That was a cracking game.
Round One
We were playing the Knife in the Dark battleplan, which basically has an objective in each player's zone, and if you control both beyond turn three, you win. I left a good part of my forces in the Celestial Realm (two Celestar Ballista, a Lord Ordinator, 5 Sequitors and 5 Evocators) while the rest, 2x5 Sequitors, 5 Evocators, 3 Mounted Evocators, a Knight Incantor and Astreia Solbright took the field. Newts' Nighthaunt outnumbered my forces three to one and after he took the first turn (my choice) I have to admit, I was feeling a little vulnerable and started to turtle backwards, so Turn One was pretty limp. The only threat was me using my one-off artifact, the Staff of Focus, to try and blast his wizards with an Everblaze Comet - and failing, twice (rolled 4 and then 3 with a CP). Failure. I buffed my Sequitors defensively across the board and, using Cleansing Phalanx, they were super-charged.
Round Two
Nighthaunt went first. They moved forward again, pretty much into charging range, but were reluctant to charge and leave themselves isolated against Evocators and buzzing Sequitors. His attempt at magic was failed, then snuffed out by the Knight Incantor's Voidstorm Scroll. Stormcast managed to get off the comet which exploded right in the middle of the NH lines, killing a good half dozen and wounding the dragon and wizards. Moments later, the SC reinforcements appeared behind the NH lines and started flinging ballista bolts into the Chainrasp Horde left guarding the objective. They were screened by Sequitors and Evocators and had the Lord Ordinator keeping an eye on things and buffing their shots. I decided to go on the offensive, partially. Wizards tried to blast the NH casters, and only succeeded in wounding them slightly - but it was enough to make Newts get worried. One defensive flank and the centre moved up, crashing into the Nighthaunt, the mounted Evocators ruining the second Chainrasp Horde. The other flank formed a double-defensive line (Evocators offset behind super-charged Sequitors - the latter rerolling hits, wounds and saves). All the SC reinforcements failed their charges.
Round Three
NH won the roll off. His forces were split around the Comet, and having to rush back to defend the objective. At this point, it all started to unravel a bit for the NH. Rolls were not going well, and the buffed Sequitors were holding off the worst of the enemy, apart from the reinforcements, who were wiped out in one round by the dragon and charging chainrasps. In return, the SC wizards and melee units were taking quite the toll on the NH frontline. On the NH left flank, their lord failed a charge, and that left his cavalry isolated and they got toasted by Evocators. Despair started to settle in at this stage, but having two heroes, a dragon and half a dozen Spirit Hosts (with several other units in a bad state) meant he wasn't prepared to give up just yet.
Round Four
Objectives were ignored. SC won the roll-off and everyone who could, charged whatever they could. The two generals decided to have a face-off. The NH ended this round in a worse state, the only bright part being the uitter dominance of his general over the SC leader. The dragon was Evocated. A couple of SC units were destroyed, but by this point, the SC outnumbered the NH handily.
Round Five
The SC general was slain, but the remaining Nighthaunt were slaughtered to the last Casper.
Yes, I did panel your ghosties, but there were several turning points, and I think it's fair to say that while my dice were not particularly hot, yours went from hot at the start, to downright awful for round three and four. I'm sure there were moments I've forgotten from this game! I got some good photos though!