Test Drive Unlimited 3 is officially being made :)

I haven't played any driving games since I passed my driving test 6 years ago. I found that driving a 50HP VW Polo in real life was tonnes more fun than driving a 1000HP supercar in a videogame.

I find TDU2 oddly satisfying despite the LOL physics/driving model on a lot of cars. Some of the cars I've driven IRL I get a bit of enjoyment driving in the game maybe due to a degree of reminiscence - though there are some like the e-type I've never driven that can be fun to drive in TDU2 for the novelty.
I broke my own rule and pre-ordered TDU2. The release version was 0.6.2 and so defective that it was literally unplayable until the first patch a week later. And I do mean literally - it couldn't connect to the server.

I had a lot of fun in it after that, though. What I most liked was scouring the gameworld for parts to build a Lancia Stratos to drive around just for the fun of it.

But 10 gets you 1 this will be yet another mobile-style grindfest deliberately designed to be frustrating and tedious so they can sell you workarounds for the frustration and tedium they deliberately imposed on the game. More effort goes into creating the balance between making the game bad enough to put too many people off playing it at all and good enough to put too many players off repeatedly spending money to make it less bad than goes into making the game itself. Making problems in a game and selling the solutions is seen as an easier route to more profit than making a good game.
I have a bad feeling about this one, hope I'm wrong but I can see this being a massive disappointment.

TDU1 was awesome back in the day, I put a lot of hours into that. The Forza Horizon games are decent and satisfy the open world driving game itch that I want, but they've never really managed to capture the magic of TDU. They had a certain sense of freedom whereby you never felt pressured to complete everything, do events you didn't like or even the need to have every car or unlockable. It was played at your own pace, with your own goals and desires, when you finally saved enough for a new car it meant something.

I remember the first time I played, I got the first house and car and pretty much went exploring the map for hours, I don't think I even attempted a race for a couple of days. That feeling of driving for what felt like ages, only to check your map and see that you've moved maybe 20% the length of the map, with all the roads you just passed leading off to other places as well.
TDU 1 was so good and remember us having the club on here :)

TDU 2....same, I got release day it was horrendous and never really went back to it apart from a few quick goes as 99% the time the account login just didn't work

The same team behind WRC 9 is building this with the basis of the same engine, and frankly the new WRC looks REALLY pretty and getting some good pre-release write ups. The fact one of the original TDU team is involved gives me hope too

WRC 8 was a monumental jump in quality from the earlier games in the series which were granted a complete horror story in places.

Cautiously excited is I think the term I am looking for.
Thanks for the update ShiWarrior.
As long as it has expansive maps with interesting scenery to just drive around and explore, I'm in.
Any mock social media features, I'm out. :)
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@Nothin AR12Gaming is proper annoying IMO. Him and Tomcat9700 are both the same.

Looking forward to this immensely. Getting a hint we bet our cars for pink slips watching the head to head trailer.
As long as the features from TDU1 and 2 remain I will be a happy man. I loved buying houses. Fond memories from TDU1 on Xbox 360 after school playing with randoms on the mic going up that one famous long stretch of road in the Saleen S7 and Koenigseggs. If you know the road, you know. Might have to look it up.
Jesus that guy in the second video is so freakin 'Youtube'. :rolleyes: :D

I endured about 30 seconds, just long enough to be sure that he wasn't doing anything other than talking about the trailer. I'd already watched the trailer, so I know as much about it as he does.

This is one of the very few games I'm interested in ahead of time. Usually I buy games by browsing older games on GOG and Steam. But TDU2 was special once the first couple of patches made it playable. It was one of very few driving games in which I would drive around for the fun of it rather than for some ingame purpose and the addition of houses fitted perfectly. I'm hoping they include and expand on that for TDU3. I've developed a liking for building stuff in games. TDU done well and with the ability to build your own houses and gardens would be just my cup of tea. It could fit ingame - you'd be buying land with planning permission rather than buying a prebuilt house. It could be scaled on price, like in TDU2, but based on location, plot size and the details of the planning permission.

I might even buy a microphone and interact with other players. But probably not.

I hope they don't mess it up. They look like a good fit on paper, but so did CD Projekt Red for Cyberpunk 2077 and that didn't turn out too well.
Yeah hope they don't mess it up - one of the few games I'll be looking forward to - even if it is just TDU2 with updated graphics and refinements :s

Hope they are wrong about Guernsey (or at least is isn't the only island in the game) in that video as well as that is 1/10th to 1/20th the size of the islands in the previous games.
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