TERA release date announced.

As much as i hate saying it I do agree, I hit 42 tonight (after what must have been 3+ hours trying to build up XP to go from 41-42) its just to much grind involved, happens in every single MMO and I guess iv just grown tired of it. at the moment i need about 6.5 million xp to get to 43 - and quests give you around 100-200k , that is a **** ton of questing and killing!
I do love the combat in Tera (especially as I just got the mana shield skill) and really wanted to hit 60 but I think tonight is my last night playing it. But reading around some people seem to think that if you just do BAMs and then story quests life is generaly much easier - but i didnt think EXP was all that great from the BAMS iv done so far...

problem is for me is that iv got my digi preorder of GW2 and that is awful compared to Tera (based on my beta sessions) :(

I'm finding the same atm, i just hit Level 32. It's the same old routine for me.

1 - Go to new zone
2 - Get to first quest hub, accept all of the quest there as quickly as possible (i can't even be bothered to read the text).
3 - Complete the retrive x, kill x amount of y, collect x amount of z quests
4 - Go to next quest hub in zone
5 - Repeat until the zone is finished
6 - Fly to new zone and do it all over again until you've hit the level cap.

The combat is fun but the quests are just the same stale and unimaginative stuff that has been seen time and time again. After playing WoW, SWTOR and Tera, i am getting a sense of deja vu.

I can understand it from a developer perspective, they have to populate a huge online world with content with finite resources, so it's only natural for the same limited pool of quests to be repeated over and over again in the same zones with only minor changes to make them different.
I'm finding the same atm, i just hit Level 32. It's the same old routine for me.

1 - Go to new zone
2 - Get to first quest hub, accept all of the quest there as quickly as possible (i can't even be bothered to read the text).
3 - Complete the retrive x, kill x amount of y, collect x amount of z quests
4 - Go to next quest hub in zone
5 - Repeat until the zone is finished
6 - Fly to new zone and do it all over again until you've hit the level cap.

The combat is fun but the quests are just the same stale and unimaginative stuff that has been seen time and time again. After playing WoW, SWTOR and Tera, i am getting a sense of deja vu.

I can understand it from a developer perspective, they have to populate a huge online world with content with finite resources, so it's only natural for the same limited pool of quests to be repeated over and over again in the same zones with only minor changes to make them different.

You questing alone? if you got someone else to quest with it is a heck a lot faster! And you get to PVP a lot if that is your thing which can be quite fun to sidetrack the questing a bit. You won't go red if you PK within 5 lvls.
You questing alone? if you got someone else to quest with it is a heck a lot faster! And you get to PVP a lot if that is your thing which can be quite fun to sidetrack the questing a bit. You won't go red if you PK within 5 lvls.

Yeah i've grouped up a few times for some of the BAM quests and dungeons.

I think I'm just mmo'd out now. They're just a real challenge to play, especially when a monthly fee is involved.
Hit 60 on my warrior last night, nothing to do , 1hr + dungeon queues and hard to find people to kill GVG.

The game is decent somthing new and different from othe MMO combat systems but the endgame atm is horrific.

Maybe that will change time will tell , dont think I will renew sub untill they add some stuff
I've never played an MMO and was a hairs breath from making TERA my first but after reading a ton of reviews, watching YT vids Ive decided against it.

Diablo III looks interesting but Ive never played that kinda game before either. The isometric viewpoint is insteresting.

I guess its back to Fallout 3, Skyrim and New Vegas hee hee.

What I WILL say however is that TERA *looks* awesome. The visuals are really well done.
Having a blast in this, wasn't really into the beta when I played that - but doing some instances last night and questing with people is immense fun. This ones a keeper for the foreseeable future :)
Bought the digital download version on Monday night for £40. I just loaded up Origin and the damn game is now on there for £34 ffs.
I got it for £26 from the jungle place and then upgraded to CE for another £9... it saved having to download 4 DVD's worth of data too. :cool:
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Well I'm enjoying it, bit annoying that I have to spend 252g I think it is to try for 1 + atm on my T12 enchantable weapon but it is a beasty weapon.

Good game, been at 9,999 inf for so long now lol although prob down to 8k due to Diablo! Love the game, think it has a good future although other thank griefing and ganking at 60 there isn't too much to do (I'm only missing 2 bits of t12 enchantable stuff)
Loving the game as well. Got Lancer up to 60 and already working through on Sorcerer and Warrior. Got all the T12 enchantable gear - just missing some +9!! Damn thing is impossible to get!

