Tabletop Warhammer?

Managed to grab the Ork Stompa box this morning at the Warhammer shop on Tottenham Court Road when it opened at 10. They only had about 5 in stock on release day.
Managed to grab the Ork Stompa box this morning at the Warhammer shop on Tottenham Court Road when it opened at 10. They only had about 5 in stock on release day.
I picked up the Ork combat patrol box and also a Warboss in mega armour yesterday from my local hobby shop, also next Saturday I will be picking up the Darkoath Army set ;)

Cheers All
Had a little hobby hangout with two of my friends on Saturday which was really fun. It's a pretty solitary hobby a lot of the time so it made a nice change.

I painted... one squighog! I was fairly happy with the scheme on the ones I have already, but I used xpress paints on them and wasn't really feeling it on the squigs as they're a bit too big and smooth so I wanted to try and do it again but with normal paint, wet blending etc. And to do them not as deathskulls but as clanless/snakebite style. I got just the skin done on the rider too.

Last pic is one of my ones I have already that I haven't finished put any pigment on the base yet as I was going to try and tart them up/finish them a bit better. It has got a load of pigment splattered all over it from being in the box with the rest of the army though!

I've got a really stupid amount of snagga boys and squighog riders, I bought a bunch then found a really good deal on the snagga box, then ended up buying the boarding patrol too so I've got loads of them. Might as well experiment with them!I think I've got 40 snagga boys and about 10 squighog boys :/
Love the squig. I really like pink/purple blends but don't have the skill for it outside of my generic airbrush ones achieved with preshading.
I'm still confused about why my latest red doesn't look like the cult of paint tutorial opposed to my Havoks which started off with a different red initially.

Speaking of. Had a terrible airbrush session last. Had so many problems I was wondering if something was broken or damaged.
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I thought maybe I can do one of these terminators quite quickly because there isn't too much trim. Well, I was very wrong.

So... that Snagga Boy wasn't the right one for the Squighog! So I've started painting the actual right one. Decided to use quite different paints to usual but following my 'trying hard' green with magenta/purple shade. Trying my absolute hardest this is all I've got. I like it though.

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I have no idea why I did this but I read somewhere that doing the trim on chaos first was easier. I think this actually took me 6-8 hours. No way is it faster, all brush. Also lol at my lightning, but was first freehand attempt ever, actually quite pleased with it. I'll upload a picture once I've matted it back down.

Yeah agree. Based the remaining terminators tonight and managed to finish the trim on one. Won't ever be doing it by brush again like that first one lol.
These will probably look different as I used a lighter blue for some shading/contrast but that's ok.
Need to revarnish as well because I used my airbrush and I couldn't tell where the spray was hitting lol. So I missed loads of bits like the entire cloak somehow.

It's a shame I couldn't replicate the red I got on that one havoc model, was looking forward to doing red corsairs, even got the decals. Guess I could experiment again, I like having a mixture of legions/chapters anyway for variation.

Id normally drill barrels but they gave chaos those stupid pea shooters and they are really small.
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Got the squighog and rider done, still got the saddlegit to do.

Tried a new basing scheme, because I’m not too enamoured with the one I use for my Orks so far. Tried the AK Sunrise Blaze again, had disregarded it before because it’s SO yellow and for a basing material the coverage is kind of horrible. It does the thing some yellows do when they look green over darker colours.

But with a bit of a mix of washes on it and a drybrush I kind of dig it. Much better than the previous. Looks like I might have a bit of work ahead of me.

30k Alpha Legion Kratos I painted up a few months ago!

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Stupid Chaos battleforces selling out instantly booo
some of the new models do look epic and had me hovering over the buy button. But I got slaves to Darkness and Daughters of Khaine to start to paint!!

It’s strange I started off in warhammer AOS as I much prefer a fantasy setting but I’ve been nothing but painting space wolves since lol.
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