TERA release date announced.

This is actually the first MMO I've seriously considered playing for years. Looks good. :D

Is there an OcUK guild or anything?

I've always played a healer or crowd control type in MMOs... what's the equivalent here?

That would be Mystic, can't help you out with a guild, I haven't heard of one.
I've got a Level 13 Castanic Warrior atm but after watching a tanking guide, I'm tempted to start an Elin Lancer now! Just looks fun to whack big bad monsters with a tiny char. Reminds me of my female Gnome Warrior with pink pigtails.
I think the only disturbing thing about this game is the amount of dudes playing half naked female toons... :eek: Still, I presume some quite enjoy being hit on by their fellow male gamers. :p
I think the only disturbing thing about this game is the amount of dudes playing half naked female toons... :eek: Still, I presume some quite enjoy being hit on by their fellow male gamers. :p

It's the same with all MMORPG's, when I first started playing WoW I thought it was a myth about their not being many female gamers, then it gradually clicked that 99% of them were blokes so I stopped chatting them up. :p

I always choose the male badass ugly monster type.

I've know nothing about the game but wouldn't mind a go on it. Is there a trial for it yet? I'm interested in seeing how the gameplay differs to normal MMO's, which I'm so used to.

Also, are there many european servers out thar? Just doing some reading on the game now.
It's the same with all MMORPG's, when I first started playing WoW I thought it was a myth about their not being many female gamers, then it gradually clicked that 99% of them were blokes so I stopped chatting them up. :p

I always choose the male badass ugly monster type.

There were actually several real girls in the supergroup I belonged to in CoH a good few years back. Crazy, I know! But yeah, I'm the same with my characters, I suppose looking at a female figure might be easier on the eye if you're playing a lot but then there's the hassle of being chatted up by hormonal teenagers who are whacking one off to your virtual rack and behind. :p
Level 38 lancer now, but I can't even bring myself to log in and play. Questing/levelling is boring :(

I only manage to stay interested for about 1-2 hours at a time, and I haven't played for 2 days now. I guess I'm just fed up with MMORPGs, even if the combat is amazing in TERA.
Level 38 lancer now, but I can't even bring myself to log in and play. Questing/levelling is boring :(

I only manage to stay interested for about 1-2 hours at a time, and I haven't played for 2 days now. I guess I'm just fed up with MMORPGs, even if the combat is amazing in TERA.

same although probably my fault playing for 3 days straight only lvl 30 though , hmmm :cool: .
is there anyway to try it before i buy? been playing swtor but was a bit disappointed but this looks right up my street ! ta

Tell a friend allows you to try before you buy. I'll be more than happy to send an invite.

These are the limitations though.

You can level up to either level 15 or play for 7 days. Once one of the two conditions is met, your TAF period will be over.
You can only use the group channel, the other channels including whisper cannot be used with this account type.
You can sell your items to the merchant-NPC and receive mail, but you can neither trade with another players (incl. broker), nor send mails or put items into your bank.
You can create groups (only create, not join) and you can be added by your friends.
You won’t be able to join a guild unless you upgrade your account.
Level 38 lancer now, but I can't even bring myself to log in and play. Questing/levelling is boring :(

I only manage to stay interested for about 1-2 hours at a time, and I haven't played for 2 days now. I guess I'm just fed up with MMORPGs, even if the combat is amazing in TERA.

As much as i hate saying it I do agree, I hit 42 tonight (after what must have been 3+ hours trying to build up XP to go from 41-42) its just to much grind involved, happens in every single MMO and I guess iv just grown tired of it. at the moment i need about 6.5 million xp to get to 43 - and quests give you around 100-200k , that is a **** ton of questing and killing!
I do love the combat in Tera (especially as I just got the mana shield skill) and really wanted to hit 60 but I think tonight is my last night playing it. But reading around some people seem to think that if you just do BAMs and then story quests life is generaly much easier - but i didnt think EXP was all that great from the BAMS iv done so far...

problem is for me is that iv got my digi preorder of GW2 and that is awful compared to Tera (based on my beta sessions) :(
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Trying to get a group for the first dungeon is an absolute pain.

Actually, trying to get a healer for the first dungeon is an absolute pain :(
Its up as of 12:40. There's a patch too.
Are there any noob starter guides out there? I have the digital version and don't think I even have a manual. I'm a lancer on Velik atm.
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Yep, seems I'm officially burned on MMOs xD

If anyone wants to donate for my EU account - I already received donation for my NA account, which I bought by accident, from someone in this thread - then feel free to trust me an email.

I'll be playing Diablo 3 and Tribes Ascend from now on instead :P
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