Tabletop Warhammer?

Got so much to build and paint but still got these...

I've had to resort to superglue at times for some arms that seemingly have no slots to connect, it's like I'm expected to balance them on a nano piece of the torso.
Blimey macro pictures look aweful :cry:
Almost any close up photo always makes models look awful*, I tend to find that most photos have a tendency to show up all the little things that even the best painters can't avoid if you're looking at them closely or on a big enough display and macro just makes that worse:)
It feels like getting a good shot of your model is an art in itself :) (and one it feels like GW have never mastered given how often my group have been unimpressed with the promo shots, then been wowed by seeing something painted in the store).

I've noticed the same thing with actually looking at models, most people are very aware of any imperfections in their own models no matter how well they're painted, because they've spent however many hours looking very closely at them, whilst when someone else looks at them they're not likely to see those tiny things that jump out at the person who painted them. One of my friends is a great (and fast) painter, but he's always very aware of where he's made mistakes or the paint hasn't quite gone right - even when he points it out half the time I can barely see it.

Those are looking good:)
Was having issues trying to get death guard green the right consistency, coverage was really bad even if I used right out the pot.
In comparison, started using my TTC paints and I am able to thin them and get them to behave exactly like I see Duncan do on his tutorials, night and day difference.
That said, not had this issue with most of the citadel range but it's hard to use them as the TTC are so good from what I've used so far. That was the ridiculous purchase I mentioned, I really liked the rack with the paint names so I got the whole set and now wave 2 is about to launch.

Also I thought painting vehicles would be fun but I hate it lol. Going to try a dry brush technique I saw on artis opus YouTube page and I'll post the results. Finally, playing a friendly on Sunday, opponent is making me a 2k list from his own DG so saves me renting one from the venue.
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if its your first game of tenth, the quickstart guide will help enormously with weapon capabilities.
that was the biggest snagging point that slowed me down when I played my first game of 10th.

hopefully if its your first game then your opponent will be able to guide you through stuff and make it fun.
if its your first game of tenth, the quickstart guide will help enormously with weapon capabilities.
that was the biggest snagging point that slowed me down when I played my first game of 10th.

hopefully if its your first game then your opponent will be able to guide you through stuff and make it fun.

It's my first full game but have played for 3h prior. Printed off my ghetto index cards, and will be taking the rulebook as don't want to keep flicking on my phone, opponent played 8/9 extensively but not 10 yet so really it's just for learning/fun.
So, over the last month or so since Leviathan release night, me and the wife have...shall we say well and truly invested into returning to the realms of 40k (and in her case AOS as well.), through a combination of FLGS, Ebay (and a few small awkward to find bits at the local Warhammer store). Let's just say expensive, but not as bad as it could have been...

The Leviathan box has been assembled, apart from my Neurotyrants as 2 of the bases that came with my Leviathan were not hexhole punched. I could have resolved this with glue, but I wanted to do it the 'official way', just felt right after 15-20 years away from the game and this being a 'without glue' box. GW are sending me some new bases which are delayed in the warehouse movement, but once they've arrived everything will be assembled.

I managed to wrangle up basically the a complete EXTRA 'Nid half of the Leviathan box, minus the Prime and Psychophage off another guy for a very reasonable price, considering official prices. Those are all built as well (except for the Neurotyrant again).

Family also managed to dig out my old 2nd edition Hive Tyrant (TINY!!), my 3rd edition Hive Tyrant and a few Tyranid Warriors, Tyrant Guard, potentially my 3rd edition Carnifex and a Zoanthrope etc, so I plan to bio strip those of the old paint job and glue them back together as bits have fallen off. Then either use the Hive Tyrants as 2 Hive Tyrants (miniature, giant space Hive Tyrant - must have used some small, angry irish genes or something for that 2nd edition one...) , or maybe use the 2nd gen Tyrant along with the other 2 tyrant guard as hive guard for the 3rd edition Tyrant. Hopefully I've got enough there to use and proxy into some usable squads, but if I can get those repainted that just feels fun, especially as genetic throwbacks are very real, and would be a fun 'genetic quirk' to feature in a modern list.

Marines are assembled (they are becoming Dark Angels), I also managed to get hold of an extra Redemptor Dreadnought so I can field a Plasma gun wielding dreadnought, which feels appropriate for the D Angels, and extra Intercessor squad from testers I got given by friends, and also managed to pickup the Lion (been waiting for him since I FIRST played, damn). Only thing I've got left to build here is the Redemptor and the Lion, rest is all assembled.

My wife on the other hand invested in Tzeentch Chaos Daemons as she wants the flexibility to play both 40K and AOS (and managed to get her a new copy of the AOS 3rd edition core book, and an as-new Tzeentch battle tomb for less than the official price of the core rule book so...that was nice).

