TERA release date announced.

is it possible to be good with pvp or even in pve dungeon/raid groups with a game pad or do you just get too many abilities eventually? quite enjoying this game atm but find mouse and keyboard difficult to control.
It seems to get a lot better as the levels and content branches out - typical Korean MMO style. In the mid-levels when your character gets some decent gear and damage/heal output you start to really enjoy it more, afaik. You're quite brave rolling a Mystic as I've not heard many good things about them; hybrid's choice! I've just got a second character to level 11 tonight and I'm actually quite impressed with the game - it's really quietly surprising. It has a lot more depth and many more features to it than I ever imagined a game of this sort would have. It's quite surprising, for e.g., that it has an entire Achievements pane with a host of endgame raiding/pvp titles... already. Very much trying to cover all of WoW's established bases! (I hate achievements personally but it shows just how fleshed-out the game is). I'm also loving the guild vs guild server drama already. 500 guilds on our Samael PvP server and they're all scrapping and queefing like giant drama queens already. This is what PvP MMO's should be all about :D

p.s. for all wanting a trial: my email is in trust, get in contact. I have 2.

Yeah I kind of realised I may of made a mistake rolling mystic. Prob going to give zerker a go tonight
Would it be a good idea to start a thread/post with people's TERA names? Seems to be quite hard keeping track of people at the moment!
Installed the client last night, using the 7 day trial. Played a little bit of it this morning and it seems good. Art style is nice, combat seems very fluid.

My only worry is, will this game disappear into a dark hole with all the other MMO's that have tried and failed once Guild Wars 2 comes around?
Installed the client last night, using the 7 day trial. Played a little bit of it this morning and it seems good. Art style is nice, combat seems very fluid.

My only worry is, will this game disappear into a dark hole with all the other MMO's that have tried and failed once Guild Wars 2 comes around?

I think it's a different market tbh. GW2 emphasizes everyone being equal and fair for competitive PvP in an eSports-like style, whereas TERA has the traditional MMO focus on things like level and gear in its PK'ing system, which makes no apologies for being unfair. TERA also has a bigger focus on big monster fights I think and gear-scaling (there are quite a few Tiers inside the game already), whereas GW2 seems to do away with gear for any purposes other than cosmestic. So it'll be a case of different (sword) strokes for different folks. There's nothing saying you can't buy, play and enjoy both - I know I will - as only TERA has the subscription model. To be honest all of these games are coming out in a glut right now so it's hard to say how it'll pan out in a year's time. Who knows, Diablo 3 may be the only enduring title :p
If anyone has a spare trial it'd be appreciated! After giving away my trial a friend has decided he'd like to play it. :)
My only worry is, will this game disappear into a dark hole with all the other MMO's that have tried and failed once Guild Wars 2 comes around?

peopl seem to think GW2 will succeed, yet there is zero indication that it will and going from the amount of issues with beta its gonna take a lot of work. it might be free but it wont keep people playing a wonky game.
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