Thought I would share my good fortune.
Saw a 'warhammer tank' for sale on Facebook, bargin I hear you say? The description was that it was built wrong, missing parts and generally in a poor condition. The tank was an Imperial Guard Chimera... Challenge accepted! I saw in the back ground of the photo a box for imperial troops and asked the question "Does this sale include any troops?" And was told to come have a look because there were "some" troops.
On arriving and being shown what was for sale, I was not disapointed. Sale included a very sorry looking tank, that definatally needed a lot of love. Under the unused tank sprus were a whole bunch of Imperial Guard sprues. I didnt even look very hard at them, saw them and grabbed them (paid of course) and drove home like a mad man.
Upon opening the box and lifting the unloved tank and its unused sprues I found one complete sprue of 5 guards and about enough parts (still on sprues) to make another 10 maybe even 15 Guards men (Special weapons n' all!)
I thought about dumping the tank, but I cant. It needs love and its going to get it. I'll make a few parts and buy the ones I cant make, i.e. tank tracks. Its an old model tank (2003) so parts are a bit hard to come by which is why I'll have to be creative.
All this for £2. The seller looked at me like I was crazy for wanting it. Ha! Crazy alright, dang frigging oof me rocker.
The only trouble with this is that I have now even more things to paint. My Astra Millitaruim Kill Team was originaly going to consist of 5 Scions and a bunch of guards. I couldnt find guards on ebay that I could varifiy were not the easy to build ones, which, lets face it are usless for convertion. So I ended up buying another (again very cheap from facebook market) set of Scions. So now I have 10 Scions and about 20 guards. All for a 100 point Kill Team!