TERA release date announced.

changed gdocs now so editing will be ok.
level 36 now, took forever to get from 33 - 36 as questing for some reason got loads harder but now back on track. Areas are getting so much cooler too, love this place:

Oh I see it's a buddy key! If anyone could be so kind as to send me one? I'll probably buy the game as I loved it during the beta but want to be sure.
Thought it might be my cpu getting too hot, so rolled back the overclock.

Thought it might be my gpu getting too hot, so I set it to 100% fan speed before launching the game.

After 10 minutes playing, the performance gets too jerky to play normally.

This is the exact card I'm using http://www.overclockers.co.uk/showproduct.php?prodid=GX-205-XF&groupid=701&catid=56&subcat=1866

I also had a odd thought it might be msi afterburner doesn't work with tera so I closed it down before launching but had no effect.

FYI tera is very CPU driven, the GPU is barely hit.
I went from a [email protected] to a i2500k @ 4.4 and i have next to no lag and im using a Radeon 5850. 8g ram and X-25 intel SSD drive

update your drivers and i always run with shadows disabled. you could try tweaking the .ini file inside tera directory.
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heads up, around 54-56(depends how u progress) you will dry up completely on quests unless you can do the BAM ones. this gets better as soon as you hit 57 and the story takes you to the next area.
Very tempted getting this game, as SWTOR is going dead.

Is it worth it? What's your thoughts on it so far?

The YouTube videos look very impressive, but I don't want to dive straight in like I did with SWTOR..

Many thanks,

I'm really starting to think the biggest weakness in TERA lies in the thread title... it's release date. That's the main thing holding this game back from catching on with a lot of people tbh. It's a really good game - the surprise of the year for me.
i want to hit 60 before my time runs out and then play D3 and then come back to this , but dont know if I can do it. Im nearly 40 at the mo and whilst leveling is pretty fast you can hit spots where it slows to a crawl.
This is actually the first MMO I've seriously considered playing for years. Looks good. :D

Is there an OcUK guild or anything?

I've always played a healer or crowd control type in MMOs... what's the equivalent here?
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