Terraria - Dig, fight, explore, build

Not a fan of them places with traps in that can kill us, especially so close to the spawn and local areas. Also the servers just started a few days ago and is lava and traps and stuff really accessible to new characters that soon? Seems a bit advanced to me.
went on the server people seem friendly but the map just seems a mess, the spawn is just full of random crap which without all these high jump things people have is just a pain to navigate, and then wondering off to the left just seems to be full of ruins and monsters

guess i must too used to mine craft and neat and safe bases and easy navigation rather than having to jumpover a million awkward things to get anywhere.
went on the server people seem friendly but the map just seems a mess, the spawn is just full of random crap which without all these high jump things people have is just a pain to navigate, and then wondering off to the left just seems to be full of ruins and monsters

guess i must too used to mine craft and neat and safe bases and easy navigation rather than having to jumpover a million awkward things to get anywhere.

We've been trying to make the area near spawn a bit more accessible. Though the ruin to the left is really weird at the moment. The lava has glitched badly and is being persistent but hidden on some flat surfaces. Mostly its just deadly to mobs but theres the odd patch that burns us too, though that is normally only if you try to mine a block while stood over it. I'll be trying to finish off a wooden bridge over the area though so should make it safe.

But making it so you don't have to jump over stuff in a 2D game is asking a bit much :p
guess i must too used to mine craft and neat and safe bases and easy navigation rather than having to jumpover a million awkward things to get anywhere.

Terraria is a better single player game. Minecraft is a better multiplayer game.

You should definitely play terraria on a single player map first before going into multiplayer. Due to its 2D engine, anything that other people do will become an obstacle / hindrance to you.
Added a few buildings to the multiplayer server, hope that's OK...


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what i mean si theres lots you have to go around obscure alternate routes as people ahve made things that you can only jump over with boosts.

You are probably best playing offline a little bit.

If you go down the shaft near the spawn, there are tunnels that go to most of the map.

I agree, that lava on the ground is annoying (I didn't even spot it in time before it killed me!). I don't have a problem with any of the buildings on the map (on the last server it was fully developed when I started as a new character and I managed just fine).

We will work on routes that can bypass all of this rubbish (overground routes too).
Some people have too much time :eek:

I also thought there was an easy tunnel through everything on the server, most stuff is underground and anything that isn't (like the gold building by the spawn has a tunnel straight through it :confused:
Some people have too much time :eek:

I also thought there was an easy tunnel through everything on the server, most stuff is underground and anything that isn't (like the gold building by the spawn has a tunnel straight through it :confused:

This ^^

People just need to explore more (not even that much tbh) :)

Edit: I see my tunnel has become useful :) - lots of goodies in the underground jungle! Will be extending the tunnel later today :)
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what i mean si theres lots you have to go around obscure alternate routes as people ahve made things that you can only jump over with boosts.

There are a few spots that need sorting out and wooden platforms put around it but mostly you can get around. There is the tunnel but I keep forgetting about it and I'm not sure how far it goes.

The jungle is an absolutely evil place... Seriously when you have 6 Man-Eaters below you that you need to Ivy Whip over the top of them to kill but can't because there are endless Hornet spawns that keep hitting you with poison stingers it gets really nasty.

Though it does at least make both guns and potions other than standard healing ones worthwhile to bring along. I've stocked up on ammunition for my Musket (no one else was using them!) and Minishark and that isn't enough sometimes. Also we've found a stupid number of hearts so I've got 4 crystals on me if people want some.
There are a few spots that need sorting out and wooden platforms put around it but mostly you can get around. There is the tunnel but I keep forgetting about it and I'm not sure how far it goes.

The jungle is an absolutely evil place... Seriously when you have 6 Man-Eaters below you that you need to Ivy Whip over the top of them to kill but can't because there are endless Hornet spawns that keep hitting you with poison stingers it gets really nasty.

I have added signs now so that people aren't put off going down the initial part of the tunnel. It goes a good distance west. Haven't been east yet.

Agreed about the jungle - was a mission getting the tunnel through a lot of the open areas. Have never seen so many of those hornet things - plus they now shoot stingers :(

There are loads of life crystals there (came across a load right next to the tunnel - left these for you guys though).


Finished my water/lava tanks, and a tree house this morning. Will hopefully finish most of the base tonight. Left to do:

A house for myself,
A meteor room,
A corruption room,
A desert room,
A boss arena,
A blue mushroom room,
An underground jungle room,
Some decorative statues.


Looking good, but one slight problem. Where is my room? :p
I have added signs now so that people aren't put off going down the initial part of the tunnel. It goes a good distance west. Haven't been east yet.

Agreed about the jungle - was a mission getting the tunnel through a lot of the open areas. Have never seen so many of those hornet things - plus they now shoot stingers :(

There are loads of life crystals there (came across a load right next to the tunnel - left these for you guys though).

Yeah we took those with us too. Can't remember if Reeve gave me the ones he'd found before he died.

They wouldn't be that bad but they keep shooting them from the darkness or out of the screen! They really should've made them effected by gravity like an arrow. Thankgod they made Man-Eaters draw over blocks now or the whole place would be even worse. It seems they've started properly trying to lure you in by ducking back and then extending out to full range to catch you out. They definitely didn't do that before in 1.05.
Cheers for the help getting my gear back evilsod.

Lava caught me out, its surprising how fast you die when you stand in it. I was just minding my business mining some obsidian then instead of the water cooling the lava off it runs straight under my feet, then im dead 2 seconds later.

Then i couldnt even get back because i didnt have a spare hookshot. :mad:

Who was it who stole my bed last night :p ?
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