Tabletop Warhammer?

The old 2nd edition books were amazing, I still have the old Warhammer fantasy Undead one in the house. It was so thick and full of lore you it was at least a couple of centimetres thick.

Good times and I loved re.reading the story of Nagash, the king (Nezzacanezzhar I think) and the Skaven. Awesome stuff.
Finally getting around to some painting. Ended up getting a set of Artis Opus brushes and put down the Citadel ones, so much nicer to use. Only got through a squad of marines and a captain so far (about 90% done) and slowly working my way through a Dark Angel veterans kill team.

Just need to get myself back into the actual gaming now, although there doesn't seem to be anything in terms of gaming clubs in Notts like I had in the north west so looks like it's the city centre store or Warhammer world.
After weeks/months of not managing much/anything hobby related I've made a start on my Titanicus set after a couple of games with a friend at our local club, I'm quite enjoying putting the Warlord together so far and it seems an easier build than the 28mm scale knights.

I'm going to magnitise the weapons, and possible at the waist (so I can put it into a box in two parts for transport).
I've just received a Civitas scenery box for it as well as my brother has been making up the scenery from his GM edition and we're going to need a fair bit of scenery.
Bah, need to hunt out more members up here!

Another Saturday morning of mould line scraping on 40 guardsmen...
I'm off to one of the local gaming clubs in Blyth tonight on a rare free Saturday night.
There's at least one club in Durham.

Blyth on a Saturday? I know the Sunday club at st Cuthberts but didn't know there was a sat club!
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I was lucky in terms of gaming groups, my town hasn't had a wargaming one in 15+ years that I've been back into the hobby (or not one I'd found), a friend moved near me a couple of years back (so we've been playing in my garage) and about 6 months ago spotted one was starting up:)
I never really get the time to get along but now get to have the odd game with @Pookie Bear which suits me as I'm more into the painting than the playing.

My son is getting more into as well and when I finish my stormcast at can play Nighthaunt v Stormcast whenever he fancies it.
Blyth on a Saturday? I know the Sunday club at st Cuthberts but didn't know their was a sat club!
Yeah, it's called Rusted Revolver Gaming - they've a fairly active Facebook group. I'm going along tonight for a demo of Gangs of Rome.
I never really get the time to get along but now get to have the odd game with @Pookie Bear which suits me as I'm more into the painting than the playing.
My son is getting more into as well and when I finish my stormcast at can play Nighthaunt v Stormcast whenever he fancies it.
Yeah, I spend a lot more time painting than playing - although I'd like to get more games, I've got twins on the way so time may be limited.
Gangs of Rome turned out to be fun.

Also decided to run an AoS Skirmish campaign game at that club over the next few months, finishing with a Triumph and Treachery game, assuming we can get 6 AoS players for it.


The second it's live I am pre-ordering that and probably shelving my stormcast army to build a black legion one!

Very nice, just so happens I am starting a black legion army, but so far I just have Khorne berzerkers (I got as an Xmas gift) and then 30 cultists and one old metal chaos lord I ebayed.

I have on the list, 10 raptors, 3 obliterators, couple of rhino's, sorcerer, lord with jump pack. Then I'm doing a chaos deamon detachment.

I am wondering if I should hold off? Anyone more hints on what is going to be updated?

I'm guessing the regular black legion space marines, berzerkers (well I got those given, so), obliterators I know about.

Reckon Raptors will get a new release? I'll be a bit gutted if cultists do, I don't particularly like the basic push fit ones you get, only 5 non option poses, I baught 4 boxes of 5, so I will have 4 lots that are identical, other than I've tried to vary the paint job.

The other 10 I'm actually going to sub in Neophyte Hybrids to vary it up.
If I was you I would hang fire as it looks like it's going to be a pretty huge release with a new codex and a heck of a lot of new models. A lot still under wraps but you may find you buy stuff and something newer and better comes out a month or two later.

Have a look on forgeworld if you don't like the cultists, not sure if they still do but they certainly used to sell some good cultist models. Alteratively try the Bay and pick up the models from the Blackstone Fortress set and use them, they're pretty sweet iirc.
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I would hope this release is similar to the Death Guard release with the amounts of models they released. The stuff so far has been nothing short of incredible.
And here I am with my fresh out of the box tank sprues first released in 1995. Good job games workshop!

Nearly as old as me!
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I would hope this release is similar to the Death Guard release with the amounts of models they released. The stuff so far has been nothing short of incredible.

Amen, DG release was great and this seems to be shaping up to he something similar so far.

I want to see a new Bezerker box set. They current ones look either like they are falling over or attempting to milk a cow.
Amen, DG release was great and this seems to be shaping up to he something similar so far.

I want to see a new Bezerker box set. They current ones look either like they are falling over or attempting to milk a cow.

I still like the guardsmen and cultists that all look like they've got club feet.
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