Has anyone heard anything about whether, like the US, we will get speciality stores back for a short time before the whole vanarch process begins?
Well I've been playing it for about 4-5 days now. I'm a Lv20 Lancer on Veliks.

I don't find the game particularly immersive when I put it against my best 3D MMO that is DaOC. I find myself just breezing through quests which aren't interesting at all. The mobs so far are don't seem to have any real hint of AI whereas Daoc mobs would have scout/spotter type's who would spot you and then bring their whole family after you. I've yet to see any interesting mobs tbh.

The visuals (maxxed out) are lovely but I just don't seem immersed in the world around me. I am very experienced with MMO's having played loads but have always stated that the time of MMO's has come and gone.

On a positive note, combat is superb and it is why I am soldiering on. I haven't played an MMO since EQ2 so I was dying to try tera out. It is still early days though so I am hoping things get more interesting.
Only played through the prologue about 5 times, creating a class I want to try and I know lvl 20 is early in the game, has given me a good feel for the class I want to play.

Typically normally play the mage class, but looking like I am going to try the warrior class

I don't find the game particularly immersive when I put it against my best 3D MMO that is DaOC. I find myself just breezing through quests which aren't interesting at all. The mobs so far are don't seem to have any real hint of AI whereas Daoc mobs would have scout/spotter type's who would spot you and then bring their whole family after you. I've yet to see any interesting mobs tbh.

I can see what you mean here, however, having been a huge DAoC fan myself (I had 6 level 50s across 2 realms on Excal) the one thing I will give TERA is that there's not been any grind... so far. At level 38 I've not had to grind anything but quests.
I can remember hours and hours being spent killing mobs for no real reason in DAoC. However, I keep hearing that TERA endgame is lacking, that's one thing you could never have taken away from DAoC!
I've been a naughty man and managed to rack up over 1k infamy :D - Anyone know the best way to lower it (if possible) or how long it takes to loose infamy in general?
Got the game couple days ago, loving it so far!

Was playing SWTOR before this, but that seemed to be going down-hill and fast. Population on my particular server dropped quite a lot within 2 or 3 days so I decided to give this a go. So far I'm not disappointed!

I rolled a sorc at first, but got a little bored so I decided to roll a warrior and wow! Such a huge difference in play-style, warrior is so much fun! Excellent combat :)

Only played through the prologue about 5 times, creating a class I want to try and I know lvl 20 is early in the game, has given me a good feel for the class I want to play.

Typically normally play the mage class, but looking like I am going to try the warrior class


You won't be disappointed with the warrior play-style, I'm sure :) It's so much fun!
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I can see what you mean here, however, having been a huge DAoC fan myself (I had 6 level 50s across 2 realms on Excal) the one thing I will give TERA is that there's not been any grind... so far. At level 38 I've not had to grind anything but quests.
I can remember hours and hours being spent killing mobs for no real reason in DAoC. However, I keep hearing that TERA endgame is lacking, that's one thing you could never have taken away from DAoC!

Got to disagree with this tbh. 99% of the quests in TERA are a grind and a chore to get through. It's saving grace is that the combat, which is much more fun and original than most other mmo's injects some spirit and vitality into an otherwise bland experience.

I guess so far, at Lvl 36 my throughts on the game are

- Combat is lively, and i don't feel like a zombie clicking the same key over and over yet, although ranged classes like the sorceror get very repetitive after a while. More mmo's could learn from this.

- The quests are just...dull, they may as well not be there at all. Unfortunately the abundance of monotonous content kind of renders the point about lively combat mute when questing.

- Sitll love the visuals, rich, vibrant and colourful. Got to Pora Elin and loved the aesthetic.

If TERA highlights anything well it's how having a gameplay mechanic that is active and engaging in addition to an artistic aesthetic that actually gives you environments that you want to explore is a great benefit to an mmo.
Hit Level 20 yesterday on my Lancer and have tanked SB twice so far. Loving it. But I'm in no rush to level to 60 because 1) I want to enjoy taking my time unlike rushing it in SWTOR and 2) it's a bloody grind anyways!

Going to be juggling between this and Diablo 3.

I have to say after using this combat system in TERA, I hope we see it again in other MMOs because it sure beats holding right click to camera turn and clicking/tabbing to select mobs.
Very tempted getting this game, as SWTOR is going dead.

Is it worth it? What's your thoughts on it so far?

The YouTube videos look very impressive, but I don't want to dive straight in like I did with SWTOR..

Many thanks,


Hang on in there with SWTOR, Transfers are coming next week by the looks of it, also patch 1.3 within 2 - 3 weeks.
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