Terraria - Dig, fight, explore, build

Woah I didn't know they added higher resolutions, cranked it up to 1920x1080 and went to the dungeon, as opposed to being attacked constantly by dozens of monsters from everywhere I only saw a couple and I think they spawn If I wouldn't move for too long.

Nice "exploit" to pillage dungeons safely. Definitely more fun to play on the original resolution.
If someone wants the hook part of the grappling hook i may have a spare.

I also have a spare :)

Just a note: if the server gets a restart, high level characters should try not to mine any iron/gold/copper etc and leave it for the lowbies.

Same goes with Shadow orbs imo :)
I'm finding it hard to find iron and gold ore, even after 11 hours of furious digging!

I need better weapons, my iron shortsword takes ages to kill baddies. I don't even have a grapple hook yet.

Use the world map viewer (google) if you're getting lost/bored (yeh it's cheating a bit but... ;)). Also forget shortswords - they are annoying!

If someone wants the hook part of the grappling hook i may have a spare.

I also have a spare :)

Would like to take you up on that guys if possible. Already got stuff for ivy whip... just can't get hook! Will swap for something... although you probably have it all anyway.
I vote for a reset! Me and Street built a nice house and farm but there are very few natural resources left and without them you can dig for hours and find nothing fun.

Reset, reset! :)
Okay... sounds like a reset is in order :)

I'll look into custom server stuff today. Assuming I don't suddenly become overwhelmed with work I'll get the reset done and new map up before I finish work.
Reset?, so the inn will be gone

Don't think i'll play again then that place took a lot of work :(

Well, it's a vote so if other people chime in with not wanting a reset, cool.

Are you actually playing much atm anyhow? I've not seen you post in this thread for a bit.
I come on for about an hr or so every night but don't have anything to add to this thread till now, i'm just waiting for something good with a patch :D.
I was on my own world last night, found a whole in the ground went for ages and that was it. No way to get further down :( I had about 40 bombs, chucked them all in this pool of water, hey presto I blasted my way to a new cave :D
Is there any way to "save" the world hosted on the sever? So you can re-use it again?


I was thinking of a few "mini-games" that might be fun (yeh I'm sad like that):

1) Cat and mouse - One person has all the gear they want (this is the cat), and the rest of the players (the mice) aren't allowed to use anything except a low tier pick-axe and axe. Everyone spawns and the mice are given a head start. The cat is then released after a set amount of time and has to chase the players down and kill em :). The spawn is inside an ebistone "jail" so the players can't escape when they are killed by the cat. The game is over when the cat has trappped everyone, and the cat who does it the quickest wins!

For the cat to chase people, everyone will have to join the same "team", so the cat will know the distance and direction the mice are (it would be impossible for the cat to find them otherwise!). The mice will have to be trusted to not use their previously obtained items (I think we could manage this ;)).

Optional variations:
- A chest containing dynamite sticks would be placed near the spawn (guarded by the cat initially). If a brave mouse wanted to return whilst the cat was away chasing and dynamite the jail and potentially free the mice trapped inside, this would be allowed (and incouraged! :D).
- Mice are allowed to build a workbench and create some items to help them along (if they have time).
- The starting items mice are allowed can be tweaked to balance it out.

Good idea or lame?

I have a few more ideas like a racing thing, and a quidditch type thing if anyone cares lol.
I think the worlds are saved in your "my games" folder, I've no idea if they can be copied/restored on the same machine, let alone a different one though.
World files are easily retrieved, yeah. I don't delete the old worlds when I reset - just create another new one and load that from then on. We still have the first world sitting on here too.

I like your ideas for gametypes. It's just a shame that the server makes it a bit hard to implement.

edit: @Werewolf: I've tested copying between machines and it works fine btw :)
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It's probably worth waiting 'til Friday for a server reset, as that's when the next patch (1.04) is expected - and it's suppossed to bring new items, mobs and possibly even new biomes (*over*ground jungle was shown off on terrariaonline). I expect the patch will require a new world to be generated in order to create new biomes.

Sundance - add me on Steam (link in sig) and I'll arrange giving you a hook after work :)
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