TERA release date announced.


after ll the hoohah about the +9 gear I logged on yesterday wondering if the glitch had returned... +9's all over the place due to the special shops being opened.

I really think the upgrade system appears somewhat F2P or even broken?
Normally theres a risk involved take for example...

Wep can goto +7
+1 - +3 Will not destroy wep, unlikely to wipe
+3 - +6 can wipe/reduce upgrades or destroy wep
+6 - +7 Can Destroy and high chance of wiping/reducing upgrades

Surely thats how the system is meant to work?
After all the special vendor also sells another item that says its to prevent upgrades from being lost?

Highest I've upgraded to is +6 with no wipe/reductions but a fair few fails
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How is everyone faring with the game so far? My lancer is now Lv44 and I am quite enjoying it, especially with the new zones opening up.

The trade broker is earning me about 10-20g per day just by me flogging my junk item drops onto it. I have dabbled into crafting as an Weaponsmith however it seems like a huge money sink, especially when folks would prefer mob drops over crafted goods. Questing is just awful and I now click onto quest npcs without even reading their storylines :/

At the end of the day, the combat and community is what is keeping me going. However I rage-cancelled my account a few days ago (Sunday June 3rd) due to Frogster's utter incompetence in doing a massive maintenance on that day of all days. They make Euro Daoc's GOA look good by comparison.

I have until 14th June before my free 30 days ends and then who knows. I guess I'll see how the upcoming GW2 beta weekend pans out.
I got my lancer up to 24 and I give up, its so boring.
Sorry but its just another MMO with little different.
Tbh, I almost found it the same but the game opens up after Lv20 tbh. You will get access to better skills, and more zones. I do see what you mean though.
Well my free period has expired. I only got my Slayer to 38 - As it become noticeable peoples free periods were over I found it a nightmare getting a group for CR etc. I really love the game but the quests really do become a chore, it's the same stuff with different names and text! It needs variation and the mobs are weirdly alike although different in appearance.

I'm going to leave my sub inactive until the new patch is out i think, the introduction of true warrior tanking should help towards instances. Most importantly for me is battlegrounds, really do miss being able to jump into pvp.
So sitting on the fence about whether to buy this or not.

Really enjoying the game, i think its fantastic, heard a lot of bad reports about Frogster so i'm wondering if i should buy the American version?

Sadly i have tried both versions are the lag is quite noticeable.

Any suggestions would be great.

Lv55 now with my lancer on Veliks. Enjoying the game quite a lot as I have access to virtually all the areas now. Grinding is still very low. I've virtually solo'd to 55 without much hassle. Combat keeps me drawn into the game, as does the very strong hints about En Masse taking over from shambolic Frogster - in a recent AMA on Reddit.

My main fear is the low population. Since everyone's 30day free game period expired there has been a very strong noticeable impact on the population of Veliks. Guilds have become smaller and dungeon instances very hard to get. I've just bought a 60day gametime card for cheap so I'll hang on for a little while longer.
I really enjoyed it... it has been my PC gaming surprise of the year. I'm currently on a self-imposed hiatus from it, though, as Korean MMO's just up eat way too much of my time :o . The combat was devilishly addictive (& fun, most importantly), and the whole game ran quite well. The PvP was very intense, though I only have experience of levelling-up PvP and that was fundamentally imbalanced (characters scale a lot with levels and gear).
Yeah, just played a bunch of the RaiderZ closed beta, and It seemed to be compared to this a lot, I love the combat style of RaiderZ and the dodging etc, and this looks like what I want, tempted to get it.
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