TERA release date announced.

Thoughts anyone? Bashing my way through as a lancer, seems ok but doubt it's worth the sub and upfront cost through their online store. I'll keep going and see if I can hit the magical level 20.
the first dungeon is at 20 - well worth doing just so you can see the other side of the game. In all fairness the dungeon was fun but certaintly not up there with WoW standards but I hear their tweaking them now to make them more playable.

Im in 2 minds about it, I did kinda enjoy playing it but at the same time it just felt like it lacked any soul.

The US don't have their chars wiped. EU do.

my bad.
Just got a beta invite ;), gonna take this for a spin and see what its like. Looks like its a normal get me in beta code TERABETA in capitals. Join iin and have some funs ;)
I started at lvl 20 tonight?

edit: Ignore that, I think it was just at the starting zone. I'm back at lvl 1 now. Last time I played was at the first Beta.
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I enjoyed the different combat compared to SWTOR and WOW, I like actually dodging attacks and just generally the way the combat feels.

On the flip side I dont like the UI much / quest tracking and not sure if its gonna be worth the money
I thought the quest tracking was one of the best things about this game.

Who played the open this weekend then? Thoughts?

Whilst i didnt play this weekend , I played enough last weekend to still be 50/50 about it but tbh I think im just gonna get it and see how the first month goes.
I am now in 2 minds as to whether I'm going to get this game now. After being very excited about it and playing it lots over the first 2 CBT's, the novelty wore off and I didn't really enjoy playing as much as I had done in CBT3, 4 and OBT.

I tried different classes etc, but while it is no doubt a good game, I don't think it is good enough to warrent me cancelling my wow sub (don't want to pay more than one sub for a game) and also letting it eat into my D3 playtime! May have more to do with me rediscovering my love for wow and the D3 weekend reminding me just how much I'm looking forward to that games release however!

I will probably give it a few months to see how it pans out to be honest.

/blizzard fanboi out (lol!)
Open beta has been fun, have won all our GvG so far, most of our guys are max infamy too! Had loads of fun.

Q&A from Frogster
Hello everyone,

we're aware that there are still open questions regarding the upcoming release of TERA. We would like to use this thread and update it with the latest updates as we receive them.

Q: Will the in-game items (for example the lion of the Collector's Edition) be available for all characters or just one character per account?

A: Those in-game items will be available to all your characters. So you'll be able to use the lion for example with all your characters on your account.

Q: There are plenty of discussions about the blood in TERA at this stage, what is the official statement and status about it?

A: The initial statement about this can be found here. We brought this topic up again this morning (Monday) at the upper management level. There will be meetings about it in our company in order to discuss possible further steps. As soon as we have any update on that matter, we'll inform you about it. Please be aware, that it might take some time until we have an update for you available.

Q: There are some rumors about the white graphical elements in the open beta. Is it true that these are exchanged textures and that they are related to the blood discussion?

A: No, these issues occured with the new open beta build for all regions. This is just a graphical issues with the latest version and it is not related to the blood discussion.

Q: Another rumor is about changes to the castanic models, what is that about?

A: There were changes made to the castanic model, but those changes were made month ago for all versions of TERA, including the korean version.

Q: There were some issues with the chat filter during open beta, are you aware of that?

A: Yes, this issue is related to a filter software and we'll look into that matter.

Q: What about the guild emblem? Why is it currently not possible to upload a custom logo?

A: This function is currently disabled. We're trying to work on a proper solution with Bluehole. The function was deactivated due to some legal reasons. The current system was abused to upload images which violated certain laws.

Q: The pre-character-creation (PCC) / name reservation is pretty close, same goes for the head start, when can we expect further information about these two topics?

A: We'll inform you about the details and timeframe as soon as we have the final internal timeline available. We'll try to get this information to you on Tuesday or Wednesday the latest. The server setup might change compared to the open beta, depending on the final results.

Q: Will the Guild vs. Guild system be active on PvE servers?

A: At this point this is still under discussion between the developers of TERA and the publishers. The current status is therefore, that the system won't be included on PvE servers.

Q: I found a t-cat NPC in the game during open beta and this NPC offered different items, is this some sort of a cash shop?

A: This NPC was only left in one location and will be removed for the head start and launch. The t-cat system won't be included for the launch in Europe. The system is not some sort of a cash shop it is more a kind of a veteran reward program/npc. If this system will be included in Europe, we'll inform you about this.
Peeps, I run a guild on the US server Basalisk Crag, it's the 4th most popular guild on the server (out of 520 odd guilds). For any of you playing the US servers due to the terrible EU support/cheaper costs/no wipes etc (just look at how good the US support is, when our server went down a thread was made within 3 minutes letting us know they knew about it and were resolving the issue asap).

We'd love to have more UK people, there's about 9-10 of us at the moment who make up the guild foundations. We're also running a politcal campaign for Vanarch (the system whereby you can control a region and collect tax/create NPCs/get special mounts etc). If you're playing the US servers and are up for playing with a bunch of UK guys in their mid 20s then definitely check us out http://www.unitguild.com.

Here's the launch schedule for US: http://tera.enmasse.com/launch-schedule

1-32 takes 2-3 days if you work hard at it, so if you pre-ordered you could potentially level cap while the cap is 38 before release. We'd help you.
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