Grey Knight Army.

Batallion detachment:

HQ x 3

Brother Captain Stern 157
Librarian (combi plasma) 172
Chaplain 144

Troops x 3

Strike Squad (5 man + incinerator) 109
Strike Squad (5 man + incinerator) 109
Terminator squad (6 man + incinerator) 296

Fast attack x 1

Interceptor Squad (10 man + incinerator + Psycannon) 258

Elites x 5

Space Marine Dreadnaught (Twin lascannon) 137
Space Marine Dreadnaught (Twin lascannon) 137
Space Marine Dreadnaught (Twin lascannon + missile launcher) 162
Paladin Ancient (Psycannon) 160
Paladin Squad x 3 159

Army total: 2,000
(exactly, by sheer luck!) army that is now about 90% painted. These guys were all ebay jobs, 100% metal army.

Next up Tyranids, which are one of the three armies I picked up from the folks, need to paint strip, re-paint and see whats what in terms of the modern codex and build up an army. After that I have some Dark Angels and what seems like an absolute ton of Imperial Guard, but the Choas gods are calling.....
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