Take ONE, Get TWO - new GIGABYTE upgrade programme

it's a nice idea, but it is a bit smoke and mirrors.

The crucial answer missing is if the chipset introduces a new socket in it's class, say 1152 for pure example, does it still mean you can upgrade?

If you stay in the same class of board on the upgrade, which is highly likely to be spec similar and if you can't change to the newer socket in that cpu class, it's really limited by the life of the socket and doesn't offer much imo.

How often do people change a board just for a chipset change these days, I would still be interested as I am still skt1155, but I am not prepared to pay that much for a skt1150 SoundBlaster Core board, at that price by the time I add in ram and cpu, for £100 extra I could be sitting on skt2011 stuff.

The way it is all worded, I couldn't see where they state that.

I do like their products though:)
No such thing as a free lunch...Wait.
Without drilling in to the details, it appears to be a great idea and would sway me in favor of GB for future builds.
This would tempt me away from the Asus Gene series I have been on for years if there was an matx option.

Looks like I'll be sticking with Asus. They are fantastic boards anyway.
I had the option to buy the i7 bundle with one of these motherboards. I ended up spending a tad more on a Gigabyte Gaming 7, just because of the red colour scheme. Otherwise I'd have chosen the motherboard bundle with this board. This offer was very tantalising, but the red colour of the Gaming 7 had it beat, for me at least XD If only these boards had red!

Does the 3 year upgrade warranty count if the board was bought as part of a bundle with the CPU?

Yes, that's exactly what I was talking about, I was considering the Gigabyte Black motherboard bundle before going for the Gaming 7 instead.
Could you help me register my board it was bought though overclockers as a bundle with the 4790k i didn't even realize that there was a cash back scheme either!
My overclocks invoice only shows the bundle price and not the single price for the motherboard.
I did try and register when i bought my board but couldn't work out what the serial numbers were that i needed or where they were located.
That deal is amazing, if this comes to the Skylake chipset I will definitely be getting my first Gigabyte board. Such a good deal.

You should get one whether the deal comes to skylake or not! I used to be an Abit man, and if Abit still existed I probably would still be! However, I went to Gigabyte after and wasn't disappointed.

Following that an accident happened and I went to another brand. Never ever again, this particular brands customer support absolutely sucks, they have no idea about their products or the accessories that come with them and can't help you when they've broken. (In this case an external wifi antenna)

Gigabyte to contrast have fantastic customer support, you can get all the information you need and they've even been known to help out without charge when customers have broken their boards.

Unbeatable company imo.
You should get one whether the deal comes to skylake or not! I used to be an Abit man, and if Abit still existed I probably would still be! However, I went to Gigabyte after and wasn't disappointed.

Following that an accident happened and I went to another brand. Never ever again, this particular brands customer support absolutely sucks, they have no idea about their products or the accessories that come with them and can't help you when they've broken. (In this case an external wifi antenna)

Gigabyte to contrast have fantastic customer support, you can get all the information you need and they've even been known to help out without charge when customers have broken their boards.

Unbeatable company imo.

Dont agree at all, every gigabyte board i have owned has been trouble, cold boot problems and the biggest problem i have with all the giga boards i have had including the new 2011 rig i built for my boss is that the board wont post with a usb drive in any slot. even the latest bios still hasnt fixed it and it cost£300. Not flaming giga in anyway just i've had so many bad experiences with customer support that ive now given up on the brand entirely. i'll be uprgrading myself to 2011 this year but no way am i forking out on a X99 board to have limited bios updates.

my old 955BE i brought a top end am3 board that had been out 1 month. 4 months down the line i requested service and all i was greeted with we don't officially support that board anymore so the latest bios you see is what your stuck with. i don't think thats acceptable for a 5 month old Main board.

It's a shame for me cause i do like the look of some of their boards very much.
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Does anyone know if the waterblock on the Gigabyte Z97X-Gaming G1 is copper based?

It's kinda like the one on the ASUS boards, but I know that one is aluminium so basically a no go as far as I'm concerned.
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