TERA release date announced.

I'm still playing this. I'm on Fraya with a Lv60 lancer and 3x Lv55 chars btw :) Still play it daily and enjoy things although most of my friends have long gone :(

The best class guides I've found are at http://teratoday.com/
Installed this over the weekend after getting bored of RIFT :(

Really liking it so far
I opted for Sorcerer :) the graphics seem amazing and I really like the control system.

The only thing that seems to be missing is an agro meter altho I just run when that circle appears at my feet.
It's weird that this game isn't bigger than it is, is it lacking endgame content? Because it surely isn't lacking gameplay/graphics, and trounces all over the rest of the MMOs that are much more popular. Is it the Call of Duty curse, where people flock to the skilless games in the genre to avoid the better ones, for a sense of feeling like they are good at something?
It's weird that this game isn't bigger than it is, is it lacking endgame content? Because it surely isn't lacking gameplay/graphics, and trounces all over the rest of the MMOs that are much more popular. Is it the Call of Duty curse, where people flock to the skilless games in the genre to avoid the better ones, for a sense of feeling like they are good at something?

I think so, skill plays a massive part in this game. There is videos of my guild at launch fighting 5v5, winning several times and I think it ended up about 20v5, in terms of kills we got around 18 and they killed us 3 times and I'm not talking about us hiding in SZ it was a good scrap.

The problem with the EU servers was... In the early days there was a bug where people could use and abuse it to enchant their gear to +9, this was huge as money was scarce in the game, loads of people got caught they got their + removed and/or a slap on the wrist. I knew of whole guilds who had done this and they got away with it so when you were fighting them, it was a massive advantage, if they had gear 1-2 tiers higher fully upgraded.

Also in my opinion there was a lack of end game, the Koreans had battle grounds and we had open world PvP... Our guild were the most active in world PvP, war decing 24/7 and having alliances go against us but still it felt dead. The company hosting it were terrible and it was shocking, there were bugs left right and center and they didn't fix them.

It then went Free to play and servers got merged and this made the game busy again but it has died down again. There is a lot more to do at end game but already only being back under a month I'm feeling a little bit meh about it. The battle grounds do help but it's rare you get good battles, it's other one team face rolling the other or vice versa. It is a more difficult game to play than your traditional having to aim, I mean I play a very heavy aim based class and I would say I win 9/10 fights against the same class due to people with bad aim.

It's a fantastic game and one of my favorite MMOs out there but it just feels like there is something missing.
I think so, skill plays a massive part in this game. There is videos of my guild at launch fighting 5v5, winning several times and I think it ended up about 20v5, in terms of kills we got around 18 and they killed us 3 times and I'm not talking about us hiding in SZ it was a good scrap.

Got any links? :)

The problem with the EU servers was... In the early days there was a bug where people could use and abuse it to enchant their gear to +9, this was huge as money was scarce in the game, loads of people got caught they got their + removed and/or a slap on the wrist. I knew of whole guilds who had done this and they got away with it so when you were fighting them, it was a massive advantage, if they had gear 1-2 tiers higher fully upgraded.

So people quit because there weren't any glitches to exploit anymore?

Also in my opinion there was a lack of end game, the Koreans had battle grounds and we had open world PvP... Our guild were the most active in world PvP, war decing 24/7 and having alliances go against us but still it felt dead. The company hosting it were terrible and it was shocking, there were bugs left right and center and they didn't fix them.

It then went Free to play and servers got merged and this made the game busy again but it has died down again. There is a lot more to do at end game but already only being back under a month I'm feeling a little bit meh about it. The battle grounds do help but it's rare you get good battles, it's other one team face rolling the other or vice versa. It is a more difficult game to play than your traditional having to aim, I mean I play a very heavy aim based class and I would say I win 9/10 fights against the same class due to people with bad aim.

Do you have any idea what the state of the end game content is now? Any idea as to how the games doing? I would like to get into this, even splash a few pennies around but if the games on it's last legs then that warrants some skepticism. :p

I wonder why it died down though, the gameplay is pretty fantastic. It reminds me of a cross between Dark Souls & Monster Hunter, that can never be a bad thing! :D

It's a fantastic game and one of my favorite MMOs out there but it just feels like there is something missing.

A large player base? Haha.

I have to say though, I'm getting bored of all the tets everywhere. Am I playing Dead or Alive? What's with the little kiddy class people seem obsessed with as well!?

That might be the issue, games like WoW largely suppress the inner creep in the player base, this seems to exploit and promote it. :mad: :p
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I quit WOW a while ago because of the pricing. I might get back into playing MMORPG's again though. I tried out the RIFT trial but didn't like it that much so I might try get into this. The videos that I've seen of it look really good so far. How does the world size compare to WOW?
I quit WOW a while ago because of the pricing. I might get back into playing MMORPG's again though. I tried out the RIFT trial but didn't like it that much so I might try get into this. The videos that I've seen of it look really good so far. How does the world size compare to WOW?

