Terraria - Dig, fight, explore, build

its not a client we use, its on the server end, the client thats hosting the server has an system in place to kick and ban anyone using dynamite, i think there is a client that you can selectivley ban specific items but we arent using that one.

well yeah thats what i was asking for, the server hosting software, we're also having this glitch or bug with T mod which users can spam lava all over the place :(
Yay my friend is going today. He played for ages on Terraria, now it looks like I've played it loads when I haven't! I've got 58 hours played time on Steam, but only like 15 of them are me!
I'd like if certain items were banned or unusable on the server, like nightmare/molten pickaxes so that people can create certain structures without fear of it being wrecked.
Gold pickaxes would then be buffed so that they only take 1 strike to mine the simple terrain blocks (is this even possible?)
My idea isn't so much for the concern of buildings being taken apart by someone with a pickaxe, but more to enable creation of things like platformer levels with lava pits etc. if the stage was made from obsidian and those pickaxes weren't usable, then it wouldn't be possible to cheat.
I also have something similar in mind (a challenge of sorts) but it's easily achievable with simple mining techniques and nightmare/molten pickaxe.
Without dynamite, nightmare and molten pickaxes, how can people harvest obsidian or hellstone? Things like that depend on the goals of the people playing on a particular server.

Anyway, I've visited 8 floating islands on 1 character (across a few different maps), and have not found a single lucky horseshoe. Totally gutted!
Without dynamite, nightmare and molten pickaxes, how can people harvest obsidian or hellstone? Things like that depend on the goals of the people playing on a particular server.

I really doubt anyone plays multiplayer in order to mine certain materials. I certainly don't, and frankly wouldn't even consider it because I can easily do so on my SP world without making the multiplayer map look 'used'.
That's the way I see it, but I guess others may prefer to gather materials with friends.
The benefits would massively outweigh the loss IMO.
Had this game a few weeks now, I just havent a clue what I'm supposed to be doing?

Tried joining the OCUk server or what ever in the first page and it doesnt connect?

Where do you all play etc? Whats the aim of the game?

See OP for ocuk server stuff.

As for the aim, there isn't one really lol. Just explore and built stuff, get better etc. Sad but fun :) Go on youtube and watch some videos and that'll tell you what to do.

Also: http://www.terrariaonline.com/
i made one too, on the ocuk server, silly place to make it, only realised once i did a bit more reading, im sure it will be made into something else. i cant find this fram skip thing though, not on my sp or mp anyway.
I really doubt anyone plays multiplayer in order to mine certain materials. I certainly don't, and frankly wouldn't even consider it because I can easily do so on my SP world without making the multiplayer map look 'used'.
That's the way I see it, but I guess others may prefer to gather materials with friends.
The benefits would massively outweigh the loss IMO.

I saw a few new players who wanted to join the server. Such as Tom D, who I helped on the OcUK server by teaching him a little about the game. At the time I was unable to successfully host a server for us, leaving the OcUK server as the only option. Having somebody to help you through the game a little can be very helpful. Obviously somebody like that would be gathering resources on the MP server, which imo is more fun with friends, as you pointed out.

The Underworld and corruption areas can be difficult at times, especially for a new player. I'm just saying that keeping the pickaxes might benefit people, whereas I don't see any real gain from disabling them. AFAIK the password on the server was changed with 1.0.5, to help keep out people who destroy the work of others. If there is nobody doing that anymore, then I see no need for the pickaxes to be disabled.

Plus the pickaxes are obviously very useful when farming normal materials, keeping the molten pickaxe would save some time there. I usually use the Nightmare pickaxe as a weapon for a while after defeating my first boss, due to it's decent damage and attack speed, making it a viable option temporarily.

Edit: I just reread your first post regarding the subject, and realized that you did not suggest it for the prevention of destruction by other players. I am interested in knowing what the challenge is that you have. :)
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I was enjoying this game, I still am... But last night in 7 hours gaming I went from Gold armor and a rubbish weapon to complete hellfire, flamarang, the 36dmg weapon and now nothing really seems challenging! Don't know what to do, going to clear the dungeon tonight and see what I get but after that what can I do?
I must have been doing something wrong, I clocked up 35 hours before I got to Shadow armour!

I've got just over 30, I combined 6 worlds last night and 2 characters I had... I had loads of materials and just made some stuff, got to hell and managed to get a nice spot and mined over 1000 bits of hellstone.
this sounds like its got a lot of substance to it, instead of just building what you like randomly, that true?
Yes mate, I'll give you a rough break down of my life in this game.

Started the game, got owned by monsters. Built a house and night to protect my self from monsters. Waiting it out until morning. Started mining, found some minerals underground, made some armor, was able to venture out at night time. Mines lots and found secret and hidden chambers and better ore. Slowly upgraded items, found better accessories to stop fall damage, found hidden gold chests with good loot in to it. Met objectives to get NPCs to move in to my house, bought better items from them. Mined some more until I got to hell, mined some hell ore got some good armor and weapons. Now this lunch I killed 2 bosses got some more ore which I can give to help out friends. Tonight I'm going to go to the dungeon to get some better items.

Quick summary.
I was enjoying this game, I still am... But last night in 7 hours gaming I went from Gold armor and a rubbish weapon to complete hellfire, flamarang, the 36dmg weapon and now nothing really seems challenging! Don't know what to do, going to clear the dungeon tonight and see what I get but after that what can I do?

Once you know what you're doing, the game is very easy :(.

On one of my characters, I got full iron armor (a few pages back I said silver, but I was mistaken), a boomerang, plenty of shurikens and a few accessories within 2 hours. I was able to take on the Eye twice, and then smashed 3 orbs which summoned the EoW, followed by another 3. He dropped the chest and helm, and I crafted the boots and pickaxe, and then I went to hell. Once you know how to mine hellstone properly, you won't get many/any imps spawning to hit you, and only have to worry about bone worms.

That was in version 1.0.4. Though admittedly I was very lucky to have found the items I did, the game still didn't take long. Once I had full molten all I needed was jungle armor, and to kill skeletron and clear the dungeon. Something that I usually do before venturing in to the Underworld.

Going to log on to the OcUK server later tonight, I'm running a new character through the game. Been playing him around 6 hours and have two pieces of shadow armor. I just kept digging around my SP world and found tonnes of hearts, and a fair few chests. Got 4 Bands of Regeneration, as well as 4 feral claws.
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