Terraria - Dig, fight, explore, build



    Added Feature! - Social Slots. All normal armor and vanity items can be placed here to use their graphical appearance in place of equipped gear without overriding their stat gains.
    New Vanity Items - Tuxedo Shirt and Pants
    New Vanity Items - Plumber Outfit and Hat
    New Vanity Items - Hero Outfit and Hat
    New Vanity Item - Bunny Hood
    New Vanity Item - Fish Bowl
    New Vanity Item - Top Hat
    New Vanity Items - Archaeologist's Outfit and Hat
    New Vanity Item - Ninja Outfit.
    New Vanity Item - Red Hat.
    New Vanity Item - Summer Hat
    New Vanity Item - Robe
    New Vanity Item - Robot Hat
    New Vanity Item - Gold Crown
    New Item - Leather
    New Item - Green Dye
    New Item - Black Dye
    You can now wear the Jungle Rose in your hair.
    The Water Candle’s enemy spawn rate increase effect now works correctly when held
    Some items that were missing ‘lore text’ in their tool-tips now have them.(Breathing Reed,Grappling Hook Jungle Rose.)
    Ammo items are now listed as Ammo in their tool-tip and Equipable Items that offer no stat bonus list as Vanity Items in their tool-tip. Items used in any recipe now list as Materials, in their tool-tip.
    The Magic Hat now offers 2 Defense to its wearer and the Empty Bucket now offers 1 Defense to its wearer.
    Dungeon Blocks now require at least a Nightmare Pick to mine, unless they are near the spawn location, where they can be mined by any pick.
    Phoenix Blaster has had a reduction of stats to balance better with other items of its tier.
    Gem, Mushroom and Bottle sell values have been reduced.
    Hell Forges above the rock layer can be moved with any hammer, but below require a 60% power hammer or stronger.
    Angel Statues are now more rare of a find.


    New NPC - Bunny
    New NPC - Goldfish (Is also an Item)
    New Enemy - Corrupt Bunny
    New Enemy - Corrupt Goldfish
    New Enemy - Piranha
    New Enemy - Harpy
    New Random Mini- Boss - King Slime
    New Enemy - Bat
    New Enemy - Jungle Bat
    New Enemy - Jungle Slime
    New Enemy - Snatcher
    New Rare Enemy - Dr. Bones
    New Rare Enemy - The Groom
    New NPC - A Clothier will now move into your town when the conditions are met.
    Enemy spawn distance has been pushed back to the maximum resolution to ensure that they will never spawn on the screen.
    Enemy spawn rates have been adjusted to account for the increased spawn distance.
    Enemy projectiles no longer drop hearts or stars when killed by the player.
    The Eater of Worlds now has Higher HP, Def and Dmg, making battling him more difficult.
    Hornets no longer appear as if they are about to flip over while flying.
    The Dead Miner is now a bit stronger.
    Tim’s spawn chance has been reduced.


    Players now have 1 second of invulnerability after they spawn.
    The eat/drink animation now plays correctly.


    Surface Jungle’s are now possible on mud that is on the surface. Jungle trees will auto-grow on their own, as acorns are not usable on the jungle grass.
    Chasms are now less frequent to appear, but always have an orb.
    Mud now ‘blends’ graphically with dirt, rather than stone to add for a more crisp look in Jungles.
    Jungle plants now grow underwater.


    Increased client side security.
    Selecting summon items will no longer cause monsters to summon.
    Players with a name over 20 characters will now get booted from the server.
    Added some minor anti-grief protection.
    Fixed a bug that would cause the client to attempt to summon an NPC during a multiplayer game and crash.
    Added the -host command line parameter to the client.


    Improved server timing, which should help reduce lag.
    Added several new command line and config options. These are listed in serverconfig.txt
    Servers will now output to crashlog.txt before crashing, allowing for more specific bug reporting.
    Clients will now output to client-crashlog.txt before crashing, allowing for more specific bug reporting.


    Screen resolutions now have limits of 800x600 minimum and 1920x1200 maximum.
    Added an option that will pause the game while talking to an NPC or opening your inventory in single player. It defaults to off.
    Added an option to automatically save the world every 10 minutes. Defaults to on.
    Added a prompt to load a world backup if the current world is corrupt.
    Added a check to determine if a world file was loaded successfully.
    Attempting to Launch the game from the Terraria.exe, will now inform you to launch via Steam rather then doing nothing at all with no indication of why.
    Backing out of the port selection screen now plays the correct sound.
    Setting options now correctly align with the center of the screen in all resolutions.
    The settings menu has been reorganized. All video related options have their own menu
    The “Tink” sound now has a more dull sound.
    The Re-Logic splash screen, now scales correctly in other resolutions.
Server updated to 1.04 and brought back up with a nice fresh new world :)

Once uv is back he'll look at importing the Inn/etc from the old world.
That's an awesome update right there. Glad they fixed the resolution issue, I can play at my native res now which is good.

Also I wondered why the water candle seemed to do nothing. I was walking round with it equipped with seemingly no monsters spawning. Rare bosses as well! Think we have been spoiled a little :)
Nice to see some ****head mined through a wall of the PvP arena and didn't bother fixing the damage. Someone also stole Lava from one of the decorative sections of the arena. Really pees me off!
Nice to see some ****head mined through a wall of the PvP arena and didn't bother fixing the damage. Someone also stole Lava from one of the decorative sections of the arena. Really pees me off!

Yep it's someone thats been given the password and is now destroying bits of our work, same thing happened to my castle/inn the other day.

It's someone on this forum :mad::mad: and most likely the same person who kept on using dynamite on main spawn
James J
Daniel C
Silent UK
Tr Insanity
Smokey Deza

There's the list of names, no idea who it is, though.
not me :/ ^^^

Although I took about 30 blocks of obsidian from the farm and have only replaced about 15 lava from my local map - soz! Is there any quicker way than just using ****loads of buckets? Will replace all the stuff in the farm tonight.
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