Very small.
The biggest problem with Tera thus far is that it is becoming Korean like. I.E Stupid outfits and weird smiley masks that make the game feel horribly artificial. It's bad enough that the cities and town lack any ambience and feel of a real world. GW2 and any mmorpg blows it away in this regard. If you want immersion and lore, then this just isn't for you. Great, action orientated combat is what this game is all about.

Blue Hole Studios, who are the developers seem hell bent on creating costumes that appeal to the Teens/The Sims crowd and little else. Important UI bugs are being ignored for all that rubbish instead. This has now resulted in a 'gimme gimme' breed of players who want nothing but cool looking outfits for their chars.

Gameforge who run Euro Tera are just a diabolical mess. A small outfit that just cannot handle the game's huge playerbase. Zero comms, zero gm's, zero explanations when the servers go down, and if your account gets mysteriously blocked - well good luck getting that back. I have said time and time again that they will be the downfall of the EU game. By comparison North America Tera is in a different world, run by Enmasse who are the direct opposite of Gameforge.

Players are leaving because of the 'lack' of endgame content. There are two high end lv60 dungeons and 1 recently introduced high end raid. Most folks repeatedly grind these spots and burn out fast. If you take your time and don't rush your way to 60 then you will be fine. Most players who I know and have met seem to play the game all day long and burn out all the content. I've been around for ages and just enjoy meeting people and helping noobs as well as doing daily Nexus raids etc. There is a lot of content coming in over the next week or so - mostly PvP CTF style stuff but it'll still be good. [LINK]

I still play Tera daily for 2-3hrs and love every bit of it...until things go pear shaped like yesterday with its 7hr maintenance.
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If you want a game where you can fight against the computer with no skill, or one where you can roleplay and immerse in a city and dance or whatever roleplayers do, then something like WoW or Guild Wars is for you (not that there is anything wrong with that).

If you want visceral skill based combat and PVP then TERA is for you.

That's all there is to it, really. I found out quickly what kind of MMO player I was when I spent a few months glued to WoW and found the whole premise of 'raiding' and all that jazz to be horribly boring. If I want to immerse myself into a game or fight brainless bots, I'll do that in Skyrim or Dark Souls which has much better core gameplay and mechanics. The only reason I'd ever bother with an MMO is the PVP, and the fixed stiff combat mechanics in generic MMOs automatically take the skill part out and brings it down to character skill and not player skill, they had might as well be turn-based like Final Fantasy lol.

Thank god for agile mechanics, lack of a lock-on feature and combo attacks.
I dont think they really played to their strengths with that though. Its skill based and good in that area. But they made tons of generic mmo junk content. I'm about level 48 and ready to give up.
1)Got any links? :)
Will post when home

So people quit because there weren't any glitches to exploit anymore?
No a load of people quit because it was such a huge unfair advantage in PvP, I know I said skill overcomes it but for example there was this one guild who gave us our first Guild War loss, they all exploited hard for their gear, not me trying to say that's why we lost but I had friends in that guild.

Do you have any idea what the state of the end game content is now? Any idea as to how the games doing? I would like to get into this, even splash a few pennies around but if the games on it's last legs then that warrants some skepticism. :p
As said in a below post there isn't too much, there are several dungeons, 10/20 man and you have your normal and hard modes... Nothing too exciting

I wonder why it died down though, the gameplay is pretty fantastic. It reminds me of a cross between Dark Souls & Monster Hunter, that can never be a bad thing! :D

A large player base? Haha.

I have to say though, I'm getting bored of all the tets everywhere. Am I playing Dead or Alive? What's with the little kiddy class people seem obsessed with as well!?
I have a ganking/griefplaying character that is a Elin which looks like a 8 year old girl, causes no end of rage.

That might be the issue, games like WoW largely suppress the inner creep in the player base, this seems to exploit and promote it. :mad: :p

Answered best I can really. As said above, if you're casual, the game is great. There is pretty much no rules, since I've been back the same people every day are abusive, racist in chat etc... I don't care as I find it fun but some may not...
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The enchant bug that cHk4 speaks of was devastating to the more busier servers. I was online as word of it spread and all you could see on your screen was that 'Player X had max enchanted xxx item' every 5 seconds. I almost quit as a result because most players went unpunished. It unbalanced the server horribly and Gameforge (EU Tera publisher) were extremely slow to act with no comms to the player base despite the forums covered in posts about it.

Back then enchanting was a colossal goldsink and money was incredibly hard to come by unlike post F2P. I ended up quitting because the enchant system was so bad, only to return after f2p. It is very easy now.
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