Apaprantly the glitch is resolved, however Essenia was laggy as hell last night, even went down a few times also. Not sure wether its as a direct result of the hotfix or just shoddy servers.
In all honesty I'm of the opinion that they SHOULD do a rollback, then give either a week double XP or maybe a triple XP 3day event. They'll NEVER get everyone that did it, theres also a lot of Gold places it shouldn't be due to people selling on stuff bought on AH.
Will take them a hell of a lot of man hours to check the logs and see what went where, far more Im beleiving that Frogster will invest in any game they run. It's gonna end up a half ass job with the wrong people getting stuff taken away/punished(?) theres also progression made due to people abusing the "glitched" equipment which of course there will also be gear from the progression too, will this be effected/removed? As without the +9 stuff theres a possibility that what the players did may not have even been possible.
the guy that didn't know about the glitch and bought something on AH, will it be removed?will it be downgraded?will he receive his gold back? Will he be suspeneded/banned?
Where to draw the line?
Bet they don't have the balls to even suspend/ban peoples accounts for doing it.
If they back down on this one, they'll get trodden all over on future issues.
Waiting to see the outcome of this, if Frogster do fail miserably I'm wondering if theyre gonna let us transfer our Accounts over to US ones as I see theres already a lot of people talking about it on multiple forums