This is less of a Dev blog and more of a "Just to let you know" post.
We will be patching the game with a bugfix patch early next week. Until then, I will be updating this post with bugs we have fixed on our end and will be in this patch.
Remember, these changes aren't live yet.
Bugfixes coming in
● Fixed a bug that would cause chests to contain stacks of empty item.
● The crafting list now correctly updates after using the container loot buttons.
● The direction bathtubs face when placed is now correctly sent to the server. This prevents bathtub duplication issues.
● Smashing Obsidian Walls no longer gives Obsidian Ore.
● Walls that are automatically placed to fill small gaps are now correctly taken from the player’s inventory.
● Fixed a bug that causes Green Slimes to get stuck in the ground and start sinking.
● Player ghosts no longer move when typing.
● Fixed a bug that would cause mana to sometimes not regenerate when the player has 0 mana.
● Slimes no longer chase the player in water when they are not in aggresive mode.
● Lesser Restoration Potions and Restoration Potions now only heal for 50/100 life and 50/100 mana.
● Lesser Mana Potions and Mana Potions now only restore 50/100 mana.
● Changed the way the value of stacked items is rounded to fix selling/buyback inconsistencies.
● Some items can now again be placed in lava, this includes clay pots and fire blossom seeds.
● Fixed a bug that would cause shadow orbs to me smashed during world generation. This was causing meteors to start spawning before the player is at the appropriate gear level.
● Another reason for this post is to prevent us from getting 500 bug reports about things we;ve already fixed.
Also, the following ARE NOT consider bugs and are working as intended. To note, the last changelog did not list every single change made to balance that happened, so many people are reporting changes that happened assuming they are bugs. Ill be updating that changelog (here on TO) as well as I come accross important enough changes that we forgot to mention to list in there.
Not Bugs
● Flamelash now only hits once.
● Floating Island chests being locked.
● Cobwebs breaking after a moment of being stuck in them.
Please remember to check here -> Known Bugs on Wiki before reporting bugs on the forum or to us via email. (And deffinitely before posting on this thread that you found one.)