So i have today started playing this beta for the first time, im having a few issues with performance though.
There is no Vsync because of the engine used, and even with frames as high as 70-80 i have bad stuttering, so ive used D3D Overrider to enable Vsync and TB and game play is much better, but i still get stuttering sometimes even when frames are as high as 55 to 60?
The game runs ok-ish with D3D enabled, but performance is still not fantastic, ive altered a few video settings, the usual MMORPG performance hit culprits ie: Shadows, Viewing distances.
With the game engine being used i expected no problems with stuttering?
Is anyone else with a high end rig getting problems with stuttering?
Im using the latest Beta drivers 301.24
Edit: Ive forced Vsync TB etc using the Tera program settings via the Nvdia control panel and everything feels much smoother, have to give it some more testing though.