Tearing down statues

I grew up in Bristol (Bedminster area) went to school there (Ashton Park and later Bristol UWE), I remember when people petitioned to have Colston Hall renamed, due to the ties with said slave trader Edward Colston, that building was owned by Bristol City Council, and while it took time it was eventually voted in favour of a name change, done the legal way. No one tried to tear the building down. I still remember it and refer to it as Colston Hall because that's how I remember it and what it was called when I went to several shows there. I really don't care what someone did 150 years ago, I'm more interested in what is happening now and in the future, and the way things are going it isn't looking great.

History is being rewritten slowly but surely and it isn't going to age well.
When the NHS becomes privatised a lot of renaming will undoubtedly occur. A new saga of hand wringing and moaning can commence :)

Answer the question. You’ve made a statement, back it up. Following your logic, what would you rather a plaque in Savilles name honouring him or we tear down the whole wing?
I really don't care what someone did 150 years ago, I'm more interested in what is happening now and in the future, and the way things are going it isn't looking great.

It's a valid point this. There are many, many, instances of slavery and trafficking happening in this country today. Be it the car washers, the nail salons, farm workers, to the more criminal enterprises be that drug growing or sex work. There seems to be more concern given to the actions of people hundreds of years ago rather than trying to stop the slavery that is happening today. Both certainly need to be tackled, but I do wish that whilst we are discussing the crimes of the past that we remember these crimes are happening today and need to be spoken about and people need to be aware of it.
It's a valid point this. There are many, many, instances of slavery and trafficking happening in this country today. Be it the car washers, the nail salons, farm workers, to the more criminal enterprises be that drug growing or sex work. There seems to be more concern given to the actions of people hundreds of years ago rather than trying to stop the slavery that is happening today. Both certainly need to be tackled, but I do wish that whilst we are discussing the crimes of the past that we remember these crimes are happening today and need to be spoken about and people need to be aware of it.

Can't change what happened in the past, but we can influence and change what is happening today and tomorrow.

Learn from the past, acknowledge it and remember it. If you erase it from history, there will come a time in the near future where no one will remember it, and history will be doomed to repeat itself, it could be 100 years from now but it'll happen. Hell most minimum wage jobs today feel like slavery so we aren't far off it already.
I'm more interested in what is happening now and in the future, and the way things are going it isn't looking great.

History is being rewritten slowly but surely and it isn't going to age well.
What the hell are you going on about. Its some ******* statues of racist or slave trades. Seriously get a ******* grip.

Great memory, it was only renamed two years ago. After the stature was toppled.

It's a valid point this. There are many, many, instances of slavery and trafficking happening in this country today. Be it the car washers, the nail salons, farm workers, to the more criminal enterprises be that drug growing or sex work. There seems to be more concern given to the actions of people hundreds of years ago rather than trying to stop the slavery that is happening today. Both certainly need to be tackled, but I do wish that whilst we are discussing the crimes of the past that we remember these crimes are happening today and need to be spoken about and people need to be aware of it.
Despite modern day slavery being a police matter do you honestly think there arent campaign groups dedicated to that very cause?
Are there any more statues in Bristol they can pull down? Another couple and you would have enough bronze to melt down to make one of Stephen Merchant. Surely no one would have issues with that.
Despite modern day slavery being a police matter do you honestly think there arent campaign groups dedicated to that very cause?

No, I do not think that there aren't campaign groups to that cause. Where did I say that? Modern slavery is a police matter, but it's also a societal matter as it's the consumers who are fueling it. I avoid places where modern slavery is likely as I don't want to encourage it. I don't think many people think about it, and I think people should. I think we should make more of an issue of it and it seems a sensible thing to discuss alongside historical slavery. The pro-statue group keep going on about how we need statues to learn about our past to avoid repeating it. However, that's clearly not working as we are repeating it.
Personally I'm not a fan of destroying anything like statues.

Put it in a museum, fine, destroy? No I'm against that.

I'd hate to see some of the old historical buildings that were (for example) built by slaves destroyed.

I mean weren't most of the grand buildings. Of ancient times built by slaves?
It's not too big a jump to go from 'it symbolises/promotes slavery therefore it must go' to 'it was built by slaves therefore must go'

So yes for me, happy for things to be moved. But would rather nothing destroyed.
We should know our past.
Personally I'm not a fan of destroying anything like statues.

Put it in a museum, fine, destroy? No I'm against that.

I'd hate to see some of the old historical buildings that were (for example) built by slaves destroyed.

I mean weren't most of the grand buildings. Of ancient times built by slaves?
It's not too big a jump to go from 'it symbolises/promotes slavery therefore it must go' to 'it was built by slaves therefore must go'

So yes for me, happy for things to be moved. But would rather nothing destroyed.
We should know our past.
Well you're in luck because it wasn't destroyed and it has been put into a museum.
Well you're in luck because it wasn't destroyed and it has been put into a museum.

Yeah I didn't want to talk about the particular piece as I wasn't sure about what happened to it.
Just the potential of destroying historical objects/structures.

My post was a general comment.

I remember standing in the colosseum thinking about the horrible things that went on there. And also the marvel of its construction. For me both are important.
Im remended of the scene in The Wire were the tower blocks are being brought down and the two drug dealers talking about how sad it is because its history and then one points out its a pretty ****** history.
Yeah I didn't want to talk about the particular piece as I wasn't sure about what happened to it.
Just the potential of destroying historical objects/structures.

My post was a general comment.

I remember standing in the colosseum thinking about the horrible things that went on there. And also the marvel of its construction. For me both are important.
Interestingly the Colosseum received its name from the Colossus of Nero (i.e. a statue) that was in front of it.

The statue was destroyed as it fell out of favour but the building itself of course survives (partially).

The actual buildings are not up for debate as far as I am aware. It is simply the immortalisation of terrible, terrible human beings that is the issue with these statues in public places.
Interestingly the Colosseum received its name from the Colossus of Nero (i.e. a statue) that was in front of it.

The statue was destroyed as it fell out of favour but the building itself of course survives (partially).

The actual buildings are not up for debate as far as I am aware. It is simply the immortalisation of terrible, terrible human beings that is the issue with these statues in public places.

Interesting. I didn't know that fact.
Personally I'm not to fussed about statues anyway. I'm sure we could come up with a museum for 'human scum' and put many statues in there.
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