Tabletop Warhammer?

The great part about my custom rack.

Needed some more room for a few extra paints.

No worries, just stack another layer on :D

2024-04-13 21_21_04.jpg

If anyone wants the files to print their own, let me know.
^^nice rack.

1k point game tonight. Marines vs eldar again and to be honest it was largely over in one turn.

Eldar player got first turn and poured firepower in to my exposed land raider.
5 dark reapers, fire prism and a vyper did a grand total of 9 wounds after I'd popped smoke on it. He made a mistake in not firing the vyper first for the debuff it provides which would probably have changed things.
Nothing else was in range or line of sight so that was his first turn over.

I pushed forward with everything, raider leading the charge. Dropped out my unit of aggressors who proceeded to wipe the dark reapers. Combined firepower from the land raider and rest of my army then managed to blow up the vyper, a fire prism and frustratingly leave his wraithseer on 1 wound.
Sadly I failed a charge in to his unit of guardians and the wraithseer so awaited his (limited) retort.
This didn't go so well when he immediately tried to move the wraithseer and I overwatched it. Overkilled the poor thing by about 10 wounds.
The guardians killed a single aggressor. His wraithguard were in range of my gladiator but only 3 could shoot and managed to wound once. Which I promptly ignored thanks to my technmarine and his enhancement.
He decided against charging with the guardians and so it fell to my second turn. The aggressors and small arms killed the guardians and their farseer leader. I then put everything else in my army in to the wraithguard, frustratingly leaving 2 and their spiritseer leader alive. Their return fire however managed to damage the land raider neutralising the repairs I'd made.
Decided to charge them! Which...I failed at.
Eldar turn 3 and the squad of now 3 wraithguard managed to drop the land raider to just 3 wounds. Before they charged it...I overwatched again and wiped the squad, minus the spiritseer. Who I then dropped in combat. Only for him to get back up on a 2+.
Kind of pointless as he then had my entire army in shooting range in my next turn!
The great part about my custom rack.

Needed some more room for a few extra paints.

No worries, just stack another layer on :D

2024-04-13 21_21_04.jpg

If anyone wants the files to print their own, let me know.
How long does it take you to rebottle the Citadel paints? Must have taken ages to do them all!
How long does it take you to rebottle the Citadel paints? Must have taken ages to do them all!

Not really, just got a bit of a routine on it, so was doing like 5-10 in one go, the longest part was scraping the last bits from the base and layer pots, the shades and contrasts took seconds.
Ok my plan to get more painting done hasn’t gone to plan. Been super busy in the garden and work around the house!! Getting new fencing put in.
Ok my plan to get more painting done hasn’t gone to plan. Been super busy in the garden and work around the house!! Getting new fencing put in.

Tell me about it. I just have not had the motivation really especially for that chaos stuff. The trim is ridiculous.
Tell me about it. I just have not had the motivation really especially for that chaos stuff. The trim is ridiculous.
Same here really, yesterday I was helping out my neighbour fitting external cladding on his house, got the insulated log cabin arriving in a couple of weeks so stuff needs to be organized for that, plus I wingfoil & stand up paddleboard so I will be out on the water as the weather down here is starting to improve a bit.
I’ve been doing mega DIY lately so I’m too busy and tired to paint :(

The silver lining is the room I’m doing at the moment will be my hobby space so that’s nice. But it’s a mission, it’s a grotty brick built lean to extension with a PVC roof that we never use because it’s got the conservatory problem, among other issues, so it’s taking a lot to make it nice and liveable but will hopefully be well worth it.

Gonna try and get back to painting for a night or two soon though.
I’ve been doing mega DIY lately so I’m too busy and tired to paint :(

The silver lining is the room I’m doing at the moment will be my hobby space so that’s nice. But it’s a mission, it’s a grotty brick built lean to extension with a PVC roof that we never use because it’s got the conservatory problem, among other issues, so it’s taking a lot to make it nice and liveable but will hopefully be well worth it.

Gonna try and get back to painting for a night or two soon though.
Once the new insulated log cabin arrives it will be my new hobby space, but its going to mean constructing a mini shed for my lawnmower & petrol driven multi tool (the shed should be here on wednesday), currently the mower is an an old summerhouse which once I have emptied it I will cut it up and dispose of the wood.

After that I will have to increase the size of the existing concrete base, the cabin is due the first week of May, it should be pretty easy to assemble (famous last words) once its watertight I will then run an armoured cable from my house down to it as the summerhouse has no power.

Lay a laminate floor down, put it some decent worksurfaces & 8 double socket outlets (some will have usb sockets already fitted), my 3d printers will be moved into the cabin along with all my hobby stuff too.

Lastly the exterior will be treated with 3 coats of Sikkens wood preservative, if you think hobby paints are expensive they are nothing compared to the cost of the wood stain :(

Once all that lots done I will be back to painting minis again, that's if I can find my stuff after I have moved it all ;)
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Put a pre order in for the Ork battleforce and combat patrol, missed the Warhammer store one but an independent place I've used before had it still available on pre order. All ordered Ok they then sent me an email to say they had cancelled it due to them not being sent as many as they thought.... I now have to go to the warhammer store on release day to see if they have any available. This will be my first Ork models as I really wanted the Stompa.

I am popping to my local independent gaming cafe 'Bad moon cafe' in south london, I haven't been there before so I want to scope it out.
A couple more Grey Knights from my Combat Patrol set, so only three done so far, this Purgator patrol are tiny and detailed but still fun to paint, once the five Purgators in the patrol are done I can move on to Terminators which are a lot bigger and hopefully easier.

I used magnets again for this one to use the alternative head as an option as well as the helm. Painted head looks a lot better in person, but the odd eyes actually work OK for the fanatical pose. In the hand you can't really tell the eyes are odd, but definitely can see in this up close image. No way I'm trying to correct anything on heads that small, especially eyes, so I'll leave it as is. I'm also leaving the shoulder crest herald detail blank as I won't be able to paint or draw consistent text on it.




On this one with the flame gun the text printing isn't as good on the model due to using longer words like vengeance and I still can't tell what the gun is supposed to say, I think it's Fortitude.


The gaming cafe looked pretty good they had a knight dominus in stock but it was GW pricing they only do a discount on pre orders. I was very tempted as I've been waiting for a while for it to come back into stock at my usual online place but I'm thinking GW might re release it when they do the Imperial knight codex.
The great part about my custom rack.

Needed some more room for a few extra paints.

No worries, just stack another layer on :D

2024-04-13 21_21_04.jpg

If anyone wants the files to print their own, let me know.
I have started to 3d print the multirack modular wall mounted system today, loads of different options for it plus the model files are free which is an added bonus.

Cheers All
Did a bit. I have got a completely different red on my terminators than I have on my havocs and I think it's because I started the havocs using different reds and then I went over them when I got the ones from the tutorial which is annoying because the havoc ones are a much nicer darker red. Maybe some more coats will help.

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