TERA release date announced.

They said they will investigate account by account and role them back to Sunday... I know people who have been doing it for 2 weeks +... Makes sense to role them back until Sunday.
Servers all offline, just got kicked.
A roll back followed by a XP bonus weekend or summit may be the best option.
Forums ppear to be down tho so dont know whats happening atm
Apaprantly the glitch is resolved, however Essenia was laggy as hell last night, even went down a few times also. Not sure wether its as a direct result of the hotfix or just shoddy servers.

In all honesty I'm of the opinion that they SHOULD do a rollback, then give either a week double XP or maybe a triple XP 3day event. They'll NEVER get everyone that did it, theres also a lot of Gold places it shouldn't be due to people selling on stuff bought on AH.

Will take them a hell of a lot of man hours to check the logs and see what went where, far more Im beleiving that Frogster will invest in any game they run. It's gonna end up a half ass job with the wrong people getting stuff taken away/punished(?) theres also progression made due to people abusing the "glitched" equipment which of course there will also be gear from the progression too, will this be effected/removed? As without the +9 stuff theres a possibility that what the players did may not have even been possible.

the guy that didn't know about the glitch and bought something on AH, will it be removed?will it be downgraded?will he receive his gold back? Will he be suspeneded/banned?

Where to draw the line?

Bet they don't have the balls to even suspend/ban peoples accounts for doing it.
If they back down on this one, they'll get trodden all over on future issues.

Waiting to see the outcome of this, if Frogster do fail miserably I'm wondering if theyre gonna let us transfer our Accounts over to US ones as I see theres already a lot of people talking about it on multiple forums
Problem is it's been going on for weeks, I know one of the largest guilds on the server has been using it for ages hence they all have +9 gear on everything... Which has enabled them to farm the hardest hard modes and make loads of gold etc etc.
Problem is it's been going on for weeks, I know one of the largest guilds on the server has been using it for ages hence they all have +9 gear on everything... Which has enabled them to farm the hardest hard modes and make loads of gold etc etc.

Which you will of course report?
Things like this when the game has added social aspects really is pointless.
Game breaking issues such as this really shouldn't have made it thru to retail.

I certainly wasn't aware of this happening before the glitch

EDIT: Also if an entire guild has been doing this I'd be expecting them to be getting more than a 3day suspension tbh.
EDIT2: Guild on Essenia? If so, which? Or are you in the guild and don't want to say?

Wonder if its been this was on Tera-US, might be worth thinking of moving over tbh
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cHK4 surely that just makes the game fairly pointless for them now? Never understood the point in that sort of exploit tbh :(
I could be wrong but i thought it was the small patch that broke it? and it hasn't been going on for weeks.
Again, I have no proof that it was indeed working for weeks other than say so. I know numerous people who had got all 4 pieces to +9 just as I was getting my sword to +6... Bearing in mind without the exploit it costs 252g per attempt at a +, greanted you have 5-7k cap... Hell my friend with full + 9 gear could be chatting bear **** but funny how a good 40 + members of his guild are all fully +9ed and have been for a while.

I'd rather not say the guild Divine but they are one of the bigger 200 + guilds. Hell they could have just been really lucky and the guy could just be trolling, one of my lancers went to +8 in 9 trys so it is possible...

Thing is with Frogster you never know, they are useless.
I agree, i was one of the first 60's in my clan and i cant get past 7 on my we and 6 on my armour. someone hit 60 a week ago and has a +8 or something lance now.

we also have a guild on our server that is decked out with gear, they have had the classes to run in guild groups for the last few weeks though. it can mean a lot when your able to run guild groups all day long. plus knowing the farming spots helps too.

I think the exploit would have been much common knowledge if it has been going on for weeks, for example i would have expected to see much more +9 weps for sale on the AH.
Just wondering if anyone still has their Tell A Friend invite to give out? Looking to try out Tera because the combat system looks interesting and the game itself is somewhat cheap on Amazon however I don't want to fork out the cash if I don't like the game!
Whats the game like now the honeymoon period is over?

From reading a few posts on here there seems to be a serious lack of tanks =/

I'm still enjoying it :)

As for tanks yes there is a shortage but it doesnt help that people wouldnt accept a warrior as tank even though they can do it but it is a bit harder. This will hopefully change when the tanking changes come live

As it stands if you queue up for instance matching you'll always need a lancer sadly
Was fun while it lasted, I really don’t think I am going to pay any sub at all. There is simply no end game at all, and I don’t know if anything but Nexus is coming out as there is no information available. With Nexus I’d probably stay for another month or so.

Even SWTOR kept me playing for 3 months but here there’s hardly anything to do, I’ve done some dungeons got full T12 set but can’t be bothered to do T13 with random people, and guilds seem to be dead on my server already.
Seems those in my friends guild who got +9 have been rolled back to +6 and those who stopped at +8 have kept their +8 stuff.
I've solo'd my Lancer upto Lv35 effortlessly and last night joined my first guild. It's been ok going so far. I've had quite a few groups and generally enjoyed myself within those groups.

What annoys me is the real lack of atmopshere, lore or immersion. The quests are generally uninteresting and I would surmise that 95% of folk just skip through all the NPC chat. I normally never do this but I just cba with poor x to y to z quests - even Daoc's quests were more interesting.

I will most likely stay on once my 30 days are over but I know it won't last very long. GW2 sounds good, but tbh I see it as overhyped as Diablo 3 is.
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