Tabletop Warhammer?

Anyone backed Trench Crusade? I've backed it for the book, 2 warbands digital and the bundle for the Trench Pilgrims. Definitely a bit of me, looks fun and heretical. And heresy's my fave

No because although the miniatures look very cool, we decided as a group that basically there's too many games already so we don't need to add another one which we won't get around to playing.
At the moment the most popular ones are dystopian Wars, kings of war or something and none of the group really play anything games workshop.

Here's a few of my rhino that I've nearly finished. I just need to sort out the spikes and do the tracks really.
I did have some lightning on there but I'm not very good at it so I just decided not to bother. So it basically looks like ultramarines but with a little bit of Chaos lol.
I will put a nightlord transfer somewhere on there as well.
You may notice I put the headlights in the wrong position as well because the lights should be on the inside but never mind not like it's a centrepiece.

I've got some new Molotov inks which I really like. I think they are actually for permanent markers but it's just acrylic. Unfortunately the blue I got is more like purple which is fine because it was just for priming and is an o shadow colour. However, it has made me think now of trying an emperor's children's scheme.

Vashtor WIP, still a fair way to go on this.

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Oh yeah, completely forgot I ordered that ^

Got a decent order coming tomorrow, mixture of models and painty stuff.
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Oh yeah, completely forgot I ordered that ^

Got a decent order coming tomorrow, mixture of models and painty stuff.
Sounds good my friend, Amazon delivered it early.

Been painting up those new Vespids from Killteam just got the weapons to paint, not looking forward to painting all the white on them though.

The models in that starter box are really good, only reason I picked up the starter set.
Been ages since I posted here, been some really good stuff posted, Roman those Skaven and the building look incredible and Noxia those tanks and that monster look amazing, your airbrush skills are really good. I'm still only using paint brushes, but I think I'll try out airbrushing in the New Year with a new painting area setup.

Finally got to painting the Paladin terminators that I magnetised last year to try get my Grey Knight Combat Patrol box display case finished before Christmas. Been making good progress and now only have one terminator and the Captain left to shade and varnish, then just the giant robot piece that is already primed to paint from scratch to finish the whole set.

As for magnetising, as you can likely see from image of all the magnetised parts for just one model, that it was a hassle, but also pretty fun and makes for poseable, customisable characters for my display. All my Paladin terminators have interchangeable arms and crests, so I can make all kinds of configs including the barebones terminators. I was also able to make up a fully kitted out apothecary from the set which I really like. Magnetising is a fiddly hassle I might not bother with too much going forward now I've done all the magnetising for this box set, but I do think it's cool that all these pics here are the same model in different configs. Because of all the guns this is model with the most magnetised pieces, but most have around 5 pieces.

I've skimped on the electric blade effects as I can't do them reliably enough quickly and they'll take me forever, also not going to write on their name crests, leaving some shoulders blank, I can always go back and finish them, this way I can get them all finished without too much faffing around while still looking OK. Still need to add grass and magnetise the bases, but otherwise very close to getting the whole display completely finished.





Been ages since I posted here, been some really good stuff posted, Roman those Skaven and the building look incredible and Noxia those tanks and that monster look amazing, your airbrush skills are really good. I'm still only using paint brushes, but I think I'll try out airbrushing in the New Year with a new painting area setup.

Finally got to painting the Paladin terminators that I magnetised last year to try get my Grey Knight Combat Patrol box display case finished before Christmas. Been making good progress and now only have one terminator and the Captain left to shade and varnish, then just the giant robot piece that is already primed to paint from scratch to finish the whole set.

As for magnetising, as you can likely see from image of all the magnetised parts for just one model, that it was a hassle, but also pretty fun and makes for poseable, customisable characters for my display. All my Paladin terminators have interchangeable arms and crests, so I can make all kinds of configs including the barebones terminators. I was also able to make up a fully kitted out apothecary from the set which I really like. Magnetising is a fiddly hassle I might not bother with too much going forward now I've done all the magnetising for this box set, but I do think it's cool that all these pics here are the same model in different configs. Because of all the guns this is model with the most magnetised pieces, but most have around 5 pieces.

I've skimped on the electric blade effects as I can't do them reliably enough quickly and they'll take me forever, also not going to write on their name crests, leaving some shoulders blank, I can always go back and finish them, this way I can get them all finished without too much faffing around while still looking OK. Still need to add grass and magnetise the bases, but otherwise very close to getting the whole display completely finished.





Thanks for the kind words, I am rather proud of that portal building which really was a joy to paint.
Everyone needs to get some AK modeling putty!!

I put the saw clean through his kneecap when taking off the arm. The model was fully painted. Managed to pull off a decent repair. Also noticed some holes on some custom heads after painting which it filled brilliantly with a colour shaper and just painted over the top to blend in.
My goodies that’s arrived in the past week or two. Really really starting to like the TTC line the more I use it. Little more noob friendly or someone who’s colour blind or both like me :D

I just can’t settle on my bases for Sapce wolves. The ones I do now are a little time and material intensive. Think I’m going to try the GW way. Like the contrast and seems easy enough to use my Ak snow products with.
Received the first 6 magazines in the combat patrol subscription, and is it just me or does anyone else dread / do anything to avoid painting Tyranids?
Received the first 6 magazines in the combat patrol subscription, and is it just me or does anyone else dread / do anything to avoid painting Tyranids?

Yes that's why I gave them all away. Well, main reason is I just find them boring.

Just registered for 40K RTT later this month. I'm going to miss out on the 10vp for having a whole army battle ready painted but I don't care. I'm only doing it for fun.
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The Xmas battleforces up for order next week.

Gotta say, compared to last year, this years selection is very meh.
I think I made more progress this weekend than I have in the last year in terms of productivity.
Sprayed all my terminators black and then based in Kantor, the Kantor primer is too bright really.
I am doing all the trim first, done that fully on 5 models, prior to this, none had any trim done as they were all just primed lol.
Aim is to just get everything based initially.
I got into the hobby about a year ago. I'm not very good (never been an arty person and have dreadful coordination but I really enjoy it) never really played though sadly




Do a mix of Warhammer (sisters), Shatterpoint and some Sharpe miniatures. Recently bought a Guard combat patrol and started painting them as redcoats
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@tiberuk Sisters!! IMHO there one of the coolest 40K armies.
Clones and droid look fab!

I don’t have an artistic bone in my body and also colour blind and probably the slowest painter ever but I love this hobby lore/painting.

It helps me to relax and has gotten me through rotten times in the past couple of years.
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