Thailand develops HIV vaccine

Wow! You really took those few seconds to read the article didn't you? :rolleyes:

Look Ma! Placebo controlled trial!

SO you gave me the rolleyes, even though, without reading it I guessed the outcome?

It was shockingly obvious, when most people in the heavily infected area's don't know how you catch it, you run a test of a drug but also tell them how not to catch it, the rate of infection goes down. The drug's effectiveness is COMPLETELY unknown, we already know knowledge is the best preventative measure.

THe simple fact is that its preventable by and large, and very very treatable these days if not curable. Most people dying of it now have already had it very long term so it progressed much further before they were started on newer treatments. Treated now even after exposure the drugs can prevent infection. For instance hospital staff getting accidentally stuck by needles from patients with HIV have very low transmission rates to start with, and taking the drugs for a few months, chances of actually getting HIV is incredibly low, same would go with accidents involving open wounds and other peoples blood getting in, chances of infection are low to start with and massively lower with a few months of treatment.

Its not spread by a guy coughing on a train with it, never has been and won't be, its NOTHING like smallpox and TB, not even close to Swineflu, its a deadly disease thats not very contagious at all, you could sit in a room with 1million aids infected patients, coughing around and sweating, and not get it. If you sat in a room with 1million TB/Smallpox/swineflu people all coughing, you'd be 99.999% likely to get it.

You make and adminster vaccines for easily communicable diseases that you CAN'T prevent catching unless, you know, you stop breathing, even then we've only vaccinated en masse, easily spread diseases that are incredibly serious. We havent' vaccinated against millions of diseases because, theres simply no need. HIV is one of them.

As for what could a trillion pounds be better invested in, a clean and or renewable power source would benefit EVERYONE on the planet, prevent wars, prevent most of the worlds pollution, etc, etc, etc.

Or we could spend it on a disease, thats quite easily preventable, treatable and more than liveable with these days. Yes people in AFrica and poor countries are dying, untreated, mostly because of the infrastructure in those countries, war and greed is whats holding treatment back in those countries. In the USA/UK you've got a longer life expectancy and chance of dying old with HIV than with cancer/other diseases.
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It was shockingly obvious, when most people in the heavily infected area's don't know how you catch it, you run a test of a drug but also tell them how not to catch it, the rate of infection goes down. The drug's effectiveness is COMPLETELY unknown, we already know knowledge is the best preventative measure.

Which is - ta da - 100% completely irrelavant to this trial. They didn't compare the drug to the general population, they compared it to placebo! Both groups recieved the same advice and counselling about disease prevention, assuming it was a properly conducted trial (which seems likely) neither the people involved, nor the people delivering the drugs knew who was getting the drug and who wasn't.

Here come those rolleyes again :rolleyes:
Sorry, I should've clarified.

I was referring to illegals or those that came here with pre-existing (and expensive to treat) diseases and conditions.

Those immigrants that come here to genuinely work are fine, providing 1) They work honestly in a job a native can't fill, pay tax and integrate. 2) They do not abuse our systems and laws, 3) They do not send their earnings home (devaluing our economy), 4) They do not bring their entire extended family here (who may not work as they do) and finally 5) They respect our country, our ways and are ****** grateful.

Difficult to tick all those boxes to be honest. Natives don't even. Hence my misanthropy. Although AUS and NZ seems to agree with me for the most part.

Good post !! :D
Source please.

I can give you the names of 10 women in North Thailand who believe that you can prove you don't have HIV by drinking coconut water, because a person with HIV will break out in swollen red spots over their body.

So now you have quotes from two people who have spoken directly with Thai women about HIV.
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I'm not sure if it's been mentioned yet in this thread (skim read) but this study has yet to be published, so I wouldn't personally read too much into the results yet.
I personally think that this study is a little flawed...

What if it's just a coincidence?

Were all people invovled forced to have sex with somebody who is HIV positive?
Utter horse****. Anyone can contract it. Tell me you don't go to a nightclub hoping to get laid with someone you don't know.

And here's the thing - condoms are NOT 100% effective against preventing the contraction of STD's.

Some of you people clearly have very little experience of sex related matters.

Judging from the emotional tirade, personal insults and general lack of common sense in your posts, I'm guessing:

a.) You're just very simple
b.) You know someone with HIV/AIDS

Either way, can't expect a useful contribution from you can we?
Judging from the emotional tirade, personal insults and general lack of common sense in your posts, I'm guessing:

a.) You're just very simple
b.) You know someone with HIV/AIDS

Either way, can't expect a useful contribution from you can we?

Do you disagree with anything in particular with the post you quoted, or was that a blatant attempt at trolling?
There's too many people on the planet as it is. Why would you want to wipe it out?

Although if you are actually making that as a serious suggestion you're killing the wrong people.
If you want there to be enough resources to go around you need to start killing westerners not the randoms in africa ;)

evey person in a developed country you kill you free up much more resources than hundreds you kill in Africa.

I assume you will be volunteering for the first culling? :)
I believe the figure was published in new scientist some months back.

It is based on the fact that current goods are great at stopping transmission of the infection so if everyone with HIV was on the drug and took it exactly when they had to the virus would stop spreading and eventually be wiped out.
I believe the figure was published in new scientist some months back.

It is based on the fact that current goods are great at stopping transmission of the infection so if everyone with HIV was on the drug and took it exactly when they had to the virus would stop spreading and eventually be wiped out.
Utter crock of ****.

If everyone took the anti-HIV drugs after infection (you're talking ~40 million people+), the selection pressure on the virions would be unbelievable. HIV evolves around 32,000x faster than we do. It'd be a ticking time bomb. You're talking a turnover of of 10^9 to 10^10 virions every day, with a mutation rate of ~3x10^-5 per nucleotide per replication. In English: for every day you get many, many, many variants of HIV in one patient. In one day. This is exagerated when you have a single cell being infected by more than one of these strains, so you get cross-strains and so on. Just ONE of those virions needs to mutate to drug resistance and if that survives, you're chuffed.

Maraviroc (for instance), is a good drug, but not suitable for everyone (based on receptor heterogeneity) and not perfect. Resistance strains in the populace = useless drug.
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Smallpox also had all those things going for it. We managed there.

Not saying it'll necessarily translate, but it may be possible.
Smallpox also had all those things going for it. We managed there.

Not saying it'll necessarily translate, but it may be possible.
Not really comparible. Smallpox hasn't undergone the seem recombination. It's 1000s of years old. So are retroviruses, but they mutate. A bloody lot.

Also, smallpox (prefentially) invades skin cells and is cytoplasmic. HIV invades immune cells such (CD4+ T cells, macrophages & microglials). Eventually this obliterates the immune system. It's very neat if you think about it.
There will just be another disease to kill off the weak.

How about castration, that would be a good cure for the third world countries that have aids. As my mate said, line the men up and get an aerosol can and flamethrower to the knackers
Not really comparible. Smallpox hasn't undergone the seem recombination. It's 1000s of years old. So are retroviruses, but they mutate. A bloody lot.

RNA retroviruses mutate more, but even dsDNA virus mutate a **** of a lot. A bigger difference is the length of time the virus persists in the hosts; years of kicking around is a long time to establish mutational forms.

So, yeah, I'll agree HIV is probably worse, but this doesn't mean it's impossible*.

* - in theory, if not in practice.
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