She then saw and fell in love with the slightly demented Adepta Sororitas, so she now has quite an exceptional pile of shame that I am avoiding like the plague incase I build them in a way she does not like.

Once painted we now have roughly 2000 points of all 4 armies, but assembly and painting will take some time!

We've also picked up some paints, Tamiya extra thin plastic cement, Army Painter Master Drybrush set which came strongly recommended, got given some slightly older clippers by my brother, albeit the paints are primarily for me (I am wanting to try the contrast paints...) and she is still thinking what she needs, so there will likely be at least a few more paints coming soon. 3 cans of Colour Forge Primer (2x Wightbone/Wraithbone and 1x Hydrax/Rhinox Brown) so I can try Zenithal priming to go with the contrast paints etc on the marines and nids... Fun but potentially terrifying as I always sucked at painting so hoping Zenithal/Constrast can take a lot of the time consumption out of getting these guys battlefield ready.

And that's before she ends up working out what primers and paints she wants/needs!

About the only thing I DON'T have yet (apart from the spray stick/painting handles) are the main paint brushes. What would you guys recommend there, as I've seen a lot of conflicting info, and I'm well aware I could probably easily ruin brushes as a noob?
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Zenithal/Constrast can take a lot of the time consumption out of getting these guys battlefield ready.

I found that "letting the paint" do the work with the contrast and Zenithal is the key.

Dont overthink it, splodge it in there, get a good healthy covering and then just use your brush to soak up excess pooling, but dont be afraid if it looks thicker in the recesses.

If you go too crazy you start taking too much away and making a mess of it.

Some colors are also horrific to work worth. Ulttamarines blue for example is just an aweful contrast in how it behaves, so pick up a few mini of the month first and try with your chosen colors, and consider using army painter equivilents or vice versa if you dont like how they behave.
Plan is to Zenithal in the same colours (Wraithbone Zenithal/Hydrax Brown 'Shadow') all the marines and 'nids.
Space Marines are Dark Angels so for the Deathwing it'll certainly get to results quickly, with the primary body to be done with Dark Angels contrast over the top for the standard marines. I will test the Contrast on a few members of that intercessor squad built out of to see how it goes, I had heard the Dark Angels one is actually fairly decent though as long as you do lines and try not to go crossways over contrast paint you've already done, and just paint in same direction on a panel.

Tyranids are gonna be Wraithbone flesh, Talassar Blue armour plating for some pop, with some detailing via Fleshtearer Red and Wyldwood Contrast.

Paints wise I picked up the Colour Forge Primers (2x Wight bone, 1x Hyrax) which I'm hoping is enough for the marines and nids given the larger Colour Forge cans, albeit its quite a few models so I don't actually know.

Physical paints I grabbed:
Dark Angels Contrast
Nuln Oil Shade
Guiliman Flesh Contrast
Fleshtearer Red Contrast
Wraithbone base
Talassar Blue Contrast
Iron Warriors Base [Dreadnought and other assorted mechanicals]
Abbadon Black Base [Detailing/Guns - I'm going black bolters vs red]
Wyldwood Contrast [Pouches, potentially 'nid claws/hooves]
ProAcryl Bold Titanium White (been told many times its the best)
Scale75 Decayed Metal
Scale75 Dwarven Gold

I have been recommended to pickup some Seraphim Sepia also, which I'll probably do when the wife finalises her paints, as she will need some extra paints and black primer at the least. I suspect she may also want to use Wightbone to go underneath her Tzeentch for a nice warm colour pop with contrasts and the like over the top.

I also figured wraithbone base, talassar blue contrast over the top for the deep vivid blues, and then pro-acryl white drybrushed over the top of the coils will probably look fantastic on the Dread plasma gun haha

Any thoughts on brushes as seen so much mixed feedback there?
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I think brush advice is generally get a decent (sable) 0 and 1, nothing wrong with cheap synthetics generally.
I got a set from AO but that was so I could definitively rule out my brushes as being a reason why I might be **** at some things lol.

My best purchase outside of lighting has been the below, they are an absolute joy to work with.

Sisters of battle is another army I really like, as well as 1K sons, salamanders, and various chapter colour schemes of chaos. Just not enough hours in the day to do it all.
For now I just like feeling like I own my own hobby shop.
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Something about metal miniatures.

I know the modern plastics are far superior in terms of detail and quality, and also from a practical basis eg plastic doesn't break if you drop it.

But something about metal ones fills me with more anticipation. I dunno, maybe when I started collecting in third edition, the plastics were pretty basic, eg box of 10 marines 8 being identical, the metals were always premium, part of that still sticks maybe.

These are Kasarkin circa 2003 paint stripped and drying out ready for undercoating tomorrow.

Current state of my PBC. Deffo getting to the 'that will do' stage. I've not actually spent that much time on it to be fair. I've just got to sort them water out *the mortar out* and the front plough thing and I think I will call it a day.

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