is it me or this looks 10 times better than guild wars 2?
Judging from the beta videos, it looks 10 times better.
is it me or this looks 10 times better than guild wars 2?
The whole process starts by adding a new item to the game, called chronoscrolls. Players can use these items to extend game time. One chronoscroll is worth one-month’s game subscription. You’ll be able to buy chronoscrolls directly from our website and have the item delivered to your character’s inventory. These scrolls can either be used to extend the time you’ll be able to play TERA or you can trade them against gold with other players.
thats a terrible idea it will create inflation unless you lose all your items when you die.
Collectors edition can be had for under £38 GAMES/PCTE13-TERA Collectors Edition.html?currency=GBP
Not sure mate but never heard anything bad about shopto. Frog/Ubi are handing retail porr you're right there.Any confirmation of them sending beta codes? Frogster/Ubi seem to be handling retail very poorly. Amazon are clueless to key handouts, as are Play. Amazon US deliver a beta key within minutes of your Pre order.
Been dying to play this game for a while since I learnt beta invites were being sent out. Unluckily however I haven't received an invite ... just like every other beta I have applied for so far.
Haven't really looked into it much but how does this game change the holy trinity? I hear that's one of the main selling points.
Woohoo roll on 2pm today! Looking forward to it!
Thing is it's a Korean style game and they have a big following, not as big as normal Western type games but still you have the dedicated fan base. It's gone and done something new which is also good and it works really well.This looks interesting.
After Star Wars turned out to be fairly gutless and run of the mill, this may be considerably more entertaining.
The developers are surely going to be concerned though considering how easily a huge MMO (pre-release popularity and budget wise) like SWTOR fell flat on its face.
Nope once you pre order that's it. You can pay for it though if you want.DO shopto charge on preorder or on shipment?