There's been a few teasers that suggest there is one coming!The new Obliterators look amazing, really hope there's a new Abaddon model as well
There's been a few teasers that suggest there is one coming!
The new Abaddon model is teased in the video.
You need to scroll down to the bottom of the article though.
Hahaha nice, I have 30 Chaos Cultists (well 20 + 10 Neophyte Hybrids I'm gonna covert/sub in as Cultists) in the post.
Gonna take my time though, I've painted up about 2.5k Grey Knights and bang on 2K Tyranids since end of Aug 2018, the Grey Knights are good, the Tyranids.. some are a bit rushed.
I'm slowboating these Chaos though, in no rush to get them done, and will try and do them as nice as I can.
Apologies if you've mentioned it previously in this thread, but what sort of Chaos army are you going for?
Hahaha your fine, no I didn't say.
So, I'm going 2k, 3 detachments. 1 detachment Black Legion, 1 renegade/raiders (whatever that one that you can adv/charge) and then a 3rd detachment of Khorne Chaos Daemons.
All the CSM will be painted as Black Legion though. The Khorne I will paint red(ish) but no where near as dark as GW paint them, if you Google the "imp" bad guy from the 2016 Doom PC game, I'm going for that colour.
The Black Legion will have cheap HQ's, cultists, obliterators.
The renegade - 3 squads of raptors, 2 squads of berzerkers, 2 rhino's, chaos lord with jump pack.
Daemons will be 2x Daemon Prince, 10 Bloodletters and a Soul Grinder.
Get a move on, slacker! I've got some Stormcast waiting to panel your ghosties into next weekI've eventually made some progress on my nighthaunt after months of inertia.
Got my 10 Harridans needing drybrush and edge highlighting, my 3 spirit hosts the same and I've eventually built my remaining 20 chainrasp and my last modded Hexwraith and primed them.
So 34 models underway and when done I'll have 2 (and a bit) thousand point army done and dusted. Intend to plough on tonight.
That looks like it will be a really fun list to play and you've certainly got a nice spread of different units in there. I've always the idea of running a Chaos Marine/Khorne daemons army. 2 Daemon princes is going to be particularly nasty.
Thanks, yea I don't play competitively, I have 3 priorities when put army army together, first and most important I take the models I like the look of, second is then try and make it balanced, third priority is then to make it strong in game.
Get a move on, slacker! I've got some Stormcast waiting to panel your ghosties into next week
These things happen, can't be helped. At least you're trying!Yeah I ended up doing nothing as my internet went down and had to fix it, another weekend gone.