Tempest Rising - a new Command & Conquer for 2023

That's what killed it on the early demo for me.. You can't zoom out properly.
I don't care if half the map is black /fog of war.

Most new rts games are like this and it sucks.

If that's not fixed then this game will suck too.
Shame as there's some interesting mechanics like drone troops and stuff.
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I agree with an RTS I like to be able to zoom out enough to see what's going on. I wonder if the lack of zoom is done to help improve performance.
Is this the skirmish mode demo or have they added something else since?

What's included in this demo?
4 Campaign Missions
Dynasty mission 1 (Harvest the Tempest) and mission 2 (The Informant)
GDF mission 1 (Signal Lost) and mission 2 (The Hornet's Nest)

Skirmish Mode
Play against AI bots in custom offline matches
3 maps: Altitude, Overgrown Oasis, and Alps